Zhutian Avenue

v2 Chapter 518: Heaven and man unite, size Tai Chi

Under the setting sun, the Taoist came in a bullock cart.

Before An Qi was standing in the forest, his eyes rose.

The two worlds are human beings and travel across the three realms. He has learned a great deal and has a wide range of knowledge. In the final analysis, he is most influenced by Taoism.

Seeing the ancestor of Taoism, his mood could not help rising and fluctuating.

If it is changed to an ordinary Taoist, then I am afraid that I have already bowed my head and worshipped, just as his group of apprentices in Jiufu Realm saw themselves.

But he bowed and bowed, and took a long time.


The bullock cart overwhelmed the deep weeds and passed An Qisheng. It seemed that neither the scribes who drove the cattle nor the old man sitting cross-legged found his shadow.

It was the cow, but when he walked by, he subconsciously shifted, and flashed over An Qisheng.

This, of course, can't hide An Qisheng.

He squinted slightly, but didn't make a sound, but just looked at it quietly. Here, he didn't exist, but he did.

It's just that ordinary people can't see him.

But these two people and one cow are obviously not ordinary people, not even ordinary people.

"Stupid cow, stupid cow."

When the green cow flashed, the elegant middle-aged man of the cow was shaking his head, flapping his head twice.


The green cow yelled for a long time, thick and melodious, but with a trace of perplexity.

"Just here."

The old man spoke softly, his voice not high or low, but overwhelmed the cry of the green cow.


The elegant and respectful middle-aged ceremony, the green cow also shivered slightly.

The old man sat on the bullock cart, his eyes falling on An Qisheng's body, his head slightly nodded.

"Why do the elders turn a blind eye?"

An Qisheng's eyes were condensed, and he only felt that the old man in front of him had no birthplace.

But being able to leave such a word and seeing him is naturally impossible for ordinary people.

The old man shook his head slightly: "The world and the world are all in sight, so why not turn a blind eye?"

"Elders can know what I'm asking for?"

Looking at the old man, An Qisheng suddenly realized that in the Dao De Jing, ‘the world is said to be my Dao Da, seemingly shameless. Fu Weida, so it seems shameless. Ruo Xiao, Jiu Yi's fine husband! "The true meaning.

It is said in the world that my Dao is incomparably large, but it is just an invisible elephant. Any tangible large, after all, is small.

Elephants are invisible, Tao is invisible, and Tao is invisible.

"They come, the security."

The old man only said one word, slowly closed his eyes, and began to preach.

The sound is not high or low, and there is no small ceiling. The plain and unpretentious words contain unspeakable divine power, which makes the elegant and middle-aged sit down and let the green cows prostrate.

An Qisheng also sat down, closed his eyes, and listened quietly to the old man preaching.

Familiar words will never be the same effect in the future among different populations. The old people's flat and straightforward narrative is more breathtaking than any bluntness.

There are five thousand words in every corner of the world, and each word seems to have many explanations. When they are combined with each other, they have different meanings.

Different people hear different meanings.

The elegant and middle-aged middle-aged man listened intoxicated, the green cow listened sleepy, and An Qisheng's brow furrowed.

After five thousand words, the elegant and middle-aged people heard Wuwei, the green cow heard nagging, but An Qisheng felt the unmatched domineering in the old man's heart.

No, to be more precise, it is an unparalleled atmosphere.

The two worlds are human beings, traveling across the three realms. An Qisheng has seen too many subsets of scriptures, practiced classics, and passed on to the top secret.

There are countless classic methods, there is the idea of ​​teaching classics, teaching martial arts, preaching method, teaching longevity, teaching immortality, teaching life...

But only the old man, he is teaching you how to be a sage!


At a certain moment, the voice of preaching stopped.

The elegant middle-aged man has a shocked face, and the green cow is surprised and opens his eyes, one person and one cow, all looking at the old man.

"The Tao cannot be heard."

The old man looked at An Qisheng: "You come to understand the word "Tao", but you should get away with "Tao"."

"The elders don't dare to quit."

