Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1234: Twelfth Sword God, Nanshan

"Who are you?"

Shan Hai Shuangyue stood opposite Qin An, breathing a bit shortly, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

In just one minute, the three of them didn't use other abilities, but used physical skills to fight for over a hundred rounds. Shan Hai Shuangyue was hit by Qin An's heavy punches several times, and they didn't suffer much damage.

Qin An was really shocked. Now that he has completed the eleventh level mutation and entered the realm of strong body, how can he still not deal with these two seemingly weak little girls?

In other words, if you have not swallowed the sword soul stone and completed the energy promotion, you may still be at a disadvantage if you start with these two people.

Naturally, the mountain and the sea were two moons more shocked than Qin An.

They know very well how strong they are, so they were beaten by the flower girl in front of them without the strength to fight back. This is hard to imagine, who is the opponent?

"Shan Yue, don't talk nonsense with her, hurry up and kill her with all your strength"

Haiyue's voice fell, Shanyue's body was full of green light, and the ten-color rune mark on her chest suddenly burst into light. Qin An only felt a strong energy wave from above his head. When he looked up, a towering mountain appeared in the air.

Qin An was a little stunned. The ancients said that the wind calls the rain, the mud horse is now facing the sea and the mountains.

What the **** is this woman named Shanyue? How could she summon such a dark and crushing mountain.

Without time to think about it, Qin An moved quickly, picked up the dumb girl who was fighting with Li Wanhua, and fled away like flying.

Shanyue waved his hand slightly, then disappeared at the same time as Haiyue and Li Wanhua, and once again appeared on the top of this kilometer-high mountain.

Qin An and the dumb girl also failed to escape. They only felt their heads dizzy, their bodies trembled, their bodies disappeared, and they reached the huge mountain when they reappeared.

Although this mountain is indeed very large, it is actually only three or four kilometers in diameter, and its height is only one kilometer, which is considered a dangerous peak.

But when Qin An and the dumb girl entered the mountain, they were a little confused. In their eyes, everything in the mountain was so huge, with huge leaves, huge weeds, huge flowers, and huge ants.

This...Did their bodies suddenly become smaller or the world has become bigger?

In other words, if you don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, are you only in this mountain?

This mountain is also the opponent’s special ability Sword God skill

Qin An frowned, and suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a sword **** with a mountain in his name, and that was the 12th ranked sword god, Nanshan.

With a sound, through the huge weeds, a group of ferocious-looking ants appeared. The figures of these ants turned out to be more than a hundred times larger than Qin An and Qiu Jinse.

Qiu Jinse's face was a little pale, and he still didn't understand what happened.

"Qin An, what to do"

"Don't worry, I will transform"

While talking, Qin An turned on the giant state, and then... grew a little bit taller, and even the clothes weren't broken. He seemed to have just changed from a little girl to a big girl, the same height as Qiu Jinse.

Qiu Jinse looked at Qin An blankly.

"Hey, you have changed"


Qin An was speechless, took Qiu Jinse's hand and ran away, waving his hand and shooting hundreds of red lights, hitting the first huge ant and killing it.

However, there are hundreds of ants behind it

Qin An understands that his ability to become bigger has been suppressed by this strange mountain, and other abilities can still be used, but because others have become smaller, the range of abilities has also become smaller. These red leaves were originally bullets. But now it has become a strand of hair, even if it is still powerful, but you must know that even if a strand of hair directly penetrates the human body, the slight wound left behind will not necessarily be fatal to humans. Dao Hongguang shoots into the body of a giant ant and can make it die directly, which is not bad

It's so **** exhausting, if the opponent really has the twelfth sword **** Nanshan in his body, it would be really troublesome to deal with

The nine main gods have been able to create soul creatures, so the ranking of the twelfth sword **** Nanshan is so high, it is naturally not easy to deal with

When thinking like this, Qin An already took Qiu Jinse's hand and quickly ran over a hundred meters on the huge mountain... and was overtaken by the huge ant colony behind.

Ah, the depression of the short legs is really not enough for outsiders

Qiu Jinse shook Qin An's little hand with Qin An, and his mood has stabilized. Is this a shared adversity?

