Zhutian Avenue

v2 Chapter 489: Xuanxing exploded!

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The sky is high and the clouds are weak, the sun rises early, the golden light breaks through the clouds, awakens the sleeping world.

The Xiya mountain range is in disarray, and many forests still have traces after the avalanche, and many mountain peaks cracked, just like the earthquake just happened.

Feng Mingtao squatted beside the cracked road, and Chu Fan, who was covered in blood, was lying on the road. If his chest was still undulating, there would be no difference between the real and the dead.

In the depression behind them, parked their scrapped off-road vehicles.

One day ago, the two experienced the most terrifying escape. If they had good skills and luck, they just happened to be in such a depression.

That's how Rao was, all of them were wounded, and his hands and feet were broken, especially Chu Fan, who constantly broke his hands and feet, and was almost headshot by flying boulders.

Overnight, the two could only wait for rescue again.

"Brother Chu, you are really a disaster star. I will go out with you next time. I am a dog..."

Feng Mingtao sighed with a crushing fractured arm.

This was the second time he went out with Chu Fan. For the first time, he encountered a zombie king and escaped for several months. He was still alive several times. If he hadn't been in the dark, he would just hang up.

This is the second time, first encountered a big avalanche, and later encountered a shock wave, so little difference from death.

Such a disaster star is really rare.

The unconscious Chu Fan certainly did not know that he was called a disaster star.

This level, from the beginning of the big day, until the sky and the sky, Feng Mingtao could not bear it until he heard the faint sound.

From a distance, a helicopter flew high above, and then, a vast fleet of vehicles came from the direction of the Xiya Mountains.

"This is my old demeanor!"

Feng Mingtao's spirit was shocked, and then he was relieved.

That avalanche didn't know how many beasts were allowed to rush out, but he was struggling tonight.

Soon, the convoy was close.

Feng Mingtao's heart was shocked when he looked at it a little. The special soldiers with live ammunition on top of many vehicles did not say that there was a faint roar of roar under the thick green cloth.

He couldn't be more familiar with this voice. This was the roar of zombies. This convoy actually carried zombies?

"This, here!"

There was a whisper in my heart, Feng Mingtao limped and waved the only movable left arm, shouting with a throat.

The convoy drove past without stopping, and the last car parked in front of the two, and the two were pulled into the car.

"Mr. Ann, is that your friend?"

Above the military vehicle in front of him, the White Tiger asked curiously.

Facing this Mr. Ann again, Bai Hu felt awe in his heart. He didn't know what happened to him just a few months apart.

But in front of him, he always felt heavy, and had a feeling of facing the star sea incomparably small.

"That's right..."

An Qisheng kneaded his temples, slightly tired.

His expression was too arrogant, and every action caused great oppression on the flesh, suppressing corpse poison for everyone, and the energy spent in combing the soul was insignificant.

Seeing An Qisheng seemed tired, Bai Hu didn't dare to say much, although he had a stomach question.

In the past two days, he has been shocked too many times, and has accumulated some doubts.

For example, how the zombie king was suppressed, what is the altar of evil spirits, and how An Qisheng can suppress the corpse poison and save Wang Zhixuan, the prisoner cattle and others...

Why is he so arrogant?

There are too many doubts in my mind. People are in front of them, but they just can't get an answer. Baihu's heart is naturally very itchy.

An Qisheng knows his doubts, and also knows that there are more people who guess him, and even many individuals, forces, and even the powers of several parties have been filled with information about him, information, life, and preferences. and many more.

But he didn't care too much.

He is not a person who likes to be too high-key, but he never deliberately low-key, can hide in the market, can also understand the world, so-called arbitrary, but so.

Would the sun always shine on the sky, would it care what other people think?

He will not deliberately restrain his hands and feet in order to care about others' opinions and guess, and even make him low.

The dragon can take off for nine days, and the small can hide in Jianxi, but those who have never been hidden in Jianxi, but those who have never taken off in nine days, are just loach, grass carp, and He Zhenlong.

Forbear when you are weak, but you can't make it when you are strong.

