Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1119: Rossi's choice

The maiden frowning for a while, took out a paper note from her arms and handed it to Lin Tian: "Here it is, you can save your life when it matters."

Lin Tian didn't pick it up, instead he threw his crescent blade to Rossi, pointed to the sky and said, "You forgot, she looked at it. If I had amulets on my body, how could I fall into the Jedi? And these three The crescent blade cannot be carried on the body. "

Seeing the change of the Crescent Blade, the heavenly girl was a little strange, but at the moment, she didn't have time to explore. She frowned and said, "If it wasn't for my limited strength, the heavenly magic weapon could only be used once, and things would not be so troublesome."

"Don't say that, you know that you are still coming in, and I have admired it, but we have also fought side by side several times and haven't seen your face, I believe it must be a měinǚ, before I die, can I Let me see how you look? "Lin Tian said with a smile.

The heavenly girl gave him a white look and yelled, "I don't allow you to say death, if you can live, I will promise to show you."

"Well, in order to see Fang Rong, why can't I die?" Lin Tian joked, after turning, he walked away, walked two steps and said, "Yes, did you see when you came in Sister Xiao family? Oh, by the way, you may not know them. What I want to say is, was there anyone outside the realm when you came in? "

The girl shook her head and said, "There are skeleton soldiers outside. I can't see anyone else, maybe I didn't notice it."

"Hopefully they have left, or else it will be troublesome. Charlotte, a woman, can do everything." Lin Tian frowned.

He no longer hesitated, jumping straight upstairs, violently accelerating like a meteor falling, and when he touched the ground, Lin Tian used the meteor burst again.

Violent bàozhà, violent vibration, deafening sound, there is no one inch of complete ground within a range of more than ten meters, and nearby skeleton soldiers are like evaporation on earth, destroyed and disappeared.

When Lin Tian jumped out of the pit, there was a rumbling sound behind him. The building he jumped off could not stand the violent vibration and finally collapsed. The heavenly girl has already left the top of the building and has also moved to the ground.

"Charlotte, come on, let your skeleton soldiers attack me, I have nothing to threaten you!" Lin Tian shouted at the sky.

Charlotte apparently fulfilled Lin Tian's wishes, as several skeleton warriors appeared around the abandoned factory, plus the original three, a total of ten.

Your uncle, this woman is really rude, and even brought ten to Lao Tzu! Lin Tian cursed endlessly.

"Tianshi Master, you only need to clean up the soldiers, these ten battles will be handed to me!" Lin Tian still shouted loudly.

As soon as the words were finished, ten skeleton war generals launched an assault. Lin Tian rushed forward without any fear. The skeleton soldiers were all shot and destroyed by him wherever he passed.

The ten skeleton charge was not lined up, but in an arrow formation, the group charged. Lin Tian slammed into the arrow fiercely. Without a doubt, he knocked the skeleton warfare together with the war horse, but what he got in exchange was the sword.

It was only Lin Tian who dared to use the flesh and blood to collide with the group's charge, or the skeleton warrior, and other ancient warriors were afraid to do so.

This is not only a matter of strength, but also the attack of a general. This knife directly splits Lin Tian's neck and replaced it with another ancient warrior. The celestial maiden in the distance looked terrified, and without the protection of the bodyguard, she didn't even dare to hit it like this.

But the good times didn't last long. Lin Tiangang hit the flying horse and rushed up in the back row. He was like a boat in the sea. The group charge was like a big wave. When he turned over the first wave, he was shot by the second wave.

Then a few generals' weapons greeted him. Although he could not penetrate the gun, he was rectified in this way, and his body was like a scatter.

Just when Lin Tianfei reached the highest point, a dark shadow dived down from the sky, Lin Tian just glimpsed, he thought that Charlotte couldn't help but kill him, who knew that the direction of her impact was the Heavenly Master Girl.

Yeah, her goal is not me, but a heavenly girl! Lin Tian couldn't help swearing.

The speed of the vampire bat's flight is very fast, plus where Charlotte's strength is, just a breath, she appeared behind the Master of Heaven, and then the weird bǐshǒu stabbed.

Lin Tian was hit in mid-air and couldn't rescue at all. Rossi couldn't keep up with Charlotte. Seeing the maiden's neck was going to hit the knife, her purple dress suddenly flashed purple, and a mask appeared. , Blocking the ghost claw bǐshǒu.

But Lin Tian was not happy at all. You should know that Onitsuka Erlang was also killed by Charlotte in the case of a guardian enchantment. The heavenly girl's guardian enchantment may not be stronger than Onizuka Erlang.

Sure enough, a scene that Lin Tian didn't want to see appeared, the ghost claw bǐshǒu changed rapidly, and wriggled into Charlotte's wrist, which was a precursor to Charlotte's attempt to break the enchantment.

On Lin Tian's side, the skeleton battle will be split again. Lin Tian, ​​who originally hated these skeletons, suddenly found it so cute.

He spotted the long-handled knife that he cut, and went into the white blade empty-handed ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Hold the blade forcibly with both hands, and then pulled down to the ground with a pull, as soon as his feet stuck, he disappeared. It's like disappearing out of thin air.

Actually, Lin Tian unfolded at the fastest speed, just a flicker, appeared next to the Master of Heaven.

At this point, the maiden of heaven has responded, but she seems unable to use Taoism in her enchantment. And she's not as fast as Charlotte.

Lin Tian didn't hesitate to grab the blade of ghost claw bǐshǒu with his hands, but Charlotte smiled strangely, grabbed Lin Tian's wrist with his backhand, and the strength of it made Lin Tian unable to break free.

At this moment, Lin Tian appeared again with a black shadow on his side. He could see clearly that the black shadow was also Charlotte, and she was holding a ghost claw bǐshǒu in her hand.

How come there are two Charlottes? Two ghost claws bǐshǒu? Lin Tian's heart trembled, and the maiden of heaven was obviously blinded. It was this **** of gods, and Charlotte, who appeared later, was stabbed with a knife.

"Big brother!" Rossi shouted, rushing into a bat, blocking Lin Tian with his body.

At this moment, he completely forgot Lin Tian's admonition, don't show his true body in front of the exorcist, but he only has one idea at this time, using his own body to block the knife for Lin Tian.

The celestial maiden saw that Rosie turned into a bat, and she understood everything at once. Rosie turned out to be a vampire, and she was the object of demon-slayering and demon-slayering. What is the responsibility of celestial master?

Charlotte, who appeared later, showed no mercy, and swiped across, and Rossy's bat wings were cut off at once, spraying dark red blood, falling to the ground, and his life and death were unknown. [To be continued. ]