Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1406: Old man by the lake

Chapter 1406 Old Man By The Lake

"Hey, that's what Feng Shui said." The ghost sighed.

"You are a blood warrior, why do you believe in Feng Shui?" Lin Tian glanced at him and joked.

The ghost also smiled and said, "Did Brother Tian forget? I am also a xiūliàn practitioner. I practice ancient yoga. The ancient yoga practice focuses on the unity of heaven and man. In fact, Feng Shui is not so mysterious. People and the environment are harmonious. Isn't that heaven and man united? "

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mingyi was surprised again. He looked at Wang Wanxi and said, "Little girl, the people around you are not simple, ancient yoga. This gōngfǎ seems to be lost in Tianzhu. Also, what is Lin Tian's gōngfǎ, I have not seen it till now. "

"Xiaotian xiūliàn is an ancient body art." Wang Wanxi helped Lin Tian answer, and saved Lin Tian from panic again.

"Antiquity?" Wang Mingxu was surprised again, and then he smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Today's surprise is more than what I have added in the past year. Antiquity is also long lost, and I did not expect that the ancient Wushu world would reappear. "

Wang Wanxi took the conversation and said: "It is said that in ancient times, the living environment of all ethnic groups was very bad. In order to combat wild animals, natural disasters and various dangers, the first people created methods to strengthen the body. These methods were systematically summarized. Various physical techniques have been formed since then. People have such physical techniques, and their bodies are strong and powerful. "

"The original intention of the physical invention was to strengthen itself and fight against the harsh living environment. It was not used to fight. In fact, the original intention of many ancient martial arts was to strengthen itself or explore the meaning of life. Later, over time, The changes were only used by ancient warriors to fight. "Wang Wanxi said.

"As far as I know, ancient body art is not a lost story, because I have seen another body art, gōngfǎ, still a woman in xiūliàn," Lin Tian interjected.

Wang Mingyi frowned slightly, seeming to remember something, and said after a while: "I remember, you are talking about Ning's daughter, Ningluoxi, yes, her xiūliàn is also antiquity."

"Uncle Wang knows Ning Luoxi?" Lin Tian was surprised this time, and the world didn't seem to be as big as imagined.

"I've seen it for a few times. The Ning family should be regarded as a martial arts family. No, to be precise, it is half of the ancient martial arts family. Because the younger generation of the Ning family started the xiūliàn ancient martial arts, this Ningluoxia talent was very excellent." Wang Mingyi said simply, Appreciate Nimoxi.

Lin Tian certainly has no doubt about this. So far, Ningluoxi is the only ancient martial artist who can use his fists and his own hardships.

"Well, Xiao Waiyi has almost rested, let's go on." Wang Mingyi said again, Xiao Waiyi naturally refers to Yun Xiaotian.

Although Yun Xiaotian's physical fitness is good, the amount of mountaineering exercise is still a bit bigger for him. If Wang Wanxi hadn't brought it, he might have stopped halfway.

"Aunt Wang, let me bring Xiaotian, despite your unfolding speed, we can keep up." Lin Tian suggested.

Wang Wanxi seemed to hesitate, but still let go of Yun Xiaotian's hand. Lin Tian stepped forward and reached out and hugged Yun Xiaotian's waist. Everyone was a man. Lin Tian didn't think that much.

However, when he hugged Yun Xiaotian, he found that the kid's waist was actually soft. Lin Tiangui touched his figure. Yun Xiaotian's cheeky face turned red and turned red. It was tempting.

Shit, Lao Tzu even touched a man's waist, and even moved crooked thoughts, sins, sins, Lin Tian quickly read "Sex is empty" ten times, diverting his attention.

Lao Tzu will not become biàntài if he continues like this, Lin Tian is helpless to think, you say that you, a man, have nothing to do with a beautiful face, Lin Tian attributed the problem to Yun Xiaotian.

Just when he was thinking about it, brothers and sisters Wang Wanxi had already jumped off the top of the mountain, tapped lightly, and continued to rush down the slope. Lin Tian settled for a moment, and he jumped down holding Yun Xiaotian, followed closely, and then the ghost followed.

Yun Xiaotian's weight did not constitute a burden to Lin Tian at all. With his strength level, he was also carrying a fat man as he was flying.

For ordinary people, going up the mountain is easy, and going down the mountain is difficult, but for Lin Tian, ​​they have increased the speed of the undershoot. Soon after the first mountain, a group of people came to the river under the mountain.

When I came to the flat land, I found that the two rivers were actually quite far apart. Several people in Lin Tian were walking along the bank of a river on the right, and continued to move forward.

The water in the river is very clear. You can see the round pebbles at the bottom of the river, and the same pebbles on the shore. Several people in Lin Tian are running on such wet stones.

Seeing that Lin Tian could keep up with the speed, Wang Mingzhang was calm and calm, and was surprised again. Damn, the boy couldn't see the end, he thought so.

As for the ghost, of course, there is no problem. He is more familiar with the jungle war than anyone. When a mercenary, running in the jungle is a common occurrence. This slippery stone did not affect him at all.

After traveling along the river bank for a while, Lin Tian found that the river gradually became wider. Later, the river surface was even twice as wide as the downstream.

In the end, the river channel turned into a large lake. Between these peaks, a large lake was hidden ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It is already inaccessible here, but the scenery is also picturesque.

Because the lake is wide, the traces of the river's water flow are already so small that they can hardly be seen. Wang Wanxi and Wang Mingyu stopped by the lake.

"Wang Lao is here?" Lin Tian asked strangely, before he thought that Xiaotian's grand guild was staying in a fairy cave, but he didn't expect to be on this beautiful lake.

Wang Mingyi pointed at the opposite bank of the lake, Lin Tian looked up, and noticed that there was a person sitting on the other bank. Although the lake is wide, Lin Tian's eyesight is not bad. This man is an old man, his hair is gray, he is wearing a blue robe, and is sitting with his eyes closed.

Yes, the old man was sitting cross-legged by the lake, and there was a fast rock under him.

The old man looked safe and sound, and seemed to be fully integrated into the surrounding environment. This is why Lin Tian just didn't notice anyone on the other side, because the old man's entry into the realm is the union between heaven and man.

"Wait a minute, my father is entering." Wang Wanxi whispered, seemingly afraid to disturb the old man on the opposite side.

And this sentence once again confirms one thing, that is Yun Xiaotian's grandfather, who once made trouble with the Yun family for the missing Yuntian, killing the island nation, but this quiet picture in front of anyone, who would want to, the old man is actually a Grumpy old man.

"Lin Tian, ​​look over there." Wang Mingchen suddenly raised his finger to the other side of the lake.

Lin Tian looked up and saw two white boundaries. Is this it? He hesitated in his heart and took a closer look. It turned out to be the water inlet of the river, and it was two water inlets, which shows that the two rivers converged here.