Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1158: Give me a reason

Taking advantage of the confusion of the invaders, Lin Tian rushed into front of the black and white impermanence, which was punching and kicking, and the black and white impermanence restrained the undead soul, but he could be restrained to a zombie like Shang Lintian, because their means of restraining the soul Invalid invalid.

"Ah ..." Lord Luo, the defender of the city, reacted first, yelling, and setting up a long bow would shoot Lin Tian, ​​but a piece of rune paper fell from the sky and stuck on his forehead. It was Zhang Lingyu's shot that shocked him.

Guicha is also an undead spirit, and the Zhang family is best at dealing with demons and ghosts. The three chiefs were beaten without a fight, and the surrounding soldiers were stupid. When they saw their adults had such encounters, they were all used to it.

Lin Tian wanted this effect. The thief captured the king first, deterred them, and finally punched the black and white impermanence. When the black and white impermanence got up, I didn't know how many footprints were printed on my body, my coat and hair were messy and embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry to make you look so ugly under your hands." Lin Tian said with a fist.

Although Black Impermanence and White Impermanence did not suffer any serious injuries, the injuries on their faces made them more ugly than the injuries on their bodies. Both adults were as black as water, and the anger in their eyes seemed to ignite the whole underworld.

They have always been high above them, accepting the awe of all ghosts, no ghosts are not afraid of them, but now they are so miserable by Lin Tian in front of their hands, it is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

"What are you guys doing?" Take it, take it all, and lay down eighteen layers of hell. After all the torture, you will be put into reincarnation. Men are slaves and women are rampants! The ground lost its mind, and angrily issued orders beyond its authority.

"It was just a lesson. Now if you want to die, I will satisfy your wish." Lin Tian said as coldly as water.

The words have not yet landed. People have suddenly appeared in front of Hei Wuchang. Hei Wuchang wanted to use his crying mourning stick to resist, but Lin Tian easily grabbed his neck, then flickered and retreated, and Hei Wuchang fell to this place. Hand.

"Because you still want to kill me Black Impermanence? If I didn't throw the three of you into eighteen levels of **** today, I wouldn't be the soul envoy!" Black Impermanence is in anger, even if Lin Tian is in his hand, Still fierce, Tie Xinxin wanted to arrest Lin Tiansan.

Lin Tian sneered, sharp nails growing on his hands, and the nails were twinkling with cold light.

"Do you think you are an immortal body? Probably you don't know what an immortal body is. I will let you feel the process of death, and then enter the cycle, and feel the taste of being trapped!" Lin Tian said coldly. .

Hei Wuchang saw the evil spirit on Lin Tian, ​​his eyes widened at the same time, and at the same time filled with fear, because Lin Tian's evil spirit was bigger than his authentic black impermanence, more like a ghost king, more like a demon, and more like a **** !!

Bai Wuchang also saw it, and he flashed the fear, because he knew at the moment that Lin Tian could kill them. They are not the only one in the underworld. After death, there will be another impermanence to take over their place, staring at ghosts. Holding their office.

Moreover, death is not what they are most afraid of, but that they become ordinary ghosts after death. How many grievous evil spirits they have detained these years, countless evil spirits are thinking about them. Once the black and white impermanence becomes ordinary wraiths, loses its mana reliance, and loses the protection of the underworld, these evil spirits can tear them to pieces.

"I have something to say ..." Bai Wuchang said cautiously. The majesty who had just ordered the strangulation just didn't know where to go, and the other soldiers didn't dare to act rashly.

"You are impermanent, right? We just ordered the killing of us. Just rest assured that when impermanence hits the road, I will let you go with him, Huang Quan is not lonely." Lin Tian smiled evilly, coldly.

In the eyes of black impermanence and fear, Lin Tian's claws chājìn his heart, there was no blood flowing out, only black gas came out of the wound, and then all was inhaled by Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian just wanted to **** him dry.

At this moment, Hei Wuchang could clearly feel the loss of energy in his body, but he could not move. He completely believed in Lin Tian's words, and he would really die.

Zhang Lingyu was behind, and Zhang opened his mouth to say something, but remembered the phrase "man is a slave for generations, and woman is a concubine for generations", and my heart became cold again.

The Zhang family will not just kill the ghosts in the underworld, but they are bullied by the ghosts. As a Zhang family, she will not be afraid of the ghosts.

To put it arrogantly, black and white impermanence was not born when the ancestors of the Zhang family cut off monsters and demons and ghosts. Xiao Manxuan was sentimental by ghosts, and she didn't like them anymore, so she wouldn't sympathize with them.

Lin Tian, ​​while absorbing the fierce energy of the blackness, looked coldly at the ghost soldiers around him. None of them dared to look at him. Thousands of ghost soldiers were shocked by Lin Tian alone.

Seeing that the black impermanence was getting weaker and weaker, Lin Tian still did not stop.

"My mercy ..."

A shouting voice suddenly came from a distance. The Yin soldiers quickly separated a road, and one came up from behind, and came to Lin Tian's presence.

The visitor looked up and down in his fifties ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ dressed in a red robe with a writing brush inserted around his waist. The soldiers were extremely respectful of him, more respectful than black and white.

Just looking at the attitude of the Yin soldier, Lin Tian can see a lot of information. The official of the comer is larger than the black and white impermanence. The black and white impermanence of the Yin Bing is awe and respect for the coming person.

Awe has the meaning of deterring by force, but respect is not only a high position, but also a moral virtue.

"Master, quickly rescue Lao Hei, he will soon be killed by this mortal." Bai Wuchang seemed to see the rescuer and hurried for help.

The person didn't respond to the impermanence, but said to Lin Tian: "This little brother, please be merciful."

"I show mercy to his men, who shows mercy to our men? If it weren't for me, I have been detained by your impermanence at the moment, and tortured by eighteen layers of hell, you said," I have any reason to show mercy to your men. Help me find a reason. "Lin Tian said indifferently, still did not intend to stop his hand, Hei Wuchang was motionless and did not know whether to live or die.

"Your men still want us to reincarnate. Men are slaves and women are slaves. Is that how you do in the underworld? I do n’t expect the ghosts of the underworld to be so arrogant." Zhang Lingyu said coldly.

"You are?" The urged adult looked at Zhang Lingyu and asked in confusion.

"Zhang family, Zhang Lingyu." Zhang Lingyu said proudly.

"It turned out to be the Zhang family." The urged Master stunned, showing the same astonish expression as the Yanmo messenger. After thinking about it, he turned to Lin Tian and said, "Brother, I will give you a reason to let him, how? ? "[To be continued. ]