Zhutian Avenue

v1 Chapter 157: Unparalleled physique!



The sound of thunder bursts rang through the top of the mountain, just like the rain of a dragon king, a masterpiece of thunder.

It seemed that the sound of thousands of knife and gun collisions sounded at once, and the turbulent gust of wind blasted into the sky, as if going through the clouds above the sky.

Sensen Hanguang cracked the ground, and the mountains and rocks on the top of the mountain that have experienced countless years of wind and rain have cracked and shattered, and the dust and smoky dust rising instantly are as high as curtains.

People moving?


Knife movement?

For a time, many people watching the battle on the top of the mountain only felt dazzled, and between the roaring weather and the current, only the sound of the collision of gold and iron was heard, and no figure was even visible.

Only being guarded by everyone, Lan Da and Zhao Changlin sitting cross-legged could see clearly.

In the tumultuous wind of swordsmanship, that An Qisheng wrapped his long lance like a dragon, and the infinite gun shadow wandered around him like a dragon, fighting against both Tuoba Chongguang and Xue Chaoyang with a single force.

The hearts of them were inexplicable.

Is the magical power of the demon genie so incredible that it can cause such a terrible power to erupt in a master who has never had a great pulse?

An Qisheng did not succeed.

This is very clear to the two.

What shocked the two of them was that An Qisheng's physical inhumanity was able to step on a few feet of stone when he stepped on it. When he was in front of the body, he could break the knife light flow!

With their ears, they could even hear the sound of blood flowing in his body.

How strong is this?

"An Qisheng ..."

Zhao Yanyan held both knives and his complexion was complex.

She had nothing to do with An Qi. Later, she did not divulge information about him, only because she disdain to yield to the six doors.

Later, when he learned of his identity, he had a killing intention in his heart.

However, I did not expect that if Dongmen, who was sent by Mingmen University, succumbed to the six doors, the entire 'devil head' would stand up at the critical moment.

"These two are weaker than I thought ..."

The spear was like a dragon spattering the sword, An Qisheng looked calm, but his thoughts turned back.

He has not played against the masters of Qimai, but he has dreamed of Tongzhengyang, knowing that Tongzhengyang is much stronger than these two men in terms of physical fitness.

As a result, the pressure he was under at this time was not as great as others thought.

With the exchange of blood, the Long Yin iron cloth shirt that he once practiced, and the tiger bell golden bell cover have naturally been completed, and the film has been formed. At the same time, the sword is difficult to hurt, and it can withstand stronger explosive power and stronger tolerance force.

There was a tremendous horror of power between his punches and his feet, and the existence of the membrane could withstand the infuriating impact of the two men.

No matter how fierce and overbearing the qi of the body is, it will spread to the whole body membrane at the instant of the body.

Therefore, unless there is a vigor and vitality that crushed him, the vitality of Qi will not exist for him.

"How is that possible! How is it possible!"

Xue Chaoyang's heart trembled, the bigger and more shocked.

Of course, the big blue spectators Zhao Changlin can see, they will naturally not see.

A person who doesn't even condense his pulse can be so strong by his physical strength alone?

Under the impact of their infuriation, the cold iron must be broken, and the physical bodies have no infuriating buffer. Why can they resist their infuriation?

Tuoba Zhongguang is also dignified.

Not only is that person immune to their true energy, but an invisible force often reaches their bodies when they collide with lances.

Although there is no hindrance to the running of Qi, their bodies are stinging.

Although their stings are not very useful in their physique, if they accumulate, their movements are a little slow, and they are afraid to die in that person's hands.


After a collision, the two backed together, exposing each other after inadvertently looking at each other.

The two have been together for decades, and although they have rarely joined forces, they do not lack tacit understanding.

Slightly looking at each other, the two have reached a consensus in their hearts, and even if they are seriously injured, they must leave this devil!

This level has been reached in just two months. If you give him time, isn't it a scumbag?


The roar of endless killing exploded.

Xue Chaoyang and Tuoba Zhongguang stepped forward again.

The faces of both men were flushed, and the blood vessels in the body were almost cracked, which was the result of the burst of true Qi overload in the body!

The Mystery of the Six Doors: Seven Stars Breaking the Sun!

This secret method is a six-door secretive fighting method. Its name is seven stars, and naturally there are seven outbreaks of different degrees.

Ordinary catch fast can earn one star, but the two of them can earn six stars!

The six stars are turned on, and the whole body can burst out instantly to achieve six times the usual attack power!


The sound of the knife was thunderous, the light of the knife shouted!

Sen Sen Dao Guang, one white and one black, under the full urging of the two, crossed dozens of fierce swords and knives like a vicious dragon, and a fierce wolf raged into the sky.

Powerful and mighty!

