Zhutian Avenue

v1 Chapter 85: Shake the mountain!

In a small hill forest on the edge of the beautiful flowery sea, dozens of people travel through the forest, each looking for a hiding place.

The climate of the 三角 Golden Triangle is similar to the rain forest. There are numerous poisonous insects in the mountain forest. Dozens of people hide in it, but no one makes even a little sound.

Luan Qisheng squatted on a tree trunk. The mosquitoes flying around often flew away without touching his body, and were shaken to death.

"These gunmen ..."

He glanced at the jungle behind him, a little surprised.

With his eyesight, he couldn't see the dozens of gunmen hidden in the jungle without looking carefully. They seemed to have undergone special training, and their breath was very good.

My heart beats and my breath is imperceptible.

Each person's physical strength has reached a very high level.

"In the legend, there are seven special squadrons in the Grand Xuan Army. They are the Kings of the Grand Xuan Army. Everyone is proficient in killing in the army and modern technology weapons. .... "

Luan Qisheng thought in his mind.

For more than 300 years, Daxuan martial arts have spread throughout the world. Not only the Daxuan army, but also the Golden Eagles, the Daxuan martial arts are subjects that must be learned.

随着 With the development of science and technology, there are a group of people who want to integrate kung fu with science and technology.

七 These seven special teams are such killing machines.

However, although the quality of these gunmen behind them is high, they have not reached the level of legend ...

I thought to myself, An Qisheng looked into the distance, looking slightly dignified.

His eyesight is very good, he can faintly see the mountain forest at the end of the sea of ​​flowers, and all kinds of simple facilities in the mountain forest.

"Tuoxiang has more than a thousand people, unknown equipment, firearms are standard, but it does not rule out heavy firepower ..."

In the grass under the lime tree, Li Yan put down his telescope, and the camouflage on his face couldn't hide the dignity:

"Miao Xiong, they know we are coming, they are very vigilant, and they want to lurk in silently, but they are very difficult ..."

It is natural that the military literacy of a single-armed armed force will not be as high, but the Golden Triangle is inherently chaotic. The annexation of small warlords from all walks of life is common and the vigilance is definitely not low.

"A thousand people ..."

Luan Qisheng's eyes were dignified, and the small base of more than a thousand people was impossible because dozens of them wanted to fight hard.

Even if these gunmen brought by Li Yan are elites, it is impossible to make a positive attack.

The three great monks of Shi Xinlong also frowned, apparently seeing the difficulty of the matter.

"It seems that they can only wait for them to flee to Tieguo ..."

Wang Anfeng was a little reconciled, but also knew that a positive conflict was necessary.

Hey Nai, Daxuan has no power to borrow here. These dozens of veterans are already the biggest help he can borrow.

"That may not be necessary."

Li Yan held the telescope and looked indifferent:

"It is natural that we are not rivals when more than a thousand people confront each other, but if they are led out of the base at night, this group of black people cannot stop us from arresting Miao Xiong and others ..."

既然 Since they dare to chase after, they will not be a little bit uncertain.

的 The dozens of gunmen he brought this time were not ordinary gunmen. They were fighting alone, and everyone was one of ten.

"Leave it out? Miao Xiongming knows we're hunting him down. How easy is it to get out?"

Wang Anfeng shook his head.

Those Miao Miaoxiong are not stupid people, want to cheat them out and kill them, that's no less difficult than storming.

"Who said it was Miao Xiong?"

Li Yan smiled coldly.

"Don't attract Miao Xiong? Don't you think ..."

Wang Anfeng jumped to his heart and guessed Li Yan's thoughts.

"Wait for the night, let's do it ..."

Li Yan looked at the large beautiful flower not far away in disgust, and said coldly:

"Burned this sea of ​​sinful flowers!"

It is naturally not easy to lead Miao Xiong, but it is easy to lead this batch of exclusive products.

花 This sea of ​​flowers is something that is frightening and disgusting to ordinary people, but it is a source of money for those solo armed forces.

