Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1353: Lost in Bloodline (middle)

More than 200 people in the whole family died of man-made fire. No matter the elderly, women, and children, all were buried in the flames of fire. Thinking of those childish lives before they had time to enjoy life, they died painfully in the fierce "hell" and Lin Tian's face became cold Come down.

In fact, even if Charlotte didn't say it, Lin Tian had decided to find the people behind him, saying that it was for the half of Rossi's friends, and that it was also for other reasons.

"Lingyu, I know what the clue you said was. After Charlotte became a blood race, the memory changed, but this phenomenon did not appear to Rossi. It shows that the person who turned Charlotte into a blood race was very Suspicious. "Lin Tian expressed his conjecture.

"I have never seen the true appearance of that blood race. When he appeared, he always wore a mask, and after he turned me into a blood race, he disappeared shortly afterwards. I later joined the Thorny Clan and became a lower blood race. During a mission, I was seriously injured, and met Hou Qing adults by chance. With the help of Hou Qing, my strength continued to improve and I became the lord of today. "

"If the bloodline who saved me really had a problem, why didn't he show up, and what was his purpose of saving me?" Charlotte asked in confusion.

There is always a motive to save a person, either out of kindness or for something else, but she saved Charlotte but changed her memory. Lin Tian did not believe that the motivation of that blood race was only because of goodwill, there must be other reasons. .

Zhang Lingyu frowned slightly, wondering what the motive was. Lin Tian thought for a while and said, "Listen to you and Rossi, your family is on the road to extinction. If I guess correctly, this must be related to your bloodline. Some people want your family blood to be cut off, but some people don't want to see that situation, so they secretly rescue you. "

"So, is that blood family good for our family?" Rossi confused, because listening to Lin Tian's meaning seemed to be the same thing.

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "I do n’t know, who knows what the blood race has to do to save Charlotte, maybe he has his plan. At that time, your family ’s affairs were too weird, and many things were unclear."

"Actually, I have a way to attract that blood race. If I want to know what happened that year and let him tell it himself, everything will be clear." Zhang Lingyu affirmed.

"How do I get it out?" Charlotte was surprised.

"You are the **** mystery, and she is the exorcist. She has the most research on Taoist mystery. It seems that she has already thought of a solution." Lin Tian was not so surprised. He knew Zhang Lingyu's ability, and various Taoist methods emerged endlessly Even the underworld can break through, and attracting a blood race should not be a problem.

Zhang Lingyu smiled and acknowledged Lin Tian's speculation: "He turned you into a blood race, and the blood of your blood race has some kind of connection. With the blood of your blood race, plus blood worms, I can use Taoism to put That blood race draws in. "

"It's not too late, let's start now." Rossi said anxiously.

"No, you can't practice Taoism on the island. This is my secret place. Even the princes of the Thorny Mystics do not know that we must go to land." Charlotte objected.

Lin Tian also agreed with Charlotte: "Your sister is right, Hou Qing's sleeping place cannot be known to outsiders."

"Ivy, you go to prepare the helicopter, and we transfer to land." Charlotte turned to Ivy and instructed her, and Ivy led out.

Charlotte stretched out his left palm again, and withdrew the Soul Eater blade in his right hand, cut it in his own hand, and the blood flowed out instantly. She took two fancy translucent bottles and filled her blood.

Two bottles of blood, one lost Zhang Lingyu and one lost to Lin Tian, ​​she said: "Master, this is the blood of the blood you want, now you can get it."

"In the beginning, you still wanted to use my blood to trade with me, and let me help you to make blood angels without side effects. Now give it to me like this, are you willing?" Lin Tian squeezed the bottle and asked lightly.

"You Huaxia have a good saying. I know the current affairs manager is Junjie. I am now under your control. Instead of making you rough, I might as well just be a little bit less guilty. As for the blood angel, I still have Does the chip talk to you about the conditions? "Charlotte said simply, thinking in her heart.

Lin Tian raised an eyebrow and said calmly: "I have a bad temper. The more people force me to do something, the more I don't want to do it. You don't want to do it now, maybe I'm interested again."

Charlotte's eyes lighted up and she was surprised, but she quickly disappeared, and she seemed to think of the family. For her, nothing is more important than the family now, even if she has been planning " Blood Angel "project.

Lin Tian just smiled in his heart and didn't say anything. Moreover, Ai Wei who had just left had returned and reported to Charlotte: "Master, the helicopter is ready."

Charlotte nodded characteristically and looked at Lin Tian. Now that she was a servant, the lord's identity could no longer command Lin Tian to do anything. Lin Tian and Zhang Lingyu walked out and got into the car outside the villa ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ When Rossi and Charlotte also got in the car, Ai Wei drove away and soon came to the apron. Helicopter. It was still the female pilot who was in charge of driving the helicopter. It is estimated that she already knew Charlotte's situation at this time, so she became respectful to Lin Tian, ​​and was completely different from when she first landed on the island.

The helicopter took off smoothly, flew off the island and headed for land. Lin Tian doesn't care where Charlotte is going to fly, let her arrange it. Crossing the ocean and flying into the land, I do not know where to fly again, the helicopter eventually landed in front of an old castle.

This is a complete old castle, located on a half-hill slope. The castle is surrounded by a variety of solid wood, flowers and butterflies, butterflies flying among flowers, and birds tweeting on trees.

However, since Charlotte is arranged here, it means that the castle is also her place. She is the boss behind the bank of Barle, and it is not surprising to have an island and several castles.

Charlotte brought Lin Tian and his party into the castle hall, and said, "Master Tian Shi can cast spells here. This is my place. No outsiders will disturb you."

Zhang Lingyu nodded, not talking, but began to look at the layout of the castle, Lin Tian did not interrupt, let Zhang Lingyu do it.

She followed strange steps, and seemed to be measuring something, and at a certain distance, she drew some strange symbols hào.

Lin Tian knew nothing about Taoism and naturally did not know what she was painting. However, Charlotte looked secretly surprised. The female lord also researched the playing method quite well. Although she couldn't understand what Zhang Lingyu was laying out, she could see the magic in it. Formation.