Zhutian Avenue

v1 Chapter 167: Make yourself a black hole!

What is Heaven and Earth Reiki?

This is an issue that An Qisheng has been thinking about since training.

Is the essence of the sun and the moon?

Spirit of mountains and rivers?

Or the omnipresent magnetic field between heaven and earth? Life energy?

At this time, An Qisheng is unknown at this time, but he knows that the world of Jiufu Realm is full of auras.

These auras nourish all things and give birth to spirit and spirituality.

And it helps to improve the essence.

The spirit grass, strange beasts, and even some rare ore in this world all contain many auras.

Their composition may not be more complicated than ordinary objects, but the infusion of aura has become a completely different thing.

And people are also here.

It is just that those who possess wisdom want more than passive acceptance of plant animal minerals.

The practice of martial arts in the Jiufu Realm, from grinding the body, condensing internal forces, true energy, Qi pulse, and even **** pulse, is the blend of the human body and heaven and earth.

In the whole process, the ascension of the flesh is secondary, and the amount of aura in heaven and earth is the path they are after.

As for himself, the existence of this aura allowed him to see the road ahead of the mysterious star.

The existence of internal force alone made his physique possess a physical physique that Xuan Xing Ancient has never been able to compare to the past.

After ‘holding the holy fetus’ and exchanging blood, his physique has reached a certain peak.

Although he hasn't really played against each other, but in terms of physical fitness, Xuan Xing has never been stronger.

Even if he sees God, it is impossible to reach his physical strength at this time.

This is only the effect of internal forces.

Internal force, in the final analysis, is just that people in this world live in the heaven and earth aura for a long time. Over time, they are refined from their own lives and contain the gentle aura of their unique imprint.

How about real heaven and earth aura?

The few Qimai strong men he has seen have experienced physical torture, most of them focus on the practice of true Qi, but even so, their physical body is also extremely tyrannical.

"So-called unique, but that's it."

An Qisheng felt something.

Xuan Xing has countless days of ancient times, and there are abounding talents in the world. However, because of the limitation of the heavens and the earth, even a thousand-year-old sage, such as Wang Yangming, cannot escape the fence of heaven and earth.

This is a different world.

What if they came here?

An Qisheng knew in his heart that it was not how powerful he was to be able to reach the present level from a dying old Taoist in just a few months.

But adhering to the shade of the predecessors, standing on the shoulders of giants.

In a world without aura of heaven and earth, countless days of research on the subtleties of the flamboyant human beings from ancient to modern times are by no means comparable to the warriors in the long-awaited realm.

This has nothing to do with talent, understanding, but only with the environment.

Born in Dafu's house, you won't be able to spend half of your penny in half.

The fusion of two different but complementary martial arts systems will never bring one plus one to two.



Parting a minute of thought to carry the energy and blood, An Qisheng instantly dreamed into himself.

Began to try one by one, many auras and their own internal forces combined with the condensed true energy and their own fit.

First of all, it is the spirit of the big day.

The dragon and tiger pure yang exercises practiced by Zhengyang are the first-class secret qi method of the world, and it is the pure yang qi that guides the day sun pure yang aura to sink into the body and form a meeting with its own vitality.

Many of the qi condensing methods he has collected, and the pure yang qi is second only to the two qi condensing methods recorded in Tianyi's Spiritual Sutra and Ferris Wheel.

Compared to Xue Chaoyang, Tuoba Chongguang, Zhao Changlin, Lan Da, Feng Zhen Zong, and many other masters of Qi Qi, they are even better.

Unfortunately, this Dragon Tiger Pure Yang Gong is not completely consistent with the Taibai Jijing of the subsequent Qimai Dacheng, and the light-enhanced Qi training method of practicing internal force.

So that Tong Zhengyang arrived and later wanted to make up for it.

Dream, the inn.

An Qi was born into the dream, and after a slight induction, he drew a hot breath between the heavens and the earth from his eyebrows.


Like swallowing coal, the body was hot.

However, his physique is far better than any warrior in this world before condensing the true energy, so that the process of letting other warriors be close to the enemy is not natural for him.

With his current physique, he can swallow a magma and it won't cause much damage, let alone a great day aura that is far from the world.

When the thoughts move, the internal force rises, like the water rushes to attract this heaven and earth aura.

Reiki is like fire, and internal force is like water.

Between the confluence of water and fire, he only felt a sink in his belly, and it seemed that a seed was slowly forming between the inner circle of true energy.

"Chunyang is really overbearing ..."

After An Qisheng slightly sensed, he still shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, I still mean something ..."

