Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1087: Rain late at night

"Hey, you are well-intentioned." Guo Sihai sighed for a while.

"It's alright, Sihai, you are talking about the real fire of the Second Sword God, and she told you something when she came." Qin An was still more interested in the woman in red.

"Nothing, just to tell me that the nine gods will come to this world, and then one day the sword spirit star will completely collapse, and the time and space gate will open the alien races will invade the earth. Then they help me condense the sword soul, let I am so selfish...that's all."

"Nothing else, did you see her look"

"Of course not. Didn’t I say that? It’s purely a mental communication. It’s as good as someone talking in your mind. Brother Qin, I really know so much. Even if I treat you honestly, you will follow I will talk about the Parasitic Sword God, I am very curious about them."

The two people had a common language, and then abandoned Cheng Gang, lying on the mattress in the tent and started chatting.

Cheng Gang was very uncomfortable holding the quilt far away from them, since he was despised, of course he must despise them.

At night, the three men slept in the same tent for the first time. They never thought about how many entanglements they will have in the future. The thread of fate has actually been secretly tied to the three of them. After all, no one can escape the arrangement of fate


Outside the camp, Yuchi Yahoo's face was a little pale.

It was only a few minutes from when he received the warning to when he came out, but everything has already settled.

Looking at the corpse spreading in front of him, he almost couldn't believe his eyes

A total of more than seventy dark people were killed by someone piercing their temples and died. Who did it?

Could it be Cheng Gang, the Golden King of Sky Wings, or Gong Xue, the Sword Divine Body ability

Yuchi Yahoo actually found out the identities of two more people.

Those are the two ladies of Li Ziyuan, Gu Lanfei and Ye Siya

In other words, among the ten people in the Qiu Jinse squadron, four super powerful figures already exist, and it is estimated that the other six are not weak.

What exactly did Commander Dong Junwei want to do, he sent so many powerful people into his team, Yuchi Yahoo, I really don’t understand.


The night wind continued to blow, and at midnight, a light rain began to fall in the sky, and then it became stronger.

Some soldiers with sonar detectors were still marching in the rain.

Their task is very important because they have to monitor the movement of the earth dragon

Today, the two hundred underground zombie transporters have been divided into four hundred, among which about one hundred earth dragons have stopped moving, and they only need to stand by when they reach the target point.

The other three hundred earth dragons were still advancing, some of them passed directly under the two major coalition camps, and some went around the east and west.

If at the current rate, the encirclement will be completely formed in two days.

This is a large encircling circle, with a diameter of up to sixty kilometers

After receiving the latest monitoring information, Dong Junwei of the Chinese Army Command couldn’t help but feel a little afraid. If Qin An fails to find these underground zombies in time, then two days later his own 100,000 people and Li Ziyuan’s 100,000 people will be over. At that time, if Tibet organizes troops to rescue, it is afraid that a passive battle will break out, and it is estimated that oneself will suffer heavy losses in the end.

On the other side, Li Ziyuan’s headquarters was empty.

At this time, Li Ziyuan was holding Song Dieyun, the golden king of singing soul, and Xiaozheng, the golden king of demon foxes, sleeping in his tent.

In fact, only Li Ziyuan is asleep now, Song Dieyun and Feng Xiaozheng did not sleep at all.

"Xiaozheng, do you have any problems with my brother?"

"what is the problem"

"That's it"

"Have you seen his little brother? He looks normal."

"Looking at what you said, I just watched it secretly once... Hey, if there is no problem, now we are sharing the same bed, how could he sleep like a pig, are we not beautiful enough?"

"Die Yun, don't think about these things. You like him, is it because you want to do that with him"

"You...how can you say that? I just think it's normal for men and women to like it and stay together, isn't it normal to do that?"

"...It seems yes, maybe he is thinking about his two wives."

"Hey, I'm so sad, why do you think we have become juniors and juniors"

"Hey, Die Yun, what you said is wrong, he has two wives, if we line up, we should be Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu"

"...You're such a fool, I will go to bed if I don't talk to you, and I will go with the weekly convention."

After Song Dieyun finished speaking, she turned around, frowning but still couldn't sleep.

Feng Xiaozheng is a big-hearted man. He took the snore Li Ziyuan into his arms. In his mind, a few sheep ran past and quickly fell asleep, leaving Song Dieyun tossing on the bed alone.


The rain affected a large area, more than 100 kilometers.

King Kong, Liu Yuanchao, Wu Zhen, Liu Wenli, and Wu Yan were in an abandoned villa complex by the sea.

They found a villa that seemed to be the most intact and went in to shelter from the rain.

I don't know how many years there have been no people living here. After a few people went in, they found that there was dust everywhere. The originally well-decorated tiles on the ground had cracked, and grass and moss had grown from the period.

The three women were very virtuous and cleaned up the two bedrooms on the first floor after entering the house.

They found that there was a relatively clean-looking bedding in the cupboard in one bedroom, but it had a mildew smell because it had been placed for many years, but it was considered very well preserved.

Now that the rain is pouring, I can only talk about it for one night here.

All five of them felt comfortable in Tianjuri. It was really a crime to come out and wander around. I didn’t meet a wicked girl, so naturally I didn’t even see the shadow of the soul boy in the last days.

The two bedrooms are actually connected. There is a wide sliding door in the middle. Liu Yuanchao opened the sliding door, then quickly took off his clothes and ran to bed with a smile: "Two King Kong wives, we are not outsiders, this sliding door Don’t pull it up, the old man is lying in bed and can’t sleep, so I can talk to you.”

Before Liu Wenli and Wu Zhen could respond, Wu Yan patted Liu Yuanchao's **** with her hand.

"Old pervert, why do you look at King Kong and his two daughters-in-law and hug you left and right?"

Liu Yuanchao laughed and said hurriedly that he didn’t envy a wife.

Wu Zhen over there is a temperament, she is very generous to take off her clothes soaked in the rain, anyway, now the room is very dark, and although the sliding door is opened, there are still walls on both sides. Liu Yuanchao couldn't see anything.

The fastest update, please read.