Some **** Qiu Jinse is no longer nervous and afraid.

Yes, now she is not like there was only one person by her side, but there is still such a man

Thinking about this, Qiu Jinse was completely calm. Seeing a group of big ants chasing behind her, she concentrated on her concentration, and then waved to the sky. The power of the deep blue sea was turned on, and a large area of ​​majestic ocean appeared in an instant. It was hundreds of meters away, and the ants were washed away after landing.

Qin An couldn't help smiling after seeing it. It seemed that Qiu Jinse was the same as him, not only had his figure become smaller, the release range and power of this ability had also shrunk.

Suddenly, the two only felt that their clothes started to become hot, and then suddenly swelled, and they were finally covered by the clothes.

"Ah Qin An, I can't see it anymore, what is this"

"Damn, the clothes are getting bigger. It seems that the suppressing power of this mountain is relatively weak to the dead, so our clothes only become smaller for a moment with us, and then they become huge."

"Then...then I am out of clothes, what can I do?"

"What are you panicking, I haven't seen it"

"Ah, when did you watch it"

"Have you forgotten the bra. Wear the hood back"

"Huh, you finally admitted, pervert"

"I never denied it either."

Qin An and Qiu Jinse ran blindly in the huge clothes, talking while running.

Qin An waved his hands to tear open the enlarged clothing while running, and at the same time tore off a few pieces of floral cloth on the top, and then wrapped his body and Qiu Jinse's body, at least not dew points, so sorry.

Although Qiu Jinse is backward in thought, she is not a chaste woman before the end of the world, so even if her clothes are disheveled at this time, she will not really mind. Besides, the man in front of him is Qin An, who is afraid of her having several children in the future. Daddy

"what should I do now"

"Don’t worry. Since the clothes can grow from childhood, it means that we are in this big mountain space. The oppressive power should be gradually weakening for us. That is to say, we will eventually return to the original state, as long as we protect ourselves during this period. Yes. I was able to monitor the range of 20 kilometers, but now it has become smaller, and the distance I can hear seems to be only more than 100 meters. I don’t know where the mountains and seas and the girl of the Shadowless Night Witch are. , Let’s run towards the top of the mountain. As the saying goes, people go to high places. Climbing up the mountain is the top of the mountain. Dumb girl, today I will take a vacation. It’s good to have an outing on this huge mountain with you."

While talking, Qin An had killed a few giant earthworms and giant bees that were close to him, pulling Qiu Jinse and ran a hundred meters away. If calculated according to the proportion, this should have been running for 20 kilometers.

Qiu Jinse bit her lip and didn't speak, but in her heart it was the little deer bumping into it.

This...is this an outing, is she and Qin An going to have their first date?


God, I don’t know when it has turned black.

At the Nanshan Pavilion on the top of the mountain, Shanyue made a large table of dishes and sat opposite Haiyue and Li Wanhua.

"Hey, my ability, I don’t need any effort. There are many monsters in the mountains. They will actively seek out targets and attack. I don’t know where the targets are now hiding. The woman in green clothes is very powerful. For insurance Let’s just wait here for the sake of my ability. When my abilities fail, they should have fought the monsters in the mountains. I don’t know how many battles. Even if they are immortal, they will be too tired."

Li Wanhua looked at Shanyue and asked, "What kind of ability is this? It's amazing."

"Hehe, Sister Wanhua, your stealth ability seems to me to be equally magical. I am the host of the Nanshan Sword God, and the four great Sword God skills possessed by the Nanshan Sword God are Nanshan Fall, the battle of the mountains and the cliffs and the great mountains. The beast patrols the mountain.

The fall of Nanshan Mountain is very simple, that is, I can summon such a mountain, and then control it to fly around at will. If I want to fall, I will fall. Ordinary abilities can't escape at all. I can be killed by the mountain while talking. Attack method.

Mountains and cliffs are a defensive skill. I can summon countless mountain walls to form barriers so that foreign enemies cannot invade and fall into the maze of mountain walls.