Many auras are different between heaven and earth, and their physical constitutions are also different. If the condensed internal force and aura are not completely compatible, it will affect the progress of cultivation and the formation of Qi pulse.

This is also the reason why many amazing students are brilliant, and the disciples they receive are extremely diligent, but it is often difficult to achieve the achievements of the teachers.

What suits you is the best.

However, once this process is started, the differences are found, but there is no room for remorse.

Not everyone has countless opportunities to try.

Turning his thoughts, An Qisheng began to try again.

"The pure yang qi doesn't work ... the grassy qi doesn't mean anything ... the golden qi doesn't work ..."

Try again and again in your dreams.

Time and again the reiki comes into the body, looking for the reiki that best fits with itself.

Outside, time is passing, the sunset is high in the mountains, and the red moon is high, and it is already midnight.

At one moment, An Qisheng opened his eyes suddenly.

There seemed to be lightning flashing in the void, and the dim room was instantly bright.

The walls and the house seemed to be absent from An Qisheng's eyes. In his light, there was a faint reflection of the boundless night sky hanging seven red moons.

The dim starlight was inconspicuous under the reflection of crimson moonlight.

But in the eyes of An Qisheng at this time, the endless starlight dazzled more than any light.

What he saw was not starlight.

The star aura is not different from other auras mixed between heaven and earth, or in other words, the star aura is originally classified into other auras.

Sun Moon Aura, isn't it Star Aura?

The star aura is the most complicated aura in the world, and it itself represents all auras.

Those who can fit with the aura of the stars will fit with any aura of heaven and earth. An Qisheng naturally does not have such a great blessing.

What he noticed was the light itself.


An Qisheng muttered to himself.

Is light itself an aura in this long floating world?

In a mysterious star, the essence of light is a stream of photons in a specific frequency band, which emits light because the electrons in the light source get extra energy.

Is light also aura?

An Qisheng did not think too much about whether the basic rules of the two worlds are the same, and if they are different, what is different.

He is a practitioner and not a scientist.

Thinking too much makes no sense.



Many thoughts turn just for a moment.

The five-hearted An Qisheng breathing changed its rhythm until it remained at a very strange frequency.

A ray of intangible, but real, aura was poured from his brow.

Without the scorching heat of the Great Sun Aura, without the coldness of Yuehua, and without the sharp edge of gold ......... but the internal force in his body reacted extremely violently.

The blood seemed to boil completely.

After the fusion of the internal force and the aura, it was like a big stone falling into the water, making a sound like a real 'Grun'.

In the abdomen, the seeds of true qi begin to condense.

A wonderful feeling that fits with the spirit, blends with water and milk, fills the whole body and soul.

At this moment, An Qisheng's mood was a little lost.

This feeling seems to complement the shortcomings of life and find the most important things. For a moment, the change of body is not as good as the touch of the mind.

It took a long time for An Qisheng to return to God.

With a slight induction, he was slowly turning in his stomach, as if the lights were flashing.

"If it is done step by step without the aid of elixir, this process will take at least ten months to condense the Qi pulse ..."

An Qisheng's mind turned.

There are two important points in condensing the seeds of true Qi, one is the strength of its internal force, and the other is the efficiency of attracting heaven and earth.

With his current physique, it is needless to say that the efficiency of attracting heaven and earth aura is natural, but the internal force is his short board.

In just five or six months, even with the aid of elixir, his own internal force is far more efficient than ordinary people, but it is only comparable to that before Wang Quandao was captured.

However, he had already prepared for this matter. During this one-month period, while visiting many martial arts, he also exchanged silver tickets, gold, silver, and jewellery for many elixir spares.

With a moment of thought, the elixir that had already been prepared automatically bounced off the cuffs, and the corks fell off. Each elixir seemed to have life and jumped into his mouth.

The hot air in the abdomen is billowing, and the internal force handling efficiency has increased dramatically.


An Qisheng, under the pressure of soaring internal forces, slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the pores in his body were spreading out with his breathing completely, as if the mouths were wide, welcoming the arrival of heaven and earth.


An Qisheng's body shook ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ With his current physique, this turbulent aura of heaven and earth still shocked him.

Fortunately, I have already tried it in my dreams, and I was prepared to resist this aura.

The outside world, along with his actions, has also undergone tremendous changes.

The dimly lit room suddenly fell into total darkness!

As if the light had completely disappeared.

If someone was paying attention at all times, it would be found that the room had completely disappeared in sight.

No gaze seemed to be able to pass through that complete darkness, as if even the gaze was completely absorbed by the existence in that room.

Like a black hole.

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