Zhutian Avenue

v2 Chapter 385: 2 Lord!

The battle between Tianyijiao and Yinsi Chenghuang continues, and there is no sign of victory or defeat in a short time.

Among the many prefectures and counties in Daqing, war was ignited.

The only tacit understanding is that both of them avoid injuring the innocent. The battlefield is either in the inaccessible place, or in the space of different degrees like the incense world.

For a short time, did not hurt the people.

But with the extension of time, the Yinsi City God is losing ground, and changes have emerged.

"Roar ~~~"

Tian'an House in Lingzhou, suddenly, a roaring sound with endless resentment and anger suddenly sounded:

"I will abandon me, I would rather become a demon!"

A black-faced city **** with a crown of city gods tore off the crown of the city god, and the roar of the heavens roared from his beak.

Under the light of light and the moonlight, his body suddenly changed, and his skin was torn by black gas instantly. spider.




Eight arthropods fell from the sky, stepped on a house, the demon spider hissed, spit out a dark web of ink, and walked toward the heavenly Taoist who changed color in midair.

The city God takes incense as its root and coexists with human beings. However, once the incense bursts, it can still be combined with the grievances that have accumulated from the countless years between heaven and earth to transform into a demon demon head!

Once become a demon, the world changes color!

Countless people were terrified when they saw this scene, running in all directions, trying to escape.

"Not good! This city **** is enchanted!"

The Taoist who stepped on the sword light came into the sky that day, and his expression changed.

There is a strong sense of resentment between heaven and earth, and non-primitive gods are not allowed to find out their souls. After death, ordinary people will quickly be infected with demon ghosts.

Although the souls of these city gods are stronger than ordinary people, but they definitely can not reach the level of Yuanshen, this time abandons the power of incense, which is tantamount to the mortal self-breaking body shell, plus he automatically swallows grudges, almost instantly enchanted !

Even he was too late to stop.

Was only able to scream to remind his companions, and then the fingers of the sword were picked up, waving the sky with sword light to slash the dark magic web.

His sword light was extremely sharp, and his hair had already shredded the cobweb.

Before he was relieved, the torn fragments of the magic web suddenly turned into countless swords and swept away in all directions.

"The power of this evil is greatly increased!"

That person's color changed and went backwards.

In the city, many restaurants collapsed, and many people were buried by the earth and stone under unexpected circumstances.

"Damn it!"

Another **** will teach his disciples to wield the sword attack and sneer:

"How about becoming a demon? Make sure you kill it!"

"Hahaha! Sun Chenghuang is enchanted, what are we waiting for?"

Farther away, all the city gods fighting with many gods and gods saw this scene, and all laughed.

"Can't live left or right, let's die together!"

First, a city **** made a roar.

Immediately surrounded by all the city gods, all the torn crowns of the city gods were torn one by one, Chang Xiao swallowed the gas of resentment, and abandoned the gas of incense.

Choose enchantment!


In an instant, a gust of wind swelled under the darkness of the night, a city of flying sand and rocks, houses collapsed, and many people were completely buried.

The screams of wailing are heard all the time.

For a time, there was no more city gods around the city, only one head lost its intelligence, and only the demon with pure hatred and desire to kill filled the heart.

Bluntly rushed towards the gods around him.

"Oh my God, my God!"

In the Yamen, the faces of the officials were scared, their hands and feet were shaking.

Tian Anfu Bai Anmin even looked as if he shrank under the bed and dared not go out. He knew what it meant.

Chenghuang can't hurt people, although it can be deceived, but demon ghosts, but they will really kill and eat people.

Roar ~

Roar ~

Tian Anfu suddenly changed, many gods and Taoists were caught off guard, and they were recruited one by one, and they were thrown in the air by demon.

Made a terrible howling, and then was swallowed into the abdomen.

"Mother, mother, I am afraid, I am afraid!"

"Monster, monster! Lord City God saves his life!"

"To die, to die! Who will save us ..."

The people of Tian Anfu wailed, listening to the screams in the sky that were not like human voices, and countless people shivered with despair.

Many people even knelt down on the ground, praying to the city **** and asking for help from the gods.


On the three-story eaves of a restaurant, a white-haired old Taoist uttered a long sigh.

After the escape of many heaven and earth Taoists in the sky, he died slowly, and after the demon had been thrown down from the sky, he slowly put down the hip flask, and the mana flew in his fingers:

"The three incense sticks are used forever, once the impermanence goes away! The world is ignorant, but they don't dare to be eaten by demon ghosts!"

Hum ~

Mana wanders in the sky.

There are light spots rising all over the city, and the pure wish that was born under extreme fear resonates between this mana tremor.

The old Taoist leaned against the eaves and chanted in his mouth:

"The King of the Underworld, the Kings of All Saints ... the born return, the dead return to silence ..."

The spell is long and rap, but the old Taoist utters very quickly. The long spell has been chanted in just a few fingers.

Then, let out a long drink:

"By the order of the King of the Underworld, the Kuixing appeared, and the evils retreated!"

Hum ~

The moment when the last word came out, a burst of incense from the whole city burst into a sudden masterpiece.

Was shocked with it. It was the portrait of the household that had been posted in the corner of the threshold, which had been yellowed and even torn.


There was a huge earthquake, and the wind blew over the whole city.

The shadow of the night accompanied by this light of incense, outlined an ugly and spooky ghost face above the city.

The ghost face enveloped the whole city, lifelike, faintly visible that its iron-faced bronze bell also has big eyes, strange appearance, and it is extremely fierce and ugly.

But at the moment when the ghost's face appeared, the monsters who only flew to the city suddenly made earth-shattering wailing sounds, and they all fled and fled.

Seems to have seen the most terrifying existence in the world.

