Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1278: The Simole clan (below)

Under the old antique sword sword, Lin Tian has more understanding of the Simole clan.

Although Simore has a long history, it is much shorter than other blood races. The original Simole members were a group of human magicians who longed for eternal life.

These magicians are obsessed with eternal life. The magicians tried to get the blood of a thorny **** elder, and then used a mysterious power to make them have the ability to **** blood through alchemy and witchcraft, that is, This group of magicians became vampires, and this is the origin of the Simole clan.

However, in the blood's heart, the blood of the blood is noble and can not be desecrated by others. This group of magicians use the blood of the blood to become vampires, especially this blood is still the elders. Their actions have made themselves the enemies of other bloods.

In particular, the Thorny Clan Clan, the Simole clan is regarded as the deadly enemy. The Thorny Clan Clan was once the strongest of all the clan, but was severely hit in the struggle with the Simor clan, and its strength plummeted.

"These are some of the history of the Simole clan, and what happened after I was sealed, I don't know. In fact, the Simole clan and the Thorny Clan clan have very similar things."

"For example, the members of both clans have a scholarly temperament, especially the Thorny Secret Clan, and many of them are well-educated. They all have the pursuit and desire for knowledge, especially for witchcraft like scientists for science Mastery. "

"However, relatively speaking, the Thorny Clan clan has a lower level of sorcery than the Simmer clan, after all members of the Simor clan were transformed by magicians."

"How's it? Are you satisfied with the king's story?" Jian Ling said proudly after showing off some historical knowledge.

"If you can tell me where the Simole clan's nest is, I'm even more satisfied." Lin Tian laughed.

"In fact, the blood race does not have a real nest. They may live in a certain city, a small town, or a wild mountain. Maybe the person who just passed by you is a blood race. Maybe he is somebody in the royal family. Members, besides, if I knew where the blood clan's nest was, I would have destroyed them with King Arthur at the beginning, and would I wait until today? "Jian Ling said again.

Lin Tian nodded, agreeing with Jian Ling's point of view for the first time, and said, "You make sense, but since it is a clan, there must be a relatively fixed settlement. It seems that it is still possible to find them through a housekeeper. "

"My King is weird. You ran away from China to England, and you tried every means to find those advanced blood races. There were many difficulties. What was it for?" Jian Ling asked curiously.

Lin Tian was silent for a moment, then said softly, "To save someone."

"Your woman?" Jian Ling asked very gossip.

Lin Tian just smiled, didn't answer his question, and turned into the hotel. When returning to the guest room, Lin Tian saw two people waiting in the living room, exactly two vampires.

"God, daxiaojie go back?" Rossi asked.

"Go back." Lin Tian answered, then looked at the steward: "What's your name?"

"Merman," the steward replied respectfully.

"Very good, Merman, answer me now, where is the Simole clan?" Lin Tian asked directly.

Merman thought about it, and responded, "I don't know where the core headquarters of the Simore clan ..."

"Huh?" Lin Tian narrowed his eyes, and said hum.

Scared, Merman immediately knelt down, knees on his knees. Among the blood clan, this servant-level blood clan has no status, and is bound by high-level vampires, only obeying his master.

Merman hurriedly said, "The supreme leader of the Simole clan is the prince. I'm just an elder's servant. I'm not qualified to enter the prince's territory, but I know an elder's residence. I am his servant. It has a high status in the Simole clan and specializes in alchemy. "

"Take me right away," Lin Tian ordered simply.

"But the elders will kill you. You are not members of the Simor clan, and even if you are a low-level member, you will be killed if you enter the elder's territory." Merman said in horror.

In his opinion, if Lin Tian was killed, he would certainly not be able to survive. When the elders were angry, he would also kill him. He had seen too many blood servants killed. Incurred the disaster.

When he was appointed by the elders to supervise Clark, he was happy for a long time, because he could stay away from the elders, away from the elders, and away from danger.

"I heard that Huaxia has a saying that the companion is like a tiger, but beside the elder, it is more dangerous than this. If you go, don't you send it to the tiger's mouth?" He didn't want to go back to that place all his life.

"Don't nonsense, go, if you don't take me, you will die now." Lin Tian said coldly.

"Okay." Merman nodded.

Lin Tian didn't want to drag it down, and immediately ordered him to leave. The car was naturally provided by the hotel. Under Merman's lead ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ the car drove out of the fog city again.

"Boy, in fact, you don't need to worry about your identity. You can join the Simore clan as a homeless person. The Simor clan has always attached great importance to talents and people with knowledge. As long as you have real materials, I don't think they will refuse. Yours, "said Jian Ling suddenly.

"Homeless? What homeless, street homeless?" Lin Tian asked strangely.

Sword spirit was very despised: "What you said is a beggar, can it be the same? To be precise, they are called vampire vagabonds. They do not belong to any clan and are alone. This vagabond group is a polarized, low-power blood race. They have no status and are despised by the clan, but those with strong strength will be attracted by some clan. "

"The strength we are talking about here can be fighting power or other things, such as alchemy. As in human society, you have to have a skill, especially the Simole clan. They were originally humans who became vampires through secret methods. For blood Bloodlines do not consider themselves as noble as other clans, they are not so fanatical. "

"So, the Simore clan is more likely to absorb the best of the vampires. Of course, I just make a suggestion. In the event of an elder elder with a strange temper, it is also life-threatening. You must think about it yourself. "Sword Spirit finally concluded.

"Xiaoya, I find you quite useful, at least not a parasite that only eats." Lin Tian smiled.

"You nonsense, how could the king be a parasite, even if I have no force and knowledge, I have lived for hundreds of years, at least a scholar." Jian Ling said very proudly, his tail was about to rise to the sky. [To be continued. ]