Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 324: Simple logic

A set of solid wooden tables and chairs that were expensive before the end of the world was placed in the living room, but at this time they were worthless.

Qin An sat on a chair and said to Su Zhenmei: "This is a simple logic! Sit down and listen to me and talk to you!"

Without any hesitation, Su Zhenmei sat on the wooden chair closest to Qin An, and then stared at Qin An's eyes tightly, holding her breath, very nervous.

Qin An smiled slightly and said:

"You have been infected by an overdose of t virus without losing your human mind, but have an abnormal appetite for humans. In Western Tibet, they are named Deep Awakened, or Awakened for short!

Awakeners are very rare. I heard from my friend Guo Xiaomei that there seemed to be only one Awakener at the base in western Tibet, and it was quickly wiped out.

So unfortunately, I have met two, one of them also died, and the other one is you!

I have explained so much, and then we reconsider the root of the problem, which is why there are awakened ones!

A person who has c virus in his body, after being infected with a proper amount of t virus, will synthesize tc virus in the body, become a tc virus carrier, and eventually awaken to become a mutant.

The mutants continue to inject excessive t-viruses, and it is said that most of them will become deep mutants, or slayers for short. The slayers do not have the wisdom of human beings and are completely killing beasts! This is easy to understand, the t-viruses have increased in the body, and the t-viruses in the mutants occupy the dominant position, and they will eventually become more powerful than ordinary zombies!

Then, why some mutants who have injected too much t-virus will become awakened people with human minds rather than killers who lose their wisdom?

In my analysis, there is only one reason, that is, the tc virus in this mutant should be specific!

This means that these tc viruses may form new substances, or new compounds, with the injected excess tc viruses. For example, they can be called ttc viruses!

This concept is well understood. For example, a substance has the same molecular structure but different performance properties, such as solid water and liquid water.

It has different physical properties and even different chemical properties for different traits!

The tc virus should also have this difference, perhaps very subtle.

Therefore, a small number of mutants are infected with excessive t-virus and can become awakeners rather than killers, because the dominant virus in their body is not tc virus, nor t-virus, but a brand new ttc virus!

This can also explain why the awakened person has a stronger self-repair ability than the ordinary mutant! Because the ttc virus in the body of the awakened person can stimulate more active division and proliferation of human cells!

All this is actually just my guess and there is no medical confirmation, but it may be the truth of the matter. "

Su Zhenmei listened to Qin An's account very carefully. Her EQ is not high, but her IQ is good. It means that she may not understand how to behave in the world, but her learning ability is very good, so she can understand what Qin An said. Of these words.

Qin An continued:

"Okay, after explaining the problem of the awakened, we are looking back at the mutant.

When the mutant was hit by a bullet, the shell remained in his body.

The tc virus in the mutant body will automatically determine the bullet as a harmful substance, and then the tc virus will concentrate around the bullet, swallow it and decompose it! This is a very complicated process that requires a lot of human energy.

When the tc virus swallows and decomposes the bullet, if the mutant suffers damage, such as cutting off one of his arms, the arm will not regenerate itself quickly, because the tc virus has concentrated around the bullet and it has no time to control cells in other parts of the body. Rapid division, which means that the tc virus has lost its effect for mutants at this time.

So what is the state of the awakened after being shot?

You had been shot five times before, and the chest wound did not repair itself immediately. This shows that the substance in your body that may be ttc virus should have similar characteristics to tc virus, and it is also concentrated in the shells of five bullets. Go to devour them and decompose them.

Therefore, the bullet holes in your injured area cannot be repaired quickly.

So at this time, does it mean that the ttc virus has lost its effect for you?

Since it has no time to repair your wounds, it naturally has no ability to influence you and give you abnormal appetite!

This is my guess again, and there is still no medical verification!

However, you have now followed me into the city and have been in contact with a large number of humans along the way. As you said, you don't feel very hungry, and you don't really want to eat the people around you!

This has proved that my guess is correct!

Therefore, getting the ttc virus in your body busy is the way to solve your abnormal appetite symptoms!

Therefore, what you have to do now is to record how long it takes before you can completely swallow and decompose the five shells in your body.

The shells are mostly made of stainless steel and copper-plated, and the composition of stainless steel is mainly iron, carbon, and chromium, manganese, sulfur, and phosphorus.

That is to say, once these elements enter the body in excess, they will be judged as harmful substances by the ttc virus and removed.

Then, in the future, as long as you keep some bullets around and put them in your body, your ttc virus will become very busy.

It should be noted here that since these substances are harmful to you, you cannot put a lot of them into the body at the same time, nor can they remain in the body for a long time.

Therefore, you must control the number of bullets put into your body. I think five or just right can control your abnormal appetite and give you strength, just like a normal person.