An Qisheng bowed down.

The old man is the wise man, and what he preaches is his comprehension of the universe of heaven, earth, and nature, and there is nothing subjective.

The subtle mystery is beyond words.

Anyone who comprehends it will only be himself.

Ruya middle-aged saw Wuwei, the green cow was lethargic, and he saw the domineering, atmosphere, this is not something the old man wants to teach.

But the road is like a mirror, and what you see from it will only be your own heart.

It’s not the old man who wants to teach the ‘saint’, but himself, he wants to teach himself to be the ‘saint’!

"You still have questions?"

The old man saw through An Qisheng's thoughts.

"There are still some doubts, please ask the elders to solve them."

An Qisheng straightened up.

The old man nodded slightly and smiled.

"Elder knows I'm coming?"

An Qisheng looked at the old man, and his thoughts were rising. The old man of the previous life, the old man of this life, is it the same or different?

"I don't know."

The old man shook his head and said he didn't know: "But when you come, I will know."

"I don't know where the elders came from or where to go?"

An Qisheng stared at the old man.

Apart from a clear mind, it is still a flesh and blood, and there is no slight difference, just like, it is really a vulgar old man.

But is that really the case?

"Come from the guarding room, want to travel the world."

The old man answered quietly.

He seemed to know what An Qisheng wanted to ask, but rejected it.

"Yunyou world..."

An Qisheng chewed this sentence again.

What he really wanted to ask was whether this man was from outside the heavens, and his answer was direct, not.

But if not...

After cutting off his thoughts, An Qisheng bowed down and bowed: "Given by the elders, I have gained a lot today, but unfortunately I don't have any long things. I only have three worships to thank the kindness."

The old man smiled and just shook his head: "You listen to me, I smell your Fa, but I don't have to thank me."

"Thank you."

An Qisheng still worshipped three times, regardless of whether the old man accepted it.

"Cut up the Rubik's Cube to become a fetus."

He was about to leave, and the old man's voice came from behind him.

Looking back, I saw that the old man looked calm and nodded with a smile in the moonlight.

But no matter what he said, everything behind him had been fragmented, disappearing into nothingness at a seemingly slow speed.

It seems that even one tenth of a minute before and after, it has disappeared.



A dull thunder sounded in the sky, and lightning faintly cut through the night sky, and the air was suddenly flooded with damp air.

Storm is coming.

Among the Xue's manor in Wan Laiju, Su Jie, who was still asleep, was touched in her heart, turned over, got dressed, and came to the artificial lake in the backyard.

I saw Dao Dao lightning meandering like a dragon snake, sometimes slashing through the sky, thunder rolling like tide, deafening for a moment.

But his attention was no longer above the sky-high thunder, but on An Qisheng sitting cross-legged in the lake pavilion.

Indistinctly, the black and white tai chi pictures I saw that day appeared in his eyes, but they were different.

At that time, the black-and-white tai chi picture was almost covering the entire planet, but the black and white color was only circulating around An Qisheng.

"This Thunder was brought by Mr. Ann?"

Su Jie's eyes narrowed and his heart beat faster.

He could feel that with An Qisheng's breathing, the entire artificial lake, Yangming Mountain, and even the whole world were moving with his breath.

The sky-thundering thunder did not come down and beat him, but was inspired by his breath!

"It's thundering?"

"Why is this thunderstorm coming so close? If this thunder strikes, will it die?"

"The weather forecast doesn't say there is rain? This weather forecast is becoming more and more unreliable..."

Such a thunderstorm day naturally attracted the attention of others in Xue's Manor, but most people just pushed open the window or walked out the door and glanced at it.

Although this thunderstorm is a bit strange, no one really takes it seriously.

"this is......"

Instead, Xue Zheng seemed to be aware of it, forcibly withdrew from the dream, and felt the unusual breath around him.

Put on clothes and went out.

As soon as he went out, a flash of lightning just cut through the sky. Xue Zheng jumped in his heart and took a step forward. Behind him, a flash of lightning fell down, leaving a violent burning smell in the air.


