Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1355: Family Bloodline (1)

"Right now, you are not too stupid." Lin Tian smiled lightly.

"Well, even if you bring me here, what can you do? Kill me?" The mask man seemed to be trembling and humming.

Lin Tian waved his fingers and said, "What to kill you, just ask your mysterious blood race to show up and say something about that year."

"When niándeshì love?" The mask man wondered, as if suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Charlotte: "Do you want to know why I saved you in the first place?"

Charlotte said coldly: "You saved me, I should have been grateful to you, but why should you manipulate my memory, don't tell me that my amnesia is just an accident, and the bloodworm occult technique will not accidentally appear to me Body. "

"You're right, all of this is what I intentionally did. I deliberately caused you to lose memory. Why? You are such an attitude to your life-saving benefactor?" The mask man admitted very simply, but the other way around Lesson Charlotte didn't know the gratitude.

"I just want to know, why did you change my memory?" Charlotte said seriously.

"In the beginning, your family suffered a terrible disaster. The fire was a purgatory on earth. More than two hundred people were burned alive. No matter the elderly, women, or children, they were all burned into coke. Your memory is just torture for you, I erase your memory, it is for your good. "The mask man said in a low tone.

Charlotte and Rossi heard his narrative, as if recalling the purgatory scene again, their fists clenched tightly, and there was an unspeakable pain in their eyes.

"A person who dare not even show his face has a certain degree of credibility." Lin Tian did not believe what the masked man said, and he who tried to save others did not dare to show his face. He also tried to control Charlotte. Hell if you can believe what he said.

"Who are you? Do I need to explain to you?" The mask man said coldly.

After speaking, the man's eyes flashed, his body suddenly turned into black smoke, and the black smoke flew upward. Lin Tian sneered, suddenly flashed up and passed through the black smoke. At the same time, a shadow flew out and hit the wall, but It's a black bat.

The bat rolled down to the ground and instantly transformed into a chéngrén shape, the mask man trying to fly outwards. The mask man wanted to suddenly turn into a bat and flew away, but was attacked by Lin Tianhou and hit the ground.

After Haiyan and his party, his strength has increased, strength and speed are increasing. At this moment, the mask man cannot escape Lin Tian's obstruction.

"Who are you?" The mask man stared at Lin Tian vigilantly and said lowly.

"Do n’t all your bloodlines hold the nobleman's gift? Even if you mask yourself, now you will ask my name without even introducing yourself. This is your nobleman's gift. I don't think so." Lin Tian disdainfully said.

"Oh ..." The mask man smiled husky, and then said, "You ruined my plan, and still want to know my name? Let me wait until you have a life."

The masked man's eyes flickered, and the color of his eyes instantly turned into silver. The mask on his face was also burst by the sudden momentum, revealing the true content behind him.

At this moment, the man had a terrible face, with vampire teeth exposed in his mouth, black blood vessels appearing on his face, and looked at him like a demon crawling out of hell.

As soon as the man shook his sleeves, a cloud of black flew out and turned into countless vampire bats. He rushed to Lin Tian, ​​even Zhang Lingyu, and drank the blood of the two.

Zhang Lingyu calmly took out a rune, chanting in his mouth, and the rune ignited with a flash of fire, and the bat swarm hit him. The sharp teeth of the bat were about to bite Zhang Lingyu, and at a distance of the last step, they hit a curtain of fire. The bat was ignited, turned into a burning fire, and fell to the ground.

Lin Tian's side is simple. He punched out with a fist, with a purple flame, and vampire bats burned into fly ash.

"Compared with the battle in Charlotte's ancient battlefield, you are really far behind. You are still her bloodline superior." Lin Tian despised, but he was even more surprised. Hou Qing helped Charlotte to improve his strength. Can break the shackles of blood power and xiànzhì, beyond the mask man.

If it weren't for the control of blood power, the mask man wouldn't be Charlotte's opponent at all, of course, his blood power would now be invalid for Charlotte.

From the strength of the mask man's shot, we can see that he is not as good as Charlotte, just a little strange in terms of means.

"Lin Tian, ​​don't waste time, take him down and ask again, and you won't be afraid that he won't tell the truth." Zhang Lingyu reminded impatiently.

The masked man was frightened and was about to flee outwards, but Lin Tian moved really. The man just moved, Lin Tian flashed behind him, and the palm of his burning flame hit him on the back with a palm, and the man screamed, Immediately he was beaten to the ground, his back was scorched into a piece, and the man had been seriously injured.

"Well, Charlotte, Rossi, if you want to know, just ask? He can't turn the waves." Lin Tian said to his sister and brother.

Charlotte stepped forward and asked solemnly: "I ask you again, what was the purpose of saving me?"

Although the mask man was burned by the power of fire ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ but he still couldn't die. It was supposed to be a defeat and he should be very discouraged, but he even laughed.

"Hahaha ..."

After smiling for a long time, his smile suddenly closed, and the man sat on the ground like this, staring at Charlotte tightly, and said, "You really don't know the secret of your bloodline?"

"The secret of the bloodline of the family?" Charlotte and Rossi glanced at each other with a puzzled expression on their faces.

Lin Tian and Zhang Lingyu are also weird. How to save Charlotte from being in flames has anything to do with the blood of the family.

From Charlotte's memories, Lin Tian heard some clues and knew that Charlotte's family was not so simple, but what kind of family bloodline actually attracted the blood family.

"According to your expression, it seems that your patriarch's father did not tell you the bloodline of the family secretly." The mask man said indifferently, the expression did not look like a prisoner or fear of death.

Lin Tian was surprised. Charlotte and Rossi were still the patriarch's sister-in-law. At the same time, Lin Tian remembered something that he almost forgot.

Location, Fanyin Temple, Zhonghai City, time, on the day the Ziyan Golden Sword was born, Lin Tian used the flame of the Ziyan Golden Sword to destroy the vampire bat, and the girl zombie, that is, the son-in-law, saved Rossi, and the son-in-law accidentally Having said a word, Rossi's bloodline is a bit special.

It now seems that there is some origin. Lin Tian turned his thoughts a few times. Not only Rossi and Charlotte, but himself also wanted to know, what is special about the blood of the family of the sister and brother?