In ordinary times, clashes of exclusive forces in the Golden Triangle will not destroy these flowers.

But for Li Yan, naturally it is not a problem.

"No wonder Li Yan would rather slow down and bring the incendiary bomb. It was already prepared ..."

On the tree trunk, An Qisheng was surprised.

I burned these flowers, so what kind of xiangxiang must go crazy ...


The sky gradually faded.

之下 Under the night, the clear moonlight poured down from the sky, plating a faint layer of silver for that gorgeous sea of ​​flowers, beautiful.

On the edge of Huahai Lake, teams of indigenous soldiers patrolling back and forth.

"What a fascinating taste ..."

Ange sniffed the scent in the air, and a fascination appeared on his face.

知晓 He knows that these flowers are called devil flowers by many people, but for them, this is the source of their wealth, and their most important thing.


Suddenly, in the night, a loud noise came.

"what happened?"

Ange was startled, turned his head and saw, a bright light cut through the night sky, and fell into the sea of ​​flowers instantly.

Then, a large cloud of smoke rose up into the sky, and the splashing fire snake burst out in the sea of ​​flowers.




There were few intervals, and a series of loud noises cut through the night sky.

Sparks spattered and set fire everywhere.

The night wind blows, the flames billow, and swallow up a large sea of ​​flowers.

"Ah! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"No! Fire, fire!"

"Flowers, flowers, flowers are burned!"

The cricket patrol was stunned for a moment, and then stopped for a moment before making a terrifying scream.

刷刷刷 ~

A series of searchlights shot out of the forest.

The small base under the Laoshan forest exploded in a pan, and the noisy sound spread far away.

Bang bang bang bang ~~~

A series of gunfire rang through the sky.

In the deep sleep, Tuo Xiang woke up, and before he got dressed, he saw the red light outside the window and jumped up:

"my flower!"

He ran to the balcony naked, watching the flaming sea of ​​flowers, and his eyes were all red:

"Ah! I want to kill you! I want to kill you !!!"

The Golden Triangle pursues weak meat and strong food. Without money, he has no money. Without money, he cannot buy arms. Without a gun, he will be annexed by others!

When Miao Xiong, who ran out in a thin coat, screamed badly, he held Tuo Xiang's shoulders:

"Master, calm down, this is something strange!"

"Calm ..."

Yan Tuoxiang's lips were trembling and his hands were shaking:

"How can I calm down? !!!"

死 "Death, no matter who it is, die!"

Wu Tuoxiang shook off Miao Xiong's hand, he didn't wear any clothes, and went out with a gun.

"Fire! Fire first!"

Wu Tuoxiang's voice fluttered far away ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Miao Xiong's heart sank, he knew that this was definitely not an ordinary armed conflict.

These exclusive products are robbed and robbed, and it is these things that are robbed. How can it be possible to burn these flowers without hitting them?


In the next room, several people hurried out.

"The Tuoxiang rat looks so blinding that more than a thousand people are so confused! So we can't stay here, let's go tonight!"

Xi Miaoxiong shook his arm and put on his clothes:

"Master ca n’t be contacted, let ’s go to the sun and the empire first, begging for help!"

"Brother? Don't worry so much? There are enemies to commit crimes. Don't we help Brother Tuoxiang?"

A young man couldn't help but speak.

"Miao San, if you want to stay, stay for yourself!"

Tong Miaoxiong glanced coldly at the young man and turned away.

Uh ...


As soon as Huahai was burning, Li Yan's low roar came from the intercom immediately:

"Spread apart, don't get together!"


刚 As soon as Li Yan's voice fell, a bang came in the distance.

Uh ~

Then, on the mountain forest where everyone was, suddenly a bright light burst out, and in a flash, the whole mountain forest was illuminated.

After a flash of glare, the sound was loud.

Suddenly in the dark night, shells dragged a long flame into the air and crashed into the forest.




Shake the mountains!

之下 Under the huge shock wave, the big trees collapsed, and the sand and stones were scattered.

The billowing smoke filled the entire forest!