铮铮 铮铮 ~~~

Where the knife light passes, all the air currents, earth and stones, splashing sand, and even the sky gun shadow are instantly scattered, and are completely cut into small things that are invisible to the naked eye!

Under the full force of the two masters, thoroughly revealed the strength of the innate masters of Qimai Dacheng.

Just for a moment, many martial arts people on the top of Tianyu Mountain felt cold all over the body, as if they had an invisible sword and body. They couldn't help getting dark before, just thinking that they would be beheaded on the spot the next moment!

Even Lan Da and Zhao Changlin have changed their looks!

Just by the sidelines, there is already such a mighty power. How great power should An Qisheng bear first?

Whirring ~~~

In the turbulent howling wind, An Qisheng stood on the top of the mountain, and his two spears shot at the ground.

His complexion was ancient, enough to tear the iron stones and pierce his clothes, but he couldn't shake his body.

At the time of Dao Mang's masterpiece, his body suddenly became tight, and the blue tendons visible to the naked eye exploded, as if a large bow in his body was suddenly pulled to the full moon.

"It's a good knife, unfortunately ..."

There was a sigh of sigh, and suddenly he stepped under his feet.


The hilltops seemed to be shaking at this moment.

The earth cracked, and the rubble splashed it. The earth within a few yards seemed to be collapsed by An Qisheng!


At this moment, even the past and present, the earth, and all the masters who are proficient in this way on the mysterious star, the great master must admire An Qisheng's shocking foot.

With his unparalleled strength, he has reached the pinnacle of any boxer in this way!

At the moment of the footsteps, An Qisheng's whole body was tightened to the limit.

Bumble Bumble Bumble ~~~

It seemed as if the long bows that were curved like a full moon were released at once, and the sound of bowstring vibrations burst out through it.


Step on!

Press the gun!


The gun is like a dragon!

Woo ~

In the endless blast, the spear seemed to disappear instantly.

There is no sound of breaking wind, no tearing of tears, and no even Mori guns!

At this moment, Zhang Erhan's iron spear seemed to disappear!

Even Lan Da, Zhao Changlin, and even the Tuoba Guangguang who came waving a long sword, Xue Chaoyang, all lost the trace of that spear!

It was as if the spear penetrated the space in an instant!

Xue Chaoyang and Tuoba Zhongguang's hearts jumped at the same time, feeling a great crisis flashing in their hearts!

"not good!"

Tuoba Chongguang's heart suddenly became cold, and in his eyes, he saw a snow-white light like a supernatural dragon!

The beautiful light filled his entire world in an instant.

too fast!

too fast!

Tuoba's eyes were dazzling, and blood arrows spewed out of his eyes.


Under the great crisis of life and death, Tuoba shouted loudly and shouted loudly, and the raging anger was rushing out!

The outbreak was too rapid. It was just an instant that Tuoba Chongguang's whole body was red. This was the skin, and even countless small blood vessels were torn by Qi.


Paying such a great price, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the huge body of Tuoba's heavy light suddenly appeared a huge shield of anger visible to the naked eye!


The next moment, the spear fell like Changhong.

It only took a moment to pierce the long nine-foot sword, the raging and violent howling wind.

Through that huge air mask, pierce Tuoba's light!


At almost the same time, Xue Chaoyang accurately understood An Qisheng's purpose.

The same roar.

Then, his darkened sword light, which had long been extinct, accelerated even more.

The black and white knife light crisscrossed like an ogre wolf from top to bottom, rushing to An Qisheng who will pierce Tuoguang with a gun!

To force him back!

However, An Qisheng was unconscious, and speared himself.

His arm dangled from his side, but leaned back like a boneless snake.

When the bone joint exploded, the plump and crystalline, like the world's most crystalline and beautiful jade palm spread out!


It just came out with one palm, and the endless turbulent air seemed to hit the iron wall at once, making a rushing and terrifying collision sound.

Under this palm, all the airflow behind An Qisheng was blown up and became a complete vacuum!

Suddenly, Xue Chaoyang seemed to see a fierce portal that was suddenly out of the sky before seeing the fierce sword sword light burst out from him. It was an ancient portal that was desolate and unshakable!

The portal was as deep as the starry sky and swallowed all his sword light.

What's more, an indescribably huge attraction suddenly erupted, and his body speed that had hit the high speed even skyrocketed.

The moth flew into the huge portal!

Uh ~

A cracking jingle sounded in everyone's hearts ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Then the wave of terror burst overwhelmed everything.


It seemed that a number of shells had exploded, and countless earth and stones splashed it, soaring around the sky and covering the sky.

A figure flew upside down, flying out of the dozens of feet in the spraying sky, and almost fell off the cliff under several rolls in the air!

The smoke dissipated. On the top of the mountain that was already three feet short, An Qisheng stood with a gun. At the end of the second spear, Tuoba's light and burly body was tall and straight.

Suddenly crucified in the air!

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