Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1330: Father as a mountain

"Natural disaster, or human calamity?" Lin Tian frowned slightly. Natural disaster was cruel, but sometimes human calamity was more terrible, like the tragic story of the Virgin of Solingborg.

"Human disaster!" Charlotte murmured, and everyone in the living room frowned slightly.

"A very strange disease suddenly broke out in a small village. When people contract this disease, they will become corpses, unconscious corpses. The reason why this disease broke out was that an alchemist took the villagers to do it. experiment."

"When a person becomes a corpse, they will attack other normal villagers frantically. The bitten villagers will get sick and then become corpses. Soon, the village becomes hell. In the chaos, Ai Wei's father is still guarding The baby she escaped. "

"But unfortunately, her father was also bitten in the process of protecting her, and sooner or later it became a walking dead. And because the village is too remote and surrounded by wilderness, it is still too far away from the nearest village." Xia Lott said a pause.

Zhang Lingyu flashed a sorrowful expression. She had encountered the corpse, knowing the horror of the corpse, not because the corpse was so powerful, but because the corpse was unconscious and aggressive. If Ivy's father becomes a walking dead, the daughter he protects must be killed by him.

Lin Tian also thought of this possibility. After a person becomes a corpse, he has no consciousness, the six relatives don't recognize it, and he will never recognize his daughter protected by life.

Although Ai Wei stood here well, indicating that she had escaped, how did she escape?

Charlotte continued: "His father apparently realized the possibility. He knew that he could not reach the next village. If he became a corpse halfway, his first daughter would be his own daughter. A month-old baby will be dead in the wilderness, and Ai Wei will surely die. At that time, the transportation was still a carriage, and the communication still depended on human power to deliver the letter. His father should be hopeless. "

"Before he became a corpse, he did a few things, cut his own flesh, tied it to a branch, and tied the branch to his body, and his flesh hung in front of his reach."

"The daughter carried her on her back. That's it. He continued on the road and walked until he became a corpse. After becoming a corpse, he lost any consciousness, and the corpse kept moving forward in order to eat the meat in front of him. , Like a donkey with a carrot in front of him, except that he bears the entirety of his life on his back. "

"What happened to him after he became a corpse, no one knows, maybe the baby cried because of hunger, or maybe when he heard the baby crying, the corpse turned into a dad also looked for a voice The source, fortunately, did not find Ivy behind. "

"In this way, the corpse walked forward with his daughter who died and protected him, until I accidentally flew by and met the father and daughter. When I saw them, the baby could not cry."

"I brought them back, exhausted everything, and could only restore a trace of his father's consciousness. He told me the process intermittently and asked me to save his daughter. The ending is that his father is dead and Ivy is alive Come down, and when she was 20 years old, ask me to turn her into a blood race, just for one purpose, to get revenge! "Charlotte's tone was calm. When she finished speaking, the living room became extremely silent.

Lin Tian exhaled slightly and asked, "Who is that alchemist?"

Charlotte looked at Lin Tian with a strange expression, and she said lightly: "Later I sent someone to investigate, and the alchemist who took the villagers for experiments in the small village was ... Lande."

"Land!" Lin Tian's eyes narrowed and his face became gloomy instantly. The alchemist who experimented with innocent villagers turned out to be Land, the elder of the Simole clan.

"Lin Tian, ​​is that Lande you mentioned earlier?" Zhang Lingyu asked with a frown, Lin Tian nodded grimly.

"Why don't you kill Lande?" Lin Tian frowned.

Charlotte's expression remained the same, smirking: "Do you think it's so easy to kill a blood elder? Lande changes places every so often, it's not so easy to find, and the blood alliance will not allow casual killing A blood elder. Most importantly, Ivy has to be her own enemy. "

"Someday I will kiss him!" Ai Wei said coldly.

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, thinking in his heart, it is not so easy to kill a blood elder with your strength.

"I'm done, you're satisfied now." Charlotte still said kindly.

This attitude is far worse than that of Rossi at the beginning, but Lin Tian does not demand her to call her master. If it is heard by some powerful women like Zhang Lingyu and Da Xiaojie, it is estimated that they will kill with their eyes.

"Ai Wei can follow you, and the blood on the island can follow you. I don't care about these, and you can still stay as the lord of the thorn mystic clan." Lin Tian said.

"What conditions do you have?" Charlotte said flatly, and she was not stupid enough to think that Lin Tian would be merciful.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "It's easy to talk to smart people. My conditions are simple. Take me to the source of the underground enchantment."

"You want to figure out this enchantment? It seems you have felt his breath ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This is my biggest secret, not even the prince of the blood race." Charlotte said suddenly and solemnly.

Lin Tian didn't notice that Charlotte used the term "he" instead of "it."

"It seems my feeling is correct. If I understand the source of the enchantment, I can consider killing Lande for you as an outsider. Otherwise, as long as the blood alliance is in one day, you can't kill him in one day. Of course, You can refuse, then I only have to be rough. Although I control you, it is not necessary. I rarely get rough. "Lin Tian looked at Charlotte and Ai Wei, both hard and soft.

Ai Wei lowered her head and did not dare to speak. Although she knew that Lin Tian was telling the truth, but she did not dare to take the decision without taking Lin Tian. Besides, she just knew the approximate location.

Lin Tian thought that the proud female lord would refuse. Who knew that she suddenly smiled and agreed: "Okay, I'll take you there, but only we are two of us."

"Lin Tian don't." Zhang Lingyu quickly stopped and reminded: "Charlotte is very scheming, and the enchantment here is too incredible, in case you get in trouble with her trap."

"Girl Zhang family, I have been controlled by Lin Tian, ​​what are you afraid of?" Charlotte said seemingly obediently.

"The power of this enchantment is most likely to come from the zombie ancestors. No matter what zombies ancestors are, you and I can't deal with it, you have to think clearly." Zhang Lingyu ignored Charlotte, but looked at Lin Tian, Remind again.

However, she regretted it as soon as she finished speaking. If there would be a zombie ancestor, Lin Tian would go for it, because he was desperately trying to get the blood of the zombie.