Since it is already the first in the world, what about being the first in the world?

With the world's first strength, without the world's first gas capacity, after all, it is difficult to become an atmosphere.

Jiufujie, the human world, the two worlds, and the three Jiazis are all the best in the world. Xuanxing, what are the good things to worry about?

The speed of the convoy is not fast, because the road is destroyed too much.

A savage neighbour of Daxuan once tried to detonate a super-equivalent nuclear bomb. At that time, the explosion directly swept a radius of 400 kilometers, triggering a magnitude 5.3 earthquake.

The previous shock, the simple shock is stronger, this is the situation where An Qisheng has consumed most of the strength.

But even so, along the way, almost half of the road was broken, and even more roads and bridges were directly broken. The shock of what they saw shocked all the experts in the special bureau.

The nuclear bomb is terrible, and the nuclear bomb that can walk is even more terrifying.

Thanks to the seal of the zombie king, if you walk the world unscrupulously, you can't imagine how terrifying it is.

On this road, An Qisheng went to clean up the corpse poison for Wang Zhixuan and others every once in a while, and sorted out the twisted souls. When the nearest city was obtained, many of the special team members had woke up one after another.

Not only did he wake up, but each one had huge changes that were almost reborn, and his individual strength increased greatly.

As the only humanoid demon in the ranks of the emperor's tenth emperor, Zhudi naturally has its own special features.

Transforming zombies, zombies, and other means is just the most obvious usage. The more advanced, naturally, uses his blood to wash the blood of ordinary people.

Although it was sealed because it was just born, its strength is not as good as that of other emperors, but its size is also as big as a mountain. A drop of blood is enough to crush the whale elephant.

Naturally, it can be regarded as a top-level miracle cure, if you can carry the toxin.

Within a day or two, many special combat team members have all recovered, except for Wang Zhixuan, who has been "poisoned" by facing the dead of the zombie king.



Wang Zhixuan suddenly turned over and sat up, the first time he pressed the "glory bullet" around his waist, this button was naturally defeated, and his wrist was pinched.

After a slight trance, she looked at the white tiger clutching her wrist:

"It's you? The zombie king?"

She was still confused, not knowing what happened.

"Have a good rest, Mr. Ann said, as long as Yu Duqing is clear, this encounter will only have benefits for you and no harm."

Bai Hu loosened and loosened Wang Zhixuan's wrist, only to feel a faint pain, and his heart could not help but slurred: "The zombie king has been resolved, there are no more casualties, please relax and cultivate yourself."


After Wang Zhixuan frowned slightly, he felt the great changes in his body.

She has been holding the Dan for a few years, and has initially mastered the vigour. After the internal organs have been cooked, her physical strength has increased greatly and she can compete with the elephant.

But at this time, she only felt that her physical strength was so vast, more than doubled than before?

Gently shaking hands, gang qi was muddy from the depths of the fingers, and he naturally grasped the high and deep usage of gang strength. Even when he closed his eyes slightly, he could feel the looming ‘gods’ in his body.

Seeing God, it seems not far from himself!

Is this a blessing due to misfortune?

Feeling the great changes in the body, Wang Zhixuan's eyes were blurred, and a bit of bitterness appeared in his heart: "You saved me..."

With sobriety, a picture appeared in her heart. In the dark, she didn't seem to know nothing.

With the recovery of memories at the time of sinking, Wang Zhixuan was shocked in his heart, only to feel that the world seemed a bit unreal, like a dream.

My heart was filled with a name.

An Qisheng,

An Qisheng...

When he first met, he was far inferior to himself. He was so sick that he was about to die soon. The second and third meetings had given her a huge surprise.

Until she learned that he had killed Murong City, she already felt a little weird, but she didn't expect him to solve the zombie king!

Why can he urge those 箓, what happened after they were blown out?

What kind of adventures happened to him, in a few years, from a sick young man, he became the first master in his life that he could not match?

Now, I am afraid that it has already gone beyond seeing God and is not bad, and has embarked on another unknowable path...


Seeing her stunned, Bai Hu was a little worried whether Yu Yu was unclear.

