Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1408: Realm of the King

Chapter 1408: Elder Wang's Realm

"That's it ..." Lin Tian suddenly realized, but immediately another question raised in his heart, and he couldn't help asking again: "The vortex can be explained as the impact of a wave, but there is a stream of water that is green. Why is this?"

"Algae, we call it green algae. In one of the underground rivers, there should be a lot of this green algae. When the underground river is normal, the green algae is attached to the rocks and the bottom of the river, but when the local river is at high tide, they are impacted by the current. And bring it out. Because the river water contains a lot of green algae, it looks like the water is green, which is the power of nature. "Wang Mingyi explained in detail.

"It's incredible ..." Lin Tian and the ghost both exclaimed.

Several people talked about this meeting. The old Wang, who was still on the other side, suddenly opened his eyes. In a pair of deep eyes, there seemed to be two vortices, as if reflecting the sky in the lake. Tai Chi.

Even across the distance from the lake, Lin Tian still could see clearly, Taiji in that eye seemed to be in front of himself.

Suddenly, Wang Lao patted the ground, and the whole man rose. At the moment of his rise, his hand caught an object around him, and he threw it vigorously, and the object flew to the middle of the vortex on the lake.

Before the thing falls into the water, the old man has rushed out from the shore, such as the old fairy of Yufeng. The speed is very fast, one breath will come to the middle of the vortex, and then he will step on it with his feet and step on the thing. Above the water surface, no matter how the underwater vortex rotates, he does not move at all.

Lin Tianding took a look and saw that what the old man stepped on was actually a piece of dead wood. Around the dead wood, there were six to six air currents swirling around. This is the mystery of the old man staying still.

Wang Mingzhang said before that Wang Lao has six angers, and the six air currents around the dead wood are probably the old people's anger.

"What is Grandpa doing?" Yun Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Wu Dao, see the mystery of Taiji's Secret of Taiji." Wang Mingxi solemnly said.

The old man in the lake, like a few people who did not find the shore, looked down at the Taiji vortex beneath his feet, and the two small eddies in his eyes also rotated with the large vortex.

With the impact of the tide, the water flow at the foot gradually increases the speed of rotation. With the rotation, the clear water and the green water gradually merge.

When the tide at the water inlet disappeared, the vortex began to slow down, and in the end, the vortex disappeared, and the two currents were completely merged together, turning into a pale green.

And over time, this faint green gradually became lighter, and eventually disappeared. All the green algae sank into the bottom and the water surface returned to its original state.

When the lake surface calmed down, Wang Lao, who had been motionless, suddenly moved. The lake surface changed from static to static, and Wang Lao moved from static to silent, seamlessly connected like natural circulation.

Wang Lao raised his hands, placed it flat on his chest, and quickly printed the seal. The print speed was fast, such as when the shadowless hand was shot, and finally the hand shadow disappeared and a fingerprint was set.

With the completion of the fingerprints, Wang Lao's body rushed out of six qi, and the qi hovered around his body. With the circling of the qi, the six air streams gradually merged, and the two merged. When the two are completely merged, the six true Qi became three three-color true qi.

A cyan, a silver, a gold, the three-colored qi slowly circled upward, rose to the top of the head and stopped, the three-colored qi started to condense after stopping.

After a while of change, the three true spirits turned out three lotuses, cyan lotuses, silver lotuses, golden lotuses, and the petals of the three lotuses were also magical, slowly rotating above Wang Lao's head.

At this time, Wang Mingxuan and Wang Wanxi suddenly became nervous, Lin Tian was a little surprised, what exactly happened to Wang Lao, making the brother and sister so nervous.

You know, both of them are masters of ancient martial arts. Usually, Taishan collapses before the same color, but when the king ages three lotuses, they become nervous.

"What's wrong with Wang?" Lin Tian asked softly.

But brothers and sisters Wang Mingzhang didn't answer his question, but the ghost next to him pulled Larin Tian's clothes and whispered, "God brother, I heard Master mentioned it, I probably know something."

"Oh, your master is a master of yoga. I must know very well the ancient martial arts realm. Wang is experiencing a key change." Lin Tian asked.

The ghost nodded, affirming Lin Tian's guess, and then whispered, "Wang Lao's current state is called Sanhua Juding!"

"What is Sanhua Juding?" Lin Tian wondered.

"Three flowers gather the top." Ghost glanced at the elder in the lake and said with emotion: "First of all, only the strongest in the realm of the realm will appear the scene of the three flowers gather the top, and it must be a deep innate skill Strong. "

"The ancient martial arts xiūliàn pays attention to refining refined gas, refining gas, and refining gods against emptiness. After these three steps, the ancient martial arts become a congenital power. The ancient martial arts with good understanding will condense the essence, energy, and spirit in the body. The essence of Hua. Also known as flower, the three essences are human flower, ground flower and smallpox. "

"If the ancient martial arts condensed three flowers, when they were settled, the Eight Classics were unobstructed, and they forgot all about themselves, but if they were dead, they would gradually reach the realm of unity between heaven and man ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ At this time, Sanhua will automatically converge above the head. This phenomenon is called Sanhua Juding. "

"In general, there are only innate strong instincts, and three kinds of essence are gathered, and the determination is very good. When you enter the setting, there will be three flowers together, which is something you can't meet. Realm, this is the strong among the early innates. "Ghost said earnestly, a look of longing for expression.

"How is the strong among the early innates better than Tang Ziqing of Qingshuangge? You should have seen Tang Ziqing." Lin Tian didn't understand the complex realm, but he remembered Tang Ziqing, the woman in white was also born In the early stage, a gap can be seen only by comparison.

"Yes, I saw it at the Xiao family at the beginning. But I don't see Tang Ziqing's specific strength. However, if she doesn't have a three-flower gathering, she must not be Wang Lao's opponent. Unless she has powerful weapons Of course, she has that kind of weapon, and the Wang family must have it too. "The ghost thought for a while, and then answered with certainty.

"Three flowers gather, unfortunately I can never realize that state." Lin Tian sighed softly, slightly regrettable.

"Can't appreciate it?" The ghost stunned, and then said suddenly: "Heaven brother xiūliàn is an ancient body art, belongs to xiūliàn flesh, is special, without having to go through three flowers together, the strength can also be very strong. For the ancient qi For warriors, the three-flower juding is a seed, or a key, the key to unlocking the state of innateness. "

The ghost understood Lin Tian's meaning wrong, because he didn't know that Lin Tian was a zombie, and it was impossible for a zombie to have the xiūliàn vision of three flowers gathering.