Zhutian Avenue

v2 Chapter 833: Evangelism in Dream

Taoist Hongxuan?

Lin Wei's eyes flashed, and he was a little surprised.

The distance between Anning Mansion and Northwest Daocheng was more than hundreds of millions of miles. Although he had supernatural powers, he couldn't perceive what happened in Anning Mansion.

At this time, I was shocked when I heard about "Hongxuan Taoist".

"Huh? Brother Lin knows this person?"

Qixuan Shinichi was also a little surprised, and immediately smiled: "It would be easier to handle this way."

"He, soul?"

Lin Wei has a sense of incredibleness in his heart, how is this possible?

"A great battle broke out outside Longji Mountain that day. I deduced it with a secret method and recognized the two opponents. One was the master of Wuwanghai, and the other was the Hongxuan Taoist..."

Qixuanzhen said inexplicably.

After the war, he naturally searched for information about the Taoist Na Hongxuan.

However, just like Lin Baimei and others, he couldn't understand how a little monk of the Taoist school could make such a huge change in just six months.

Because of this, he just pressed Wang Xuangan, but he was not just afraid of his soul cultivation.

In fact, what happened to this person makes him puzzled.


Lin Wei became more and more suspicious, could it be that he had hidden his cultivation base from that day?

Thinking of the inattentiveness that the Taoist faced with him, his mood gradually calmed down.

Not impossible.

"If Brother Lin recognizes this person, it would be much easier to handle."

Qixuanzhen knocked on the tabletop, thoughtfully: "I am coming across the sea from the impermanence palace, and the picture must not be small. At this time, we should never offend a great primordial monk."

"The Daoist said that."

Lin Wei nodded, holding down the doubts in his heart, and then asked: "It's just that the impermanence palace is far away in the north, so how difficult is it to cross? Do you know what their purpose is for them to appear in the south?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

Qixuanzhenyi shook his head slightly, frowning: "A few months ago, when I discovered the traces of the impermanence palace, I used to ask my senior apprentice secretly. The senior man's attitude was a bit strange, and he only said that I should be stationed in the Northwest Road without leaving or taking action without authorization. ......"

"Is Zhang Sizhu kept secret?"

Lin Wei's heart was shocked.

Jing Yesi maintains that Feng Mansion is one of the most prominent people in the contemporary period of the Great Zhou. It ranks better than San Gong and ranks second only to the emperor, the prince, and the great sacrifice wine in the court of the Great Zhou.

According to legend, he has already cultivated the Law Body, and his strength is earth-shattering.

It can make such characters vague, which shows that the things behind this are bigger than he thought.

He knew very well that if the relationship between the Master Jing Ye and Shinichi Seven Profounds was not true, he would never be vague.

"Brother's Dharma Body is great, placed in the past, he is already a celestial character, what's the fear?"

Qixuan Zhenyi waved his hand: "Perhaps, it's because the "Ten Thousand Fas Dynasty Sect" is about to be held. Before offering sacrifices to the heavens, after all, you have to be more careful."

"The important matter of the country lies in the sacrifice to the army, and it is right to be careful."

Lin Wei said, but in his heart, he vaguely felt that the things behind him were not the only thing.

The meeting of the Wanfa dynasties is definitely not just a grand meeting to enshrine the Dao, but it has a greater meaning behind it.

Because Da Zhou was originally ‘ordered by heaven’.

But precisely because this is a sacrifice to heaven, no one has dared to cause chaos before and after the ‘big sacrifice’ for more than 30,000 years since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Because this is guilty of heaven.

"The more ups and downs come, the more you must be cautious. Although Jing Yesi has the responsibility to monitor the world, how can he be too weak?"

When Lin Wei was thinking about it, Qixuan Zhenyi waved his hand, took out a jar of old wine contained in the spirit, and poured it for the two with a smile:


"Thank you fellow daoists for the hospitality."

Picking up the wine, Lin Zhu smiled bitterly, but he was also a little surprised.

Knowing why there are so many senior brothers in Zhang Fengfu, only Qixuan Zhenyi, who is not so qualified, survived.

Not to mention other things, retreat in case of trouble, retreat again and again, such a great official in Xinjiang, there is no one...



The big sun hangs high in the air, radiating all kinds of light, illuminating the world and breaking through all darkness.

The spirit of Dixian Dao is stronger than that of Wanyang Realm, and all kinds of vegetation grow extremely fast. Although the Northwest Road is in a bitter and cold place, the vegetation is also lush.

Even because many people in this world cast cities to live in, there are few people in the wild, especially desolate.

Weeds can grow into towering appearances, wood can become forest, grass can also become forest.

"It's no wonder it's sparsely populated..."

High in the sky, above the carriage pulled by the big donkey, An Qisheng overlooked the earth and shook his head slightly.

Dixian Dao has a strong inspiration, but it is by no means anyone can swallow and absorb at will, and compared to humans, plants and trees are more suitable for inspiration.

In this endless sea of ​​grass, there are many spirit grasses, and there are even more wood monsters that give birth to consciousness. Although there is no big monster, it is already extremely dangerous for ordinary people.

"Sect Master, you already know the whereabouts of the murderer?"

In the huge chariot, the more respectful Ram Yan asked cautiously.

He was careful in his heart.

Although the attitude of the owner of the family is the same as before, the breath on his body is better than the day, making him unconsciously awed.

"The minions need to be grasped at any time, but if you want to find the person behind the scenes, it will take some effort."