"I'm fine."

Wang Zhixuan took a deep breath, calmed down the complicated feelings, and asked, "Is the follow-up head and tail properly packed?"

She refrained from the urge to ask An Qisheng, seemingly indifferent on the surface, admiring Bai Hu's heart.

If he had faced such difficulties, he could never have been as calm as Wang Zhixuan.

"You can rest assured that the blocked ones have been blocked and the destroyed ones have been destroyed. Qinglong is coming at this time."

The white tiger's words were not over yet, and Wang Anfeng, Li Yan, and Jin Chong, who had hurriedly arrived, rushed into the ward:


Wang Anfeng hugged his elder sister and cried with tears until the latter couldn't help pushing him away.

"Xuan'er, you're fine."

Jin Chong screamed warmly, but he was kicked out of the ward by Wang Zhixuan:



Gu Changsheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Zhixuan's eyes. Although the foot didn't move its true power, but the speed was so fast, it wasn't like a person who had recovered from a serious illness.

"It's a bit complicated, and I can't tell a sentence or two."

After kicking away Jin Chong, Wang Zhixuan seemed to feel Gu Changsheng's surprise and was about to say something.

Suddenly heard the exclamation outside the door:

"Captain Baihu, bad! I don't know what forces exposed Mu Feng's video on the Internet. Now public opinion has burst!"


Bai Hu's face suddenly changed, only to feel a bit hot, as if slap in the face.

Just when I said that I had cleaned all the heads and tails and blocked all the news, was it exposed?

"On the Internet, I don't know where the video has been circulated. It has now been circulated on major platforms and can no longer be suppressed..."

The reported special fighters were sweating, and the problem was obviously very serious.

"How did you block the information, how could such a thing be exposed?!!!"

The white tiger's face was green, and what happened in the Xiya Mountains was too big. Once it leaked out, it would cause public panic.

"Now is not the time to blame, quickly investigate the cause of the leak, and immediately block the news, interview the person in charge of a large platform, you must press down as quickly as possible!"

Wang Zhixuan's face was also not good-looking, he immediately ordered.

"Already doing..."

The special soldier was sweating.

Bai Hu said something else, Qinglong's cold voice came from the door: "No need to check, Ying Long has found the source, from the other side of the ocean, the Golden Eagle State's artificial intelligence'Poseidon'..."

Before the words fell, Qinglong had stepped into the ward, and his expression was a little uncertain: "It can't be stopped now, let go of the rumors prepared... By the way, pull a few stars, and the social hot spots come out to divert attention... if it is true If you can't do anything, just give the people the right to know..."


The news is indeed unstoppable!

Because this is not a hot search in a certain country, but it has triggered the big events of social networks around the world almost at the same time!

First, there are some blurred photos and videos that appear on the hummingbird and Facebook.


Shock wave,


The catastrophe like a mountain tsunami attracted the attention of countless people the first time.

Because the roof of the world, the disappearance of the world’s highest peak, Mu Feng, has been lingering in many countries. In an instant, these videos and pictures have been topped by people.

And the number one search is the first peak of the world that disappeared!

"God, such a huge avalanche!"

"Hurricane, UU reading www.uukanshu.com avalanche, oh my god, is this a change caused by the airflow hedge caused by the disappearance of Mu Feng? Is nature angry?"

"No, an avalanche will not cause such a huge shock wave. This avalanche, hurricane, earthquake, shock wave, are all caused by a huge red light like a battle flag! Is anyone testing a taboo weapon?"

"There is a huge monster roar in the video, will it really be a monster? Shouldn't the "zombie incident" that was circulating a short time ago be true?"

These pictures, the angle of the video shooting is different, and it is not clear, it is not made by professionals.

But because of this, the real disaster shocked many people and attracted countless people to repost.

With the disappearance of Mu Feng, no country except Daxuan could completely suppress the hot search. At this time, there was a major event about Mu Feng, which naturally detonated the heat.

Especially on the other side of the ocean, an anonymous account posted a repaired, edited satellite video after it was discovered and forwarded by the public.

The whole world was completely detonated!