There is also that you can’t keep putting bullets into your body without interruption. For example, after you let go of fifteen bullets three times, you must rest, leave the crowd to replenish energy, eat some fresh meat, and let you The ttc virus rejuvenates.

It can be animal meat. If no animal meat is found, it is inevitable to eat some wicked meat.

When the energy is replenished, you can use your own bullet into the body to control your abnormal appetite symptoms!

This is the way I think of it for you, do you think it is feasible?

I am adding two points:

First, if you don’t want to eat human flesh at all, then when you have bullets in your body, collect more live animals. When your ttc virus has completely entered the energy depletion period, you can quickly replenish energy. !

Second, when the ttc virus gets busy, although you can temporarily get rid of the abnormal appetite, your strength has also declined, which means that at this time you must be careful to be easily killed by others! "

After hearing Qin An's words, Su Zhenmei's face was unusually flushed.

If she can really return to human society, if she can live a normal life without eating human flesh, for her, it will be the best blessing bestowed by God!

Qin An looked at Su Zhenmei and sighed softly.

In fact, this is just a way to treat the symptoms, not the root cause. Qin An is not sure whether this will have any irreversible side effects on Su Zhenmei if he does this for a long time.

However, this is at least one way, and Su Zhenmei can choose by herself.

Slowly, Qin An found tears welling up in Su Zhenmei's eyes. He tried to make his voice gentle, and said: "Okay! It's getting late too, go to sleep! Tomorrow you go and ask Yin Hanchao for some bullets, this Whether the method works, we will have to experiment a few times to know!"

Su Zhenmei nodded vigorously, then said softly: "Qin An! Thank you!"

Qin An shook his head, secretly ashamed, if it hadn't been for Su Zhenmei to rescue him, he might not care about the life of this woman.

He is also a very realistic person!

After saying thanks to Qin An, Su Zhenmei quickly got up and ran into another bedroom.

Qin An looked at her leaving back and found that her shoulders were trembling, which showed that she was crying with excitement and crying intensely.

Can be a man, who wants to be a ghost?

However, in the last days, some people can be human, but they also want to be ghosts!

This is the difference in human nature between people!

Sitting quietly in the living room for a while, Qin An realized that this two-bedroom room had no place for him.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Qin An stood up and walked out of the living room to the outside of the courtyard.

At this time, a crescent moon has hung on the black sky.

Seeing the bright moonlight, Qin An's mind was erratic.

For a while, I think of everyone in Lanyue, of Qin Cheng's Xiaoyan, and then of strange Cao Tian.

He found that since leaving his home with Xiaoyan, he seems to have never had a life, but he hasn't done anything meaningful, and seems to have been exhausted.

Slowly paced, Qin An walked out of the courtyard, and then walked around the house casually.

Occasionally, I meet some people, they are Yin Hanchao's men, busy packing things.

More than two thousand people returned here from the place where they had lived for more than half a year. Naturally, they brought many items with them, so Qin An was not curious about their busyness.

Yin Hanchao should have been asleep at this time, Qin An did not look for him, but wandered out of the Qianwei General's Mansion alone, and then walked towards the poor area.

He wanted to see what kind of city this doomsday city he had heard of.

At this time, the time is about nine o'clock in the evening.

After walking for about a few kilometers, Qin An left the noble area and went to the slum area, where he saw many stone pillars and discs before.

At this time, the women on the disk are no longer there, maybe they are all rented away by the nobles with a handful of rice?

Humph, Cao Tian is really ridiculous, this is obviously a lot of people on the street asking women to sell it, and he even said what Yu'e Bao!

Suppressing the depression in his heart, Qin An's gaze wandered around and found that there were not many pedestrians on the street at this time.

A spacious stone road is the road Qin An walked on. On both sides of the road, there are housing areas. Between houses and houses, there are many small roads.

Qin An left the spacious stone road and walked along the path, his super hearing turned on, and his brow wrinkled.

In the last days, there are no lights, no social interactions, no entertainment, so when it gets dark, most people hide in their snails, hold women, and do that kind of thing.

Therefore, what Qin An heard were the screams of women who were depressed, high-pitched, or crying, or howling, and the gasps of men.

This is a corrupted world. In this world, people's hearts have been lost, and all that is left is the catharsis of depravity!

Distracted from his attention, his super hearing was turned off, the erosive sounds became much smaller, and Qin An's mood became a little calmer.

At this moment, he didn't have any. Some were just a touch of sadness.

Maybe it was because of too much trouble, maybe because of drinking at night, Qin An suddenly felt a bit of headache.

Forget it, go back to sleep!

Just when Qin An had such thoughts, he suddenly saw an unfamiliar acquaintance in front of the small wooden house not far ahead!