Zhan Yue

Chapter 516: Means of the Fire Queen


In troubled times, Fengxian swallowed his saliva with a "gudong" and said, "Fuck, Sura, Queen of the Fire Demon, is here too. She is the top five king, we still have time to escape now!"

The Dawn of Purgatory held a red bow, looked at the figure of the Queen of Fire in the air, and said lightly: "It seems...it is indeed necessary. Let's go head-to-head with this level of BOSS. It's like moths fighting the fire!"


I nodded: "But we can back up a little bit, there is no need to run away."

Master Yan did not attack and laughed: "Perhaps if you go too late for a while, it's not a runaway, but a hastily fleeing!"

Lin Xi smiled faintly: "It's a good literary not to attack the leader~~~"

I also laughed. Actually, at this time, I can't wait for a dagger to kill the **** if Yanshi does not attack. During this period of time, he has brought people from the Promise Guild to suppress our deer, once in the unicorn forest, once in the Yunhai Tiangong, Yan This guy is definitely a person who is willing to do everything for the benefit of the guild.


As a result, a group of us slowly retreated, trying to leave the most intense battlefield area.

And at this moment, Xuanyuanying in the air had already recovered, and the whole body was surging with the flaming golden dragon pattern airflow, the whole person looked handsome and handsome, like a god, just looking at Fire Demon Queen Sura with bare hands, and laughed: " Fire Queen, are you sure you can kill me?"

"Yes it is."

The corner of Fire Demon Queen Sura's mouth raised, and her figure turned into a fire scar and disappeared in place in the next second. Then a "huh" appeared from above Xuanyuanying's head, a sword wrapped in a strong flame and struck Xuanyuan. should.


Xuanyuan Ying shouted in a low voice, raised his hand to split it, and the golden light turned into a sharp dragon claw.


The sword intent and palm strength shattered together, but Xuanyuanying's strength was obviously inferior, and he was shaken back a few steps. As soon as he flew back, the Fire Demon Queen raised her hand, and strands of flames lingered like silk. Attached to Xuanyuanying's palm, for an instant, Xuanyuanying's entire arm burst into flames, burning his brows tightly back hundreds of meters.

"what happened!?"

With a low cry, he urged Gu Longqi to disperse the flames: "Devil Head, what kind of fire are you!?"


Fire Queen Sura stepped on her slender snow legs and walked between heaven and earth, her beautiful eyes filled with the brilliance of watching everything, and she smiled and said, "Xuanyuanying, you are only the emperor of the human race after all, a man in the area. Emperor, do you really think you have an insight into the real power between heaven and earth? Tell you, everything you use, including the so-called true dragon technique, is just a medium power in the universe, and this king... The flame is the upper flame, you will never understand."


In the next second, the Fire Demon Queen disappeared suddenly, appeared in front of Xuanyuan Ying instantly, and slashed with a lightning-like sword!


With blood swaying into the sky, Xuanyuanying's body flew out, and there was a horrified sword mark on his chest. Bone was deeply visible, and blood was splashed. Under this blow, Xuanyuanying's breath dropped abruptly, presumably this sword must be Quite fatal, otherwise it wouldn't be so!



In troubled times, Fengxian was taken aback for a moment: "Emperor Longwu was second!?"


I took a dagger and flew forward for a few steps, and said, "Don't expect to retake the wilderness in this battle. If you can protect the main NPC and return to Yunding Mountain safely, even if we win!"


Lin Xi also followed up with his sword, and immediately afterwards, Feng Canghai, Yanshi did not attack, the Dawn of Purgatory, and Floating Life Wanren were rushed over one by one.


"His Majesty!"

In the air, the wind suddenly came in one step, and the scroll of Tianlei swept across, turning into strands of thunder-filled text that lay between the sky and the earth. At the same time, he leaned over and picked up the seriously injured Xuanyuan Ying, and roared: "Guards of the Xuanyuan Empire Your Majesty, cover, withdraw to Yundingshan, hurry!"

"Want to go?"

In the air, Fire Demon Queen Sura's smile was quite ferocious, and she smiled: "The wind doesn't smell, you still want to block this king because of your insignificance?"

As she said, she made a sharp sword, and with a loud noise, she directly pierced the power of the Tianlei scroll, and at the same time, the sword aura blasted straight on the body that the wind did not hear, and suddenly the wind did not smell the blood and spit out. Taking Xuanyuanying and falling on the ground together, a deep pit was smashed with "Peng", and the bodies of the two fell and flew out again.

"Die to this king, you human ants!"

The Fire Demon Queen flew over and stood at a height of about 30 meters. She raised her sword and burst into flames all over her body!

"You save someone, I'll stop her!"

I suddenly rushed out, the Star Soul burst and the Shadow Transformation were activated together. At the same time, the ladder cloud technique was activated. The golden light flowed under my feet, and the "Papa Papa" leaped three times in a row and rushed to the front of the Fire Demon Queen. Raising the Seven Star Sword against her trembling chest was a gouge attack!


The Fire Queen was stunned in an instant. My luck was pretty good, but in the next second, her stun effect was relieved, and her beautiful eyes were full of anger: "You kid again, die for this king!"