The ghost face appeared, and he opened his mouth.

Is just a suck!


For a while, the wind and clouds scattered, and the whole city was over the sky, and all the airflows returned to it.

The demon was making hysterical wailing sounds, and was dragged back by an indescribable force of great attraction.

If someone understands the ghost whisper, you can hear it. The countless screams of different heights and different tones are only two words:

‘Second Lord! ! ! ’

The world is called the second lord, but there is only one person in the second ghost.

The second prince!

On the eaves, the white-haired old Taoist priest looked at this scene, and there was a trace of melancholy on his face, and he bowed slightly:

"Xie Erye, pity all sentient beings ........."

A demon is swallowed from the air, from the ground, from a distance, from the high altitude, no matter how terrible the demon, is swallowed by this one.

Seemed to swallow all the demons at once.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Innumerable monsters instinctively wailed with horror, but there was no way to resist, and there was nothing to resist.

But at the next moment, the huge ghost face suddenly shut up.

Then disappeared.


The white-haired old Taoist jumped in his heart and looked up. He saw that in the air, all the demons had disappeared. Instead, there were a lot of city gods awakening like dreams.

"Second Lord!"

The first Sun Chenghuang, who chose to enter the devil, knelt down in the air and burst into tears: "Why do you save me?"

The city **** does not hurt the people, and the ghost does not hurt the city god.

The second lord is dead, but he still abides by his own way. How can we live against the monarch?

Many city gods knelt in the air, all weeping silently.

The expression of pitiful old man moved, then immediately sighed:

"If Ruofujun is still there, if all the lords are here ...

How great that should be! "

It's a pity that once gone, there is no such day.

His name is Li Sheng, a disciple of Taoism on earth, and a descendant of Taoism who was once established by the Netherworld King.

Unfortunately, with the loss of contact with the nether world, there is less than ten magical powers. If the nether world is still there, you can even use the power of the nether eight kings to compete with the Yuanshen.

"Sad, sorry ..."

The sighs drifted away, and the old Taoist priest drinking and singing:

"The sky has no mercy on me, how difficult it is on the earth, the land has no mercy on me, all living beings are suffering, seeing the hundred ghosts at night, there are a few people who can sing joy ..."

Woohu ~~~

The night wind was blowing.

Was running around in the city to save people, Sa Wuling was relieved, and the whole person almost collapsed to the ground.

"Everyone who teaches God is crazy, these city gods are crazy ......."

Sa Wuling's face is rather unsightly.

If the phantom star shadow appeared, dozens of big demon ghosts plunged into the city, no matter how powerful he was, there was no possibility to save people, even he himself had to be planted here.

After all, he is not even warm-hearted. After these city gods are enchanted, they are all the monsters with the lowest natal realm!

Silently unknown for a long time, Murong City spoke again:

"Let's go to the next city, this world, something interesting ..."



The gilt imperial edict was thrown on the ground.

The two eunuchs who came to convey their will stood ugly, neither crying nor laughing, nor dare to be angry.

"Are you afraid now?"

Xiao Feng glanced coldly at the two eunuchs, and knocked the two over to the ground: "Take the imperial edict and roll back."

"Xiao Zhenren, Xiao Zhenren."

The two eunuchs picked up the imperial decree in embarrassment and cried out: "You, how do you tell us to explain to the Holy Lord?"

"Tell him truthfully that the real person is not available, let him wait!"

Speaking, Xiao Feng walked away.

Only two eunuchs with extremely ugly faces could not cry.

Walked out of the hospital, Xiao Feng's face suddenly became somber.

The Tiananfu incident is no coincidence. There have been several destructions of the God of Heaven and Taoism in several large states. Not only the God of Heaven taught everyone, but many evil Dao who have come to help fist are also planted.

Tianxia Chenghuang may not come much more than monks, but Tianyijiao cannot represent the entire spiritual world.

In fact, most of the martial arts are watching with cold eyes, some want to read jokes, and some want to move, want to benefit from the fisherman.

Even, there are already martial arts with other actions.

For example, if you come to the hospital.

Xiao Feng was deeply murdered in his heart and moved to his backyard.

Simple Taoist Temple, before UU read www.uukanshu.com thatched cottage, Tianyi and real people are watering their wits and being cautious, not like the master of a religion, but more like an old farmer in the country.

Even Xiao Feng came in, it seems that he did not know.

Xiao Feng glanced at him, his brow furrowed slightly, he could feel the fluctuation of the breath of heaven and real people.

For Yuanshen who is not leaked by Yuanshen, such a thing is very incredible. It shows that until this time, he could not completely suppress Qin Wuyi.

"You have something to worry about?"

Tianyi real person put down the kettle and slowly stood up to take a look at Xiao Feng.

Looks as usual, and it seems that the bad news that hasn't been passed down one after another.

"Teacher! That old man was really persuaded by those thieves. He even wanted you to fight with the wishful monk in the winter of the following year and decide where the incense belongs in the world!"

Xiao Feng took a deep breath and bowed and said:

"If you come to the courtyard ruthlessly enough, the prince is ruthless enough, and even cut off your head and gave it to Rulaiyuan to win the trust of the old emperor!"

"It's not surprising that he did not live anymore because he did something of rebellion, and he gave it to Ruyuan, and there was nothing."

Tianyi real person turned around, quietly said:

"It was the wishful monk who dared to act like this, and wanted to come to practice, would it be the next winter? It was a coincidence ..."

"Teacher you ..."

Xiao Fengwen said, his eyes brightened uncontrollably.

"Recall many disciples, temporarily truce, and notify many major schools by the way, coming to Kyoto the following winter."

The God of Heaven stands by his hand, his eyes condensing:

"Everything should be broken!"