Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1104: 3rd party raid

Unexpectedly, in the modern society, Lin Tian would hear things like guardian knights happen to him. Such a brilliant měinǚ, if she was placed in the Middle Ages, as long as she spoke and was willing to be the man and warrior who guarded the knight, she could go around the city a few times.

However, Lin Tian had no interest at all, he said lightly: "I once promised a girl and promised to protect her. Unfortunately, your guardian knight can only choose another capable person."

Xiao Manxuan listened to Lin Tian's words, and his heart was as sweet as melting honey. Is the girl in his mouth not himself?

Refusing to be a guardian knight is equivalent to rejecting beauty and unlimited money. The ghosts admire Lin Tian's eyes more admirably. There is a strange light in the eyes of Daxiaojie. Only Bai Yuze is crazy when Lin Tian is crazy. One sentence The money that I could get, I refused.

Bai Zhengchu sighed slightly. Such a person is still a young man with a firm mind and few in the world. Why would the Bai family provoke such a terrible person?

Charlotte was not upset, but said calmly, "So we can only be enemies?"

Lin Tian lost the black card again and said coldly, "From the moment you caught Madam Xiao, we can only be enemies!"

"Okay, then we will do what the enemy should do. You give me Dan Fang and the research materials, and I will let Chairman Li Xinyi guarantee that nothing will happen." Charlotte said.

"Charlotte, you promised us that if the Bai family assists you, help us get back to the jade shop channel in Jinghua." Bai Zhengchu interjected.

Charlotte gave Bai Zhengchu a glance, and said blankly, "Did I promise to help you return? I just promised to return to the Xiao family after you've done it. You need to remember it clearly." Disdain.

Bai Zhengchu's eyes narrowed and he said, "Without our Bai family's assistance, you wouldn't be so easy. It seems unreasonable for you to say so now."

"You just said the opposite. If it weren't for me to suppress them, your Bai family might have been destroyed, so you should thank me," Charlotte said lightly.

The father and son of the Bai family were angry for a while, but they were helpless. They dared not be angry and they could not speak. There was nothing they could do to get Charlotte.

Charlotte was too lazy to see the Bai family father and son, and continued to say to Lin Tian and Da Xiaojie: "How well you think about it, Dan Fanghe's research materials are just copied to me, you still own them, but Chairman Li Xinyi has only one and is gone. It's gone forever. "

The tone was very bland, but anyone could hear it, it was a warning, it was a threat.

"I can give you Dan Fang and research materials, but I want to make sure my mother's safety." Da Xiaojie said.

"Of course, you will see it." Charlotte said, then waved, a female behind him took a cell phone and opened it to Daxiaojie.

The phone is playing a video, and the image on the screen is Mrs. Xiao. Judging from the picture, Mrs. Xiao seems to be sitting in a shabby place, but it seems that she has not been harmed, but was just xiànzhì person zìyóu.

"Mom, are you okay?" Xiao Manxuan shouted.

Mrs. Xiao looked up and looked forward, as if someone was holding a mobile phone to give her a video call. She hesitated and said, "Is it Xuan Xuan? I'm fine, I just don't know where."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Charlotte beckoned, and the women immediately put away the phone and returned to their place.

"Now you can rest assured, I just want Dan Fang and research materials, and it does not hurt, as long as you cooperate with me." Charlotte said coldly.

"I can give you Dan Fang, but there are too many research materials on it, even if it can't be loaded with the largest U disk, how do you want me to give you?" Daxiaojie told the truth.

She did not lie. The Xiao family has studied Danfang for so many years, and there are too many derived materials, such as the derived "blood angel". All the information is placed on its own server.

"I only need the information of Dan Fang and the Blood Angel. Now I will pass it to this USB flash drive. I don't have much patience, and you don't want Chairman Li Xinyi to continue to be frightened." Charlotte said neatly, and then lost one The black USB stick is for big xiaojie.

Lin Tian also asked Stone to take out the tablet computer so that Xiaojie could download the information. She needed to log in to the Xiao Group server and download the information to a USB flash drive.

In fact, Lin Tian didn't care much about Xiao Fang's Dan Fang. In his opinion, any Dan Fang was not as important as Mrs. Xiao's life. Moreover, he himself had a lot of Dan Fang, and it seemed like a pity that Charlotte should be given nothing. .

The data began to download, and neither side spoke, but both stared at each other in order to prevent any tricks from the other side.

The material was downloaded faster than expected. Half an hour later, Daxiaojie downloaded the USB flash drive báchūlái, indicating that the data had been downloaded. Charlotte seemed to be anxious when looking at the USB flash drive. This was an expression she had not seen since she appeared.

Lin Tian was very strange. What did Charlotte want Dan Fang and the "Blood Angel"?

"Bring my mother here, otherwise you don't want to get the information." Daxiaojie held a USB flash drive and talked to Charlotte about the conditions ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ If you do n’t deliver it by one hand, you know who delivered it by one hand Will Charlotte regret it after getting the information, and beg again. Therefore, Daxiaojie wanted to see his mother come back on the spot.

Charlotte wasn't a messer either. She asked her women to make a call. After a while, a car drove in from the other side of the abandoned factory. After the car stopped, two women came out, one wearing a cloak. Dressed the same as Charlotte and the other was Madam Shaw.

Mrs. Shao's clothes and hair were still neat, and sure enough, as Charlotte himself said, Mrs. Shaw was not affected by nuèdài.

The sisters of the Xiao family were relieved to see that her mother was safe and sound, but the big xiaojie didn't get dizzy. When Mrs. Xiao approached, she threw the USB drive over, and deliberately lost it a little, so as to divert Charlotte's attention. force.

Charlotte retreated and wanted to catch the U disk, but when she moved, the ground suddenly bulged, and then burst open, and the dust was flying all over the sky, covering everyone's sight.

In the diffused smoke, several figures came out of the ground and flew straight to the U disk. At this critical moment, someone unexpectedly came from underground.

Lin Tian can see very clearly that these people are dressed in night clothes, just like the ninjas they have seen before, but these are even more powerful. I don't know if these ninjas were buried in advance or they just dug through the tunnel just now. Previously I just heard that advanced ninjas would be terrified, but Lin Tian didn't want to see it with his own eyes.

"Ninja! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Charlotte said coldly, and then swung up diagonally, a burst of black gas burst into the air, then she turned into a big bat! [To be continued. ]