She suddenly raised her hand, and a sword full of flame broke through the wind.

I opened the eyes of the ten-pointed fire wheel all the way, seeing it really, and hurriedly the shadow leaped and jumped behind me, "Peng" turned into a shadow streamer and penetrated the body of the fire demon queen, and gave her a back stab. It's a pity that the attributes are very different. This time the backstab only dealt 3000+ points of damage, so it didn't hurt at all.


The moment the Flame Divine Sword swept through the air, and the moment it hit MISS, the Fire Demon Queen became even more embarrassed and angry, but I glanced at it and found that Yanshi did not attack and the troubled times were the first to be one person, and Xuanyuanying and the wind did not smell on the horseback. Under the cover of Lin Xi, Purgatory Dawn and others, they are galloping away. If 90% can be achieved, they will all be able to save this time!

In ancient times, no matter how great the credit is, it is not enough to save them. If they are also NPCs, I am afraid they will be sealed this time!


"Little bastard, die for this king!"

Sura screamed, and at the moment when I stomped my feet in the air, a burst of flame storm hit me, and I could only put my arms across my chest, and the whole person was shocked with a "puff" sound, and the blood dropped by 20W+. Fortunately, Under the effect of Shadow Transformation + Star Soul Burst, my total vitality is as high as 80W, which can be regarded as a peculiar PVE confrontation among players. It is almost impossible to kill me instantly!


In the air, Sura roared, she appeared above, a pair of combat boots slammed on my abdomen, there was a loud noise, another 18W+ loss of vitality and blood, and I fell. The earth, at the moment it touched the ground, the effect of the ladder cloud technique was still there, the body rolled, and the feet stepped on the void, just like this, it rushed out.


Behind him, a flaming sword mark pierced through, even if I was slow for a second, I would be divided by this sword.

"Can you go away?!"

Sura bit her silver teeth, raised the blade, and said, "The creatures between heaven and earth, I pour into your body with flames, listen to my orders!"

In an instant, the jungle and grass in front of me were covered with a faint flame of light. An extremely strange thing happened. A large swath of grass and jungle turned into beasts and crossed the escape route in front of me, attacking the past together.


Sura stood proudly in the air and sneered: "The power of high-level flames can fit all the lives of the mortal realm, I am afraid that you like ants will not understand this life!"

"The plants are all soldiers!"

Before she laughed, I directly raised my hand and shouted at the flame trees and vines flying in front of me: "Give me way!"


These plants that were originally controlled by Sura have been transformed into my younger brothers, who swung their weapons and rushed towards Sura. Suddenly, the face of the Queen of the Fire Demon turned green: "You kid, this king swears. I want to kill you!"


At this moment, a group of Human Race NPCs rushed to Sura, raising their weapons and rushing towards Sura. Some of them shouted, "Block the Queen of Fire Demon, and help me quickly!"

"A group of cannon fodder..."

The Queen of Fire Demon squinted her eyes and swept out with a sword, and suddenly "Hong" set off a wave of flames that soared into the sky, directly burning a group of human soldiers in front of them to ashes, but in the flames, a battle holding a frost shield Rushing horses out of the sea of ​​fire, the frost inscriptions on the shields continue to fly, turning into frost and disintegrating the surrounding flame power, so that they rushed to the front of the Fire Demon Queen one by one.


He leaped up suddenly, a sword slashed towards the Fire Demon Queen, and the whole body's vindictive spirit continued to erupt, causing the surrounding space to be seriously distorted.

"Only you!?"

Sura's eyes were cold, and she rushed out with a "swish". Before the opponent's offensive had fallen, she countered, and the throat of this celebrity warrior was held by one of five fingers. Mingming Sura's figure was much smaller than him. , But Sura’s five-finger control made this NPC warlord immobile!


A group of soldiers wearing golden armor flew over and shouted, "Girl devil, let go of my lord!"

At this moment, I saw the name of the NPC just now. It was Hu Yanning, Marquis of Wuqu, one of the twelve princes of the empire!

But this was the last time I saw him.

"What prince!"

Under the absolute force of crushing ~lightnovelpub.net~ Fire Queen Sura has five fingers and one hand, and the sound of "Pap Pap Pap" is endless. In a blink of an eye, Wu Quhou Hu Yanning's head was picked from her body. Going down, as the blood splashed, Sura raised her hand and threw her head out, sneered and said, "I want you to be a monarch, and I will give it back to you!"


A group of Terran warriors were dumbfounded, and their faces were full of grief and indignation.


The flames skyrocketed, and they failed to avenge their princes, and the fierce methods of the Fire Demon Queen could not allow them to leave alive.


"Retreat, all retreat, cover the retreat of your majesty and the prime minister, hurry!"

In the distance, someone was yelling, but the Twilight Blade Tallinn in the sky was still carrying the sword of dawn, hunting and killing the strong in the human race everywhere. His eyes suddenly fell on a figure, and that figure stepped on it. The head of a ground digger was shattered, and flames lingered around his body. As soon as his palm was released, the image of a flame Suzaku flew up, blasting the head of the other ground digger into ashes.

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