Zhutian Avenue

v2 Chapter 427: No objection

An Qisheng's eyes were faint, and there seemed to be a lot of light and shadow flowing inside.

Invite God Dafa is a very low entry, but the upper limit of the law, its level of achievement depends entirely on the level of ‘God’.

Even though it is a three- to five-year course of entry, if you understand the law of inviting gods, and together with the ‘god’ of inviting gods, its power is already far beyond the fate, and even the real people whose magical powers are accomplished.

This is naturally known to An Qisheng.

But ‘Please God’, it ’s not just ‘Please’ that the Nether Kings came, and there are other kinds of divine differences, otherwise, many Taoists in the world will not get Qin Wuyi's attention.

And Qin Wuyi can, he naturally can.

Huh ~

The cold wind blows.

The pitiful old man fell into silence, speechless for a long time.

Has both identification and hesitation.

He did not deny that a tyrant who was born out of the sky and could easily kill the existence of the God of Heaven and God, but he did not dare to promise anything easily.

It is just that this may be the only vitality of the human Tao.

"Trusted by a real person, I don't dare to fail my life."

After a while, the pitiful Taoist took a deep breath and should bear it:

"However, I need to leave one person in this Qingdu city"

"Your apprentice is now in the underground palace, in a bad state, but his life is intact."

'S crisp answer, but Ye Xiaoyi couldn't help taking the conversation.

Teaching God and his apprentice meditation Dao did not care much. At the same time that Xiao Feng sealed the Old Master Tao, he threw his disciples into the underground palace.

Although the environment is not good, life is not a big deal.

Because, for the God of Heaven, the human world that has already fallen is really not the object of fear.

What they feared and guarded was that they came to the court, they were celestial beings, and they were the city gods.

"in this way"

Take a deep breath and tighten the ‘grass return pill’ in his palm, finally bearing down:

"The poor will follow the real people's wishes and go to other Sifang continents"

He has no reason to refuse, or, dare not refuse.

Because this is most likely the last chance of humanity, once missed, I am afraid that there will be no second chance.

"But there is labor."

An Qisheng was not so surprised, calm words were imprinted on the heart of the pitiful Taoist:

"This trip is difficult and difficult to say, and easy to say, but it is to follow the original intention, the rest of the chores, no need to worry"

Speaking of this, he gave a slight pause, and his cold eyes looked at the Confucian and Taoist people with some pity in his heart, Huang Qing'er and others:

"He is far away from here, far more than 108,000 miles, there are also many difficulties and obstacles along the way. Since the four of you have encountered it, whether it is a mistake or a fate, it is all destiny.

It's just right, walk with the pathetic leader Daosheng "

The pitiful Taoist is proficient in the method of inviting God, but it is also impossible to invite God in case of trouble. In his current state, naturally, several people are required to accompany him.

Although these people are very ordinary, but they have been able to see for many years.

Where is he going to be more than ten thousand miles?

It is precisely the need for such talents


The Confucian and Taoist people were shocked, dumbfounded, and a little dazed.

The feeling of pity in my heart hasn't dissipated. What happened?

The three people of the White Lotus Taoist were also shocked, their faces suddenly black as the bottom of the pot, as if they were constipated.

Where do they have the idea to go to other continents?

Don't talk about the hardships along the way, just rushing is enough to kill people

"Real people!"

The white lotus Taoist ca n’t help but press down, try to keep his voice down as low as possible, but he still ca n’t bear to boil:

"While I have offended real people, shouldn't I sin?"

He can't stand it.

Going to other continents, waiting for leisure for decades, if he is really going, he may not have to return to Daqing one day in his life.

"Good! Real people, I certainly have offended it, so punishment is too much"

Confucianists and Taoists smile bitterly again and again:

"Real people, the juniors come here, and they have nothing to do with the enemies of the real people. Since the grass is still in the pocket of the real people, the juniors will definitely not have the slightest greed"

No one is thinking about long journeys ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Hurrying for hundreds of years, and even rushing to death, how terrifying is this?

They naturally cannot bear it.

They may not be able to come back alive.

Emperor Qing'er, although the tongueless Taoist didn't speak, they all looked serious, with an expression of 'no death'.

Although they have not been to other continents, they have heard all kinds of rumors about natural danger and forbidden land.

Where the real people and even the Yuanshen real people are likely to be planted, where do they have the courage to dare to run?

"Ha ha."

An Qisheng seemed to ignore the meaning of Bailian Taoist and others, and looked at Liansheng Taoist with a slight smile:

"What do you think?"


The pitiful Taoist settled down, swept the Confucian and Taoist who looked ugly and constipated, and named himself, nodding:

"I have nothing to do"

An Qisheng nodded.

Looked at the four people including Bailian Taoist and Confucian Taoist:

"How do you like it?"


The faces of several people are extremely unsightly, as if they had swallowed a dead child in life, and the smile is more ugly than crying:

"Everything, everything is arranged by real people, I have no objection"