An Qisheng's eyes converged, his tone condensed:

"However, it's coming soon..."

A few months ago, he used Wu Fei's surprise as a guide to spy on the person behind him, but unfortunately, he was interrupted by Taoist Lu.

However, based on those messages, he could also faintly detect the traces of the people behind him.


During the conversation between the two, the big donkey pulling the cart suddenly yelled, looking extremely dissatisfied.

The driving rabbit was in a hurry, repeatedly yelling, but was almost pulled over by the car.

"big flower!"

Ram Yan frowned, jumped out of the carriage, and stepped on the big donkey, finally calming the donkey down.

Hearing the endless screams, the anger was also cursed: "I have raised you for these years, so you can't pull a car?"


The big donkey cried more and more wronged.

Hearing the corners of Tuba’s eyes twitching, Cai Xiaobai poked his head out of Tuba’s arms and looked at the aggrieved donkey curiously:

"Myna, what is it talking about?"

Tuba did not speak, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The little old man riding a donkey turned around, his face was also blue: "This **** said that the master of the sliding door should be, why should we pull outsiders? We should take turns to pull the cart instead of letting it pull... ...."


Cai Xiaobai's eyes widened: "How can I move such a big car?"

Ram Yan didn't speak, but looked at Tuba.

"It's impossible!"

At this glance, Tuba completely exploded his hair, jumping in front of the car, and his face red and red: "You can kill but not insult! Me, how can I pull the car?!"

The rabbit has fried hair, and the donkey has also fried hair.

Suddenly, the call became more happier, the chariot twisted and fell one after another from a high altitude, and the terrified Cai Xiaobai also yelled.

"All right!"

An Qisheng finally couldn't see it anymore. He raised his hand and suppressed all the voices before he looked down into the void to see the city like a black spot.

Said: "Just in front of that city, get out of the chariot first."


This is a small city built on the water, the scale is almost the same as that of the Blue Mountain City, and the inside is quite lively.

A group of people walked slowly into the city.

This city is still within the territory of Anning Prefecture, but it is tens of thousands of miles away from Lanshan City. The customs are quite different, and the accent has also changed.

Between pacing the streets, Ram Yan looked as usual, but Tuba couldn't help looking around, appearing extremely cautious.

Although he was not the first time he entered a human city, it was the first time he entered the city so grandly.

"This method of hiding the breath really works..."

Tuba quietly glanced at An Qisheng, and was surprised.

He is very clear about the power of human beings.

During the Great Zhou Dynasty, all cities including counties, prefectures, and prefectures were covered by formations and connected to each other.

If there is no secret method, even the big demon will be spotted, and then, it will attract waves of pursuit.

In the past, even if he was careful, it was difficult to stay in the city for a long time. Even the formation was never a damaged city, and he couldn't even enter.

The method handed down by the Taoist Hongxuan is definitely not ordinary.

"Sect Master, did you enter this city?"

Ram Yan was full of doubts and couldn't help whispering inquiries.

They walked all the way out of Longji Mountain, but they didn't see that their master had the intention of stopping.

Could this city be weird?

He thought about it in his heart and was also quietly looking at it, but he swept many streets and pedestrians, but he didn't find anything unusual.

"Just rest."

An Qisheng casually retracted his eyes, turned around, and walked into a seemingly lively tavern beside the road.

Although Gong Yang Yan was puzzled in his heart, he could only hold it back and asked the waiter to take the big donkey down, and he and Tuba went upstairs together.

This restaurant is not small, with seven floors up and down, with a hollow circle. The lobby on the first floor is extremely crowded with people who sing music and tell stories, and there are also guests on the second and third floors looking down from the bar.

The air is full of wine.

A few people entered, and the waiter led it up to the fifth floor.

Compared with the lobby, the fifth floor is quieter. There are only a dozen tables of guests scattered around, either talking or drinking in silence.

The arrival of An Qisheng was not noticeable.

Ram Yan whispered a few words for food and drink, UU reading www.uukanshu.com just looked at An Qisheng who was writing by the window: "The master, I will go down and look at the big flower first, don't let this stupid donkey cause trouble. ."

Speaking of the donkey, Ram Yan also had a headache.

Hunyi is a small family, but he also has spirit beasts in captivity. This donkey started earlier than him, and it is the old master's heart.

If not, he wouldn't allow the donkey to get angry.

"Go ahead."

An Qisheng waved his hand dismissively, but his eyes fell, staring at the street.

A gleam of light flashed by.


There seemed to be a buzzing in my heart.

The world in front of him was like a blazing void, with folds and folds. After a few moments, Fang calmed down.

At this time, the city in front of him has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The sound of hawking along the street disappeared first, and then, the long street, which was full of people, became empty.

Finally, a layer of decay filled the mouth and nose.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the city that was full of voices had turned into a ghost city.

An indescribable coldness came to his face.

Tuba seemed to be unaware, and was still looking at the furnishings of the house, but Cai Xiaobai in his arms seemed a little restless.

"Interesting, interesting."

Suddenly, a slightly hoarse voice rang in the ears of several people.


Tuba was startled and looked back.

On the other side of the fifth floor, by the window, the old man wearing a hat and a gray robe with a shampoo was raising his glass:

"For many years, many people have passed through this city, but the first friend to enter the city and find a certain house. That's it, it's worth a drink!"

An Qisheng narrowed his eyes, but did not take the cup. Looking back at the old man in the hat, a strange color flashed in his eyes:

"Proof in a dream?"