Xue Zheng was slightly surprised.

Baodan sat across, and after seeing that God was not bad, the aura of the person was strong to a certain extent, and he would be in touch with the world invisible, and sometimes it would provoke thunder.

But he has some means of hiding blood and blood, and he hangs old on weekdays, and all vitality is minimized.

Not to mention, his Xue's Manor has all kinds of disaster avoidance and lightning protection measures.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't been struck by thunder, so he was a little surprised at this moment.


As soon as his thoughts moved, he had come to the artificial lake.

His perception is extremely strong, and he can feel a concentric circle invisible to the naked eye spreading around An Qisheng towards the surroundings. The lake water is rippling up and down, and the void is also slightly wrinkled.

An invisible gas machine was brewing between heaven and earth. It was this gas machine that caused the resonance of heaven and earth, the change of the sky, and the thunderstorm.

But the strange thing is that Xue’s Manor was surrounded by thunder and lightning at this time, but instead of splitting into the Huxin Pavilion, the houses everywhere suffered.

From time to time someone exclaimed and ran out of the house.

It didn't take long for the entire Xue's manor, except for the white tiger, Xu Hongyun, Jing Xiaolou, and others who entered the dream of the king's dream, who had no idea of ​​sleeping, everyone was alarmed.

All were shocked, and looked at the horrified Huxin Pavilion surrounded by countless electro-optic thunder snakes, which may be split at any time.

What is happening?

"Feng Shui has changed?"

Xue Zheng's eyes narrowed.

Of course, Xue’s Manor was not built casually. In order to build this manor, he invited Mr. Feng Shui, who didn’t know how many years ago, to come, including Xu Hongyun and his teacher.

It is a manor and a place to avoid disasters.

Therefore, he is most familiar with the feng shui of Xue's manor, and slight changes can be noticed.

Not to mention such a big battle today!

He could feel faintly that at this time, it was not only their Xue's manor that was covered by thunderstorm, this feng shui changed easily, and it was not just Yangming Mountain.

In fact, the whole treasure island was thundering and thundering at this time, and a thunderous sea roared above the vast ocean, and the waves roared.

Moreover, not only the treasure island, but also the inland across the sea, there are the sound of wind and thunder.

That invisible wave is still spreading towards the continent, even the golden eagle country across the sea, and even the glaciers and ice oceans at the poles of the world!

Seems to cover the whole world!



In the lake pavilion~lightnovelpub.net~ surrounded by a lot of lightning, An Qisheng returned to the underworld, but the breath was integrated with the surrounding environment and interacted with the world.

The old man did not pass any substantial spells, the way of practice, nor the inheritance like mind learning.

Rather, it is like a mirror that reflects its own shortcomings, flaws, and its own way forward, and its significance can be large or small.

The mirror in his heart hung high, and all the essence flowed on it.

He has learned too much and too much. The martial arts, secret methods, and magical spells inherited from the world for thousands of years have been passed down for thousands of years.

All kinds of knowledge about the amount of car fighting on Xuanxing, the witchcraft secrets obtained from the three-hearted blue spirit boy...

No one can integrate the things accumulated by countless creatures of the three worlds for thousands of years in a short time, even if it is An Qisheng.

The dream of entering into a dream is not a panacea, and the experience of countless different dreams is also a huge burden for his mind.

So much so, that his thoughts fluttered from time to time, and he had to wipe from time to time, like a layer of invisible tulle. Until then, that layer of tulle was torn to a corner.

See real.

"There is something mixed, born innately..."

"The Way of Heaven..."

"The way is right..."

An Qisheng murmured in his heart and sang out unconsciously: "Tai Chi is born of the Promise, the machine of movement and silence, the mother of Yin and Yang. The movement is divided, the silence is combined..."


Then, the black and white colors leaped into the air from his body, like two sky swords tearing heavy thunderclouds. Between the infinite darkness, a rapidly rotating Taiji figure was drawn.

The body is small Tai Chi, the world is big Tai Chi.

At this time, faintly together!
