Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1080: Total destruction

Lin Tian couldn't explain the change of the crescent blade, but there was nothing to keep secret. Anyway, Ning Luoxi had seen it, and he passed it to Ning Luoxi without hesitation.

Ning Luoxi took it carefully, and gently rubbed the blade, saying strangely: "The crescent blade becomes so strange, but I can't say this feeling, it seems to have become sharper and more magical. "

After observing for a long time, she became even more confused, and had to shake her head to return the person with the crescent moon to Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​thank you. If it weren't for your timely shots, I'm afraid they are more fierce, but fortunately they will not leave the waters." Ning Luoxi looked at Lin Tian and said seriously.

Lin Tian stole the Crescent Blade at will and laughed: "Even if I do n’t do anything, I can get out of the control of the water plants with your ability, but it takes a lot of trouble. But these water plants are really weird and can penetrate into people. Body, parasitize people as their nourishment. "

"Plant parasites are not rare. Cordyceps is one of them. Fungal hyphae are drilled into the larvae of bat moths to absorb the larvae's nutrition. The larvae are drilled into the soil in winter, and the mycelium from the larvae in the spring and summer , Growing into Cordyceps, and the larvae as host bodies also died. "Ning Luoxi explained.

"And, relatively speaking, mycelial parasites are more powerful than water plants, because they can spread mycelial spores from the air, and the gods do n’t know it. Although these water plants are violent, if they are foreseen, they can prevent them. We withdrew, and there was no need to explore any further. "Ning Luoxi said calmly, and did not have any fear of aquatic weeds just because of what happened.

This is the power of knowledge, and ignorance makes people afraid.

Ning Luoxi said he would withdraw, Lin Tian quickly stopped: "No, when I just shot the javelin, I found that there is an underwater cave hidden behind the aquatic plants, maybe our target is inside."

"Really?" Ning Luoxi was surprised, then looked at the puddle and said, "How can we avoid these plants?"

At this time, the aquatic plants seemed to return to calm again. Only the countless aquatic plants floating in the water showed how fierce the battle was just now.

Lin Tian took out the crescent blade again, and took out all three, then chuckled: "Avoid? Why do we avoid them, they want me to die, and I let them die too."

"What do you want?" Ning Luoxi frowned. Although she was not afraid of these plants, but before she thought of a solution to it, rashly exploring was just a pointless adventure.

As soon as her voice had fallen, Lin Tian had jumped forward and jumped into the puddle again. Ning Luoxi was startled and wanted to stop, but Lin Tian's words came from her ear.

"Trust me, wait for me on the shore, don't come down."

Ning Luoxi frowned, her face flashing with worry, but she stopped and didn't jump into the water with Lin Tian. She knows Lin Tian's personality, usually casual, but he will never mess up when it is critical, and he is not a loser, thinking of this, Ning Luoxi settled down slightly.

"Tong Tong" sounded, Lin Tian smashed into the water, then a few snorkeling, dived to the bottom again. He came to destroy this time. He did not deliberately avoid the plants at the bottom of the pond, and his arrival once again stirred up the response of the plants.

It seemed that the same person could be recognized. This time the response of the water grass was even more violent. Between a few breaths, the water plants in the entire pond grew wildly, and all rolled towards Lin Tian.

Although Ning Luoxi couldn't see the bottom of the pond, she saw that the entire water surface suddenly burst into countless blisters, as if the entire pond was boiling.

Of course, it is impossible for the water pond to boil. She knew that the water plants at the bottom of the pool were completely crazy, and she seemed to completely kill Lin Tian, ​​the second invader.

Lin Tian stood steadily at the bottom of the pond, looking coldly at the madness of the water plants, but did not move. When the grass and grass rolled over, Lin Tian suddenly moved, using his feet as an axis, and twirled violently.

If someone's eyesight is good enough, you can see Lin Tian's hands holding three weird crescent-shaped blades. He holds the blades staggered up and down, and his body rotates rapidly, and the whole person looks like a human twist. The meat machine, countless blades scratched out countless water marks, and it seemed that he had formed a field of blade storms around him. All aquatic plants entering this field have been cut into numerous segments.

Lin Tian turns faster and faster, and then drives the surrounding water to rotate together. A small water vortex is formed, and Lin Tian, ​​at the center of the water vortex, seems to have a nuclear reactor installed, with a constant source of energy and a larger water vortex.

More pond water was drawn in, there were countless water shreds, and then it was cut relentlessly.

Standing on the shore of Ningluoxi, suddenly found a small vortex appeared on the water surface, and then the vortex grew at a very fast speed, one meter in diameter, two meters ... five meters ...

In the end, a super vortex was born, and it actually contained half a pool of water. Ning Luoxi faintly saw that in the center of this vortex, it was Lin Tian's shadow.

She was so shocked that Lin Tian, ​​with his bare hands and fists, created such a spectacular super vortex. Yes, if such a vortex appears in the river outside, someone must think that the end of the world is coming.

Ning Luoxi admits that ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ can't do it by himself, and can't even make it on a general scale. What kind of energy is needed for such a super vortex?

It was only now that she understood how much strength Lin Lin had fought with her before and Ning Luoxi was completely shocked. If Lin Tian fights hard, how many rounds can he persist? How long does it last?

Compared with the battle at the shrine, Lin Tian's strength is stronger. Ning Luoxi once again understood the fact that how this kind of strength grows is amazing talent. Genius is indescribable, right?

The formation of a super vortex is no longer an active attack by water plants, but an active attack by Lin Tian. No, it should be said to be destruction.

The vortex pulled the waterweed violently, pulled the waterweed into the attack range, and was smashed by Lin Tian's "Sword Blade Storm Field".

More and more waterweeds floated. This was cut off and deactivated waterweeds. I do n’t know how long the time passed. The super vortex in the water pool suddenly stopped and Lin Tian stopped spinning.

He lifted his foot to the bottom of the pool, leaped hard, and jumped out of the center of the vortex. The huge vortex was slammed by Lin Tian, ​​collapsed, and numerous turbulent currents were created, which stirred the pool upside down.

Lin Tian rose into the sky and brought countless water flowers, like the birth of a water dragon. The "water dragon" draws a perfect arc and landed on the shore of the pool, showing Lin Tian's figure.

Losing Lin Tian ’s power, the turbulent flow in the pond slowly disappeared, and finally calmed down completely. The water surface became smooth again like a mirror. The only difference is that under the water surface, there are countless "hair strands" suspended. These hairs It is the silver wire grass that Lin Tian cut into countless sections.