Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1303: Feng Jue (below)

"Rowling, are you lonely? Or, are you lonely?" Lin Tian asked suddenly, looking at the back of Rowling's departure in the dark.

Rowling paused and looked up at the darkness at the end of the corridor. Lin Tian couldn't see her expression. She just answered blandly: "Blood and solitude are company. If you are just a newcomer, you will slowly understand this truth. "

Her so-called newcomer refers to the time when she became a blood clan. Lin Tian also knows that as long as she has been a blood clan for less than a century, that is, a hundred years, she is considered a newcomer. That ’s right, mortal life is only a hundred years, and blood is basically separated from human attributes after a hundred years.

"Have you ever thought about changing the status quo? I have been a servant to others. This world is so big that I should go out for a walk." Lin Tian said lightly.

"Did you know? With this sentence, I can already classify you as a traitor to the bloodline." Rowling raised her voice a little, but still couldn't see her expression when she said this sentence.

"Then you can take me up for trial now, or tell Elder Asina." Lin Tian couldn't see the expression.

Rowling didn't answer Lin Tian's words any more, she raised her foot and continued to walk forward, and finally disappeared at the end of the corridor. With a sigh in Lin Tian's heart, these kinship loyalty thoughts were deeply ingrained, but from the side it can also be seen that the dominance of higher bloodlines over lower bloodlines is unparalleled, which is almost impossible in humans.

Lin Tian just came to feel it suddenly, and wanted to test it out. Sure enough, it was not easy to turn against a blood race. Unless controlled by special means, Lin Tian shook his head and returned to the dormitory.

In the next two days, nothing special happened. When these blood races had no tasks, they were no different from ordinary people. They should eat, drink, and entertain.

However, Lin Tian found one thing: his status among the blood races soared, and he became the superior blood race that made them awe like Rowling, and the blood race was indeed a place to speak.

In the evening on the third day, Lin Tian had dinner and was about to study the western alchemy. There was a knock on the door.

Nasha and Nalan went to open the door, but it was Rowling who came in. She found Lin Tian, ​​and she looked like a business official and said, "The elders are back and let you lie down."

Finally, Lin Tian rejoiced. He had long waited for Asina to come back. Only when she returned, the battle with the thorny Dai people would begin, so that she could have access to Charlotte's people.

In the past two days, Lin Tian also knocked Rowling and Rhea side by side, and inquired about Charlotte's whereabouts, but they did not know anything, because Charlotte had never appeared before when fighting the Thorny Tatars.

This is why Lin Tian is too anxious. How can a lord-level blood race appear in the battle of ordinary blood races.

"Let's go," Lin Tian signaled, and walked out of the dormitory with Rowling.

Rowling took Lin Tian and took the elevator to the lobby of the underground bar, but at this time the lobby was very quiet, and all the music and lively scenes of yesterday were gone today.

In the most conspicuous position of the lobby, there was a large chair with a soft fur on it. It was very comfortable even when lying obliquely. Dare to be so public in the bar lobby. Except for Asina, no one else .

But Asina had not yet appeared, but all the blood races below had arrived, one by one standing quietly, with a respectful look.

Rea stood at the front of the blood races, and Lin Tian and Rowling also came to the front.

It didn't take long for Asina, who hadn't seen her for a few days, to finally appear, still a long skirt, a black cloak, still beautiful and charming.

But Lin Tian has to talk about it. On a hot day, why are you wearing a cloak? What Lin Tian didn't know was that most of the blood races hated the sun, so they usually hid. Over time, the cloak became a must-have.

"Meet Elder Asina."

After Asina sat down, all the blood races knelt down on one knee and bowed down. The only person standing was Lin Tian. All of a sudden he became the most prominent person. Body.

"God, kneel down, don't make the elders angry." Leia ripped Lin Tian's sleeve and reminded him in a low voice.

Asina looked at Lin Tian with a smile, but Lin Tian still didn't kneel, but arched her hand and said, "Good evening, Elder."

Asina glanced again, but she quickly turned her eyes away. When she released the Buddha, she didn't find Lin Tian did not kneel. She looked around the blood races and said solemnly: "I just returned from the Prince. Two things have to be announced. The first is the title. "

"Title?" The sentiments of the blood races were clearly tumultuous. In the blood race, the title meant status, especially the title of the elders and the prince.

The privately-banned baron such as Lin Tian can be recognized internally, but the blood of other clans does not agree. After the knighthood of the Presbyterian Church and the Prince's Seal, they enjoy the same status in the bloodline alliance.

"After consideration by the Prince and the Presbyterian House, Feng Luolin was given the Duke." Asina looked at Rowling with a smile.

"Elder Xie ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Prince Xie." Rowling bowed her head and saluted her face with a solemn expression, while other blood races stole envious eyes.

Under the attention of the blood races, Rowling walked in front of Asina, knelt down again, and leaned down reverently, kissing Asina's feet.

Lin Tian was stunned, and he was just a prince. He didn't need to kiss his feet so solemnly and humblely.

Kissing feet is an ancient ritual, especially prevalent in Europe. "Isaiah" records: The kings will be your adoptive fathers, and the queen will be your breast-feeding mother; they will bow their faces to worship you and lick The dust on your feet.

This is a ritual of feudalism, with the symbol of surrender, especially in the era of feudal lords in Europe. The knights and servants of the lord must perform this ceremony to show their surrender to the master and everything is dedicated to the master.

Of course, Lin Tian, ​​as a modern civilized man, flatly rejects this humble etiquette. If he is replaced by him, he would rather not be captivated, and he would never kneel and kiss others' feet.

Men have gold under their knees, kneeling down on their knees, and their parents are kneeling down. In Huaxia, it is a shame not to be lower than a drill collar, let alone kissing the instep.

While Lin Tiantian was turning her thoughts in empty space, Rowling had already received the badge given by Asina, and then stepped down respectfully.

Asina turned her eyes to Lin Tian, ​​and her mouth was about to speak. Lin Tian quickly said in advance: "Elder Asina, I have just joined Sim Moore, and I should not be eligible for title."

What a joke, Feng Jue is about to kiss his feet, Lin Tian is 100% unwilling. As soon as he said this, the eyes of the blood races gathered on him again. [To be continued. ]