Zhutian Avenue

v1 Chapter 20: Spend money like running water

The forum was lively. The post was posted for a minute and it was quickly posted. The response was overwhelming.

"Who will take this task?"

Luan Qisheng was also curious.

任务 The task pick-up on the Law Enforcer Forum is completely anonymous, and unless you explode it yourself, no one will know who picked it up.

He kept scrolling. There were various speculations in the post. Some guessed that they were god-level grand masters, and some guessed that they were masters of the military. There was no reason to justify them.

"It seems that there is no conclusion."

Luan Qisheng shook his head to withdraw from the post, turning over the tasks one by one.

The law enforcement martial arts deserves to be dubbed the existence of six doors. The mission of this forum is not only to hunt down wanted people, to look at past mission records, but also to have official missions such as rescue and disaster relief, protection of key personnel, and anti-crime activities.

Of course, there are also personal tasks to find sparring.

As long as you have points, it is not impossible to find a strong person to practice.

积分 In this forum, points are more useful than money.

Unfortunately, the task is not easy to complete, An Qisheng just wrote down the information above, and then browsed some uploaded videos on the forum.

These videos are all popular boxing techniques, not including the true story, but there are some hidden tips. The fees are charged instead of points, but big coins.

Any boxing skill has his own unique place. An Qisheng is immersed in it and also has a lot of gains.

Didi ~

At this time, news was heard in the personal center of the forum.

Jian An Qisheng opened, it was a message that the points were credited.


Wu Anqisheng glanced at the remarks, but it was Wang Zhixuan who posted the task separately:

"Teach the essentials of Wang Anfeng's Eight-pole Boxing, the mission time is three months (300 points, the reward has been paid)"

"This woman ..."

Luan Qisheng shook her head, this woman was urging him to go to Modu.

There is no way to return the points, An Qisheng is not arrogant, he directly receives the points, and bought a few bottles of strong wine.

"Eating New Year's Eve!"

Time came lingeringly late at night, and in the living room, Madam shouted.

"Got it."

An Qisheng closed the computer.

跨 In the living room, the New Year's Eve party is on the TV, and Mother is busy carrying all kinds of delicious, and my father brings out the treasured wine.

The mood is much better this year than last year's sorrow after An Qi got sick.

来 "Come on, my grandpa have two drinks."

Luan Jianzhong waved and poured An Qisheng a glass of wine.

"My son is not well, you dare let him drink?"

My mother stared.

"Drink two cups, mom."

Qi Anqisheng smiled, sat down, and drank with his father.

In the past year when I got sick, the pressure on An An's heart was not less than that of An An.

I can't help but drink a lot this time.

Luan Qisheng only drank two or three glasses. He was so drunk that he lay on the sofa and slept.

"I knew to drink!"

Bian An's mother pinched her husband in a hate and called An Qisheng to help him to the bedroom together.

She is one meter nine, and weighs two hundred pounds. It is impossible for her to help him alone.

After accompany her mother to watch the New Year's Eve party, An Qisheng returned to the bedroom.

Undressed and went to bed, closed his eyes and dreamed, and realized Wang Honglin's state of holding Dan.

Sentences are not achieved overnight, and he can not directly grasp the essence of Baodan in one step, but the daily insights always allow him to get more things.

I realized that Master Dan ’s boxing skills were more for him. Before I practiced some things that I did n’t understand, I gradually understood and understood them.

The next day at more than three in the morning, the father and mother in the next room had already started to dress and wash.

It is Xing Cheng's habit to celebrate New Year's Day.

After his parents went out, An Qisheng also got up. During this period, he had developed a rest schedule.

After washing, she walked down the yard, and began to do morning exercises under the light of snow.

The saying that martial arts practice one day at a time and do not practice one hundred days a day is an exaggeration, but it also shows that the key to martial arts practice is hard work.



Whistling fist roared.

In Yingying Ying's snow, his feet stayed on the bluestone slab, such as wading in the mud, his body was loose, his spirit was soothing, and he slowly practiced the eight poles.

Eight poles frame is the essence of eight poles. The big frame is the child and the small frame is the mother.

Points, that is, single training, combined, that is, doubles. The shape is two, but in reality it is one.

If someone who knows martial arts is watching, you can see that An Qisheng ’s body, boxing, and walking are all straight.

Qi is the center, his fist is the center, stepping center, beating the center!

Take me as the center and punch eight poles!


A few fists passed by, An Qisheng suddenly stomped his feet, turned his back and elbow, united, and punched like a gun, stirred the air, and issued a firecracker-like explosion!


With a punch, An Qisheng sweated and sweated all over his body. He slowly exhaled and closed his fist.

He Mingming, he already had it, but he couldn't make that sound after getting sick.

I now play, it means that his body has recovered to a year ago.

"After raising for nearly two months, I finally made up for a year of deficits."

Luan Qisheng stood in the snow, and rippled in her heart.

The sickness came down like a mountain, and the sickness went like a shred. This year, his weak bones were almost empty, and he made up for it in two months.

He looked up slightly, and at this moment dawn dawn, the sky was gradually bright.

开始 Beginning of the new year, a new life is about to begin.

Uh ...

On the outskirts of Xingcheng, An Qisheng's villa.

Crackling ~

A tall man rubs medicinal liquor, and his thick palms slap on An Qisheng's shoulders.

The man was physically fit and had good hands. An Qisheng was lying on the bed, and he could feel the heat flowing between his shoulders and back.

"Brother Liu's craftsmanship is truly a must."

A moment later, An Qisheng put on his clothes and sighed.

"I ate it with my hands. UU reads www.uukanshu.com"

Liu Xian was sitting on the sofa, and his face was content with contentment: "Jiang, bone, massage acupuncture, I can count Liu Xian in Daxuan."

"Not cheap, a hundred points."

Wu Anqisheng pretended to sigh.

显 Liu Xian was the massage master he invited from Xuanjing for 100 yuan for two months after he started practicing iron cloth shirts.

"One hundred points for the introduction of iron shirts, it is very cost-effective. Although my medicine is expensive, it is also worth the money."

显 Liu Xian smiled and was a little surprised.

It is not so easy to get started with hard work such as iron cloth shirts. Ordinary people have the aid of medicine and wine for more than half a year.

And this An Qisheng iron cloth shirt seems to be more than just getting started.

"That's true too, unfortunately, points are so rare."

Wu Anqisheng sighed.

The three hundred points that Wang Zhixuan gave away were spent more than two months.

"Can't help spending points! If money can be exchanged for points, that would be great."

This sentence touched Liu Xian. He has billions of dollars. If not for points, how could he go to Xingcheng to give An Qisheng a massage for two months?

"It's getting late, I have to rush back to Xuanjing and leave now."

I sighed, Liu Xian got up and left:

"Next time I come to Xuanjing, my brother will be the East and treat you well."

"Liu is very polite."

Luan Qisheng got up to see each other and watched Liu Xian drive away before turning back.

Beep ~

Before Qi went to the living room, An Qisheng's cell phone rang.

"Brother An Xue, where is your home? I'm here in Xingcheng!"

As soon as the connect button was pressed, Wang Anfeng roared angrily over the phone.