In the Battle of the Mountain, the opponent's body can be reduced and then brought into the mountain, and some of their abilities can be restricted, at least the release ratio of the ability range will be reduced.

Ten thousand beasts patrolling the mountain is easy, the monsters in the mountain will find the target, and then kill each other, endlessly

Anyway, let’s just wait. At this moment, the mountain is suspended in mid-air, 800 meters above the ground. Look at the moonlight rising to the west, is it a bit more beautiful"

Haiyue smiled and said, "You don’t need to be so passive, Wanhua, I’m the host of the eleventh sword **** Tie Yong, so let Shanyue take action first. When the enemy is exhausted, I will patrol the mountain personally. They believe that with my strength, they should be able to kill them easily. I am not interested in what they came from. I only know that anyone who wants to oppose me will lose their lives in the end."

Li Wanhua nodded heavily, and then said:

"I'll go with you for a while. I'm good at killing people. I'm a Shadowless Night Demon."

When the three women said this, they laughed loudly, and then talked about their wine.


In the huge forest, Qin An and Qiu Jinse hid in a cave. This cave is actually just a small hole, but it is still huge for them.

The fabric that Qiu Jinse originally wrapped around her body has long gone. He was hiding in a corner and cutting a huge leaf with his hands, trying to get a suit of clothes for himself.

Qin An used his teleportation ability to send a clod of soil from other places, sealed the hole, and then took out a huge night pearl from the space ring.

This night pearl was originally only ten centimeters in diameter, but for Qin An and Qiu Jinse at this time, it was really huge.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Qin An turned his head to look at Qiu Jinse, and saw that the dumb girl was holding her bare buttocks with one hand, kneeling on the ground with her back to herself and cutting leaves, she couldn't help feeling a little smile.

"Hey, just find me if you want clothes, why bother?"

"Don't look here" Qiu Jinse blushed and her voice trembled.

There were some women's clothing in Qin An's space ring. He sent out a pair of huge white underwear, then tore a few pieces of cloth from it, first re-wrapped himself, and then sent a piece of cloth to Qiu Jinse.

Qiu Jinse felt the cloth wrapped around her body and hurriedly stood up, and then moved her hands together to wrap herself into a zongzi, which was really strict.

"Hide for a while, there are too many monsters, and the more you go up, the stronger this monster seems to be. There have been many mutant types. They are actually just relatively small low-level mutant beasts, but now they come to us. It is said to be a ferocious monster with a huge body and a super defensive power. We are really like the little people in the country of little people."

Qin An looked up at the cave while speaking.

It is about one square meter of space, really not that big, but to Qin An and Qiu Jinse at this moment, it seems to be a world.

"Dumb girl, are you hungry?"

"Well, a little bit, do you...do you still have something to eat? We have all been running for a day, how could we not be hungry. I don't know when it will return to its original shape."

Qin An is not in a hurry.

Since the other party has never appeared before, it means that they should also not know where they are in the mountains, otherwise they would have run out and killed them. After all, the two of them have become smaller now, and their abilities have become smaller. Obviously Is the best time to shoot.

A square floral cloth was transmitted from the space ring.

Qin An ran quickly to level the Fabra.

In fact, this floral cloth is just a handkerchief, but it is still huge for Qin An and Qiu Jinse.

After that, Qin An opened the space ring again, and a huge ball appeared on the edge of the handkerchief, shocking Qiu Jinse.

"This...this is a watermelon"

"Well, my wife Qin Xiaoyan planted it, so I have to put a few in the space ring, and then take it out to eat it, you wait, I will go up and get it."

While speaking, Qin An activated the teleportation ability to reach the top of the watermelon, and took out the Three Fire Yingyue Wentian Divine Sword to flatten the top, revealing the red flesh inside.

Looking at it with a slight frown, Qin An gathered the divine sword, and then took out a huge spoon from the space ring, holding the spoon, digging two large holes in the red flesh of the watermelon.

The juice of the pulp slowly oozes out, finally turning the two holes into a bathtub of watermelon juice. The watermelon juice looks extremely clear and translucent, showing a hint of pink warmth under the illumination of the glowing ball of Yemingzhu... .

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