Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1447: Ghost Opportunity

Chapter 1447: Ghost Opportunity

"What identity? The future son-in-law of the Yuwen family?" Ghost and Du Yun Xiaotian both wondered.

"Li Wenfeng is the guardian of the West." Lin Tian said directly. It is estimated that few people in this family in China knew this. When Xiao Manxue saw Li Wenfeng at the Cavaliers Academy, he was very surprised.

"Guardian? Such a cow fork?" Ghost was surprised. Anyone who heard the name felt tall, and Ghost and Yun Xiaotian were no exception.

Of course, Lin Tian knew what they were thinking, shook his head with a smile, and said, "The guardian is the name of the European side, which is similar to the Chinese warrior, but they are another xiūliàn system, and Not the set of things you want to maintain world peace. "

The two finally realized, and shouted, "Fuck, we thought they were the superheroes in the movie. Punish and eradicate evil and maintain world peace. It turned out to be similar to the ancient martial arts."

Lin Tian waved his hand again and corrected: "As far as I know, the original intention of this Guardian Alliance was indeed to punish and eradicate evil and maintain world peace, but you also know that many things will happen over time. Change. Just like the ancient warriors in Huaxia, those ancestors originally founded those gōngfǎ, not to fight and kill. "

"Also, don't underestimate this Li Wenfeng, I dare say, ghost you are not his opponent." Lin Tian affirmed.

"No, he's a rich child ..." What the ghost wanted to say, Lin Tian interrupted him.

"Is it only the children of the wealthy family?" Lin Tian smiled and said, "Li Wenfeng inherited King Anglia Arthur gōngfǎ. What is Arthur King? You know very well that it is a great man standing at the pinnacle of an era. He inherited it. gōngfǎ is not good. "

"Although I don't know how Li Wenfeng got King Arthur's gōngfǎ, even if his strength is placed in the ancient martial arts world of Huaxia, the younger generation can rank as hào. Do you think the Yuwen family will just find an ordinary person to be the son-in-law? In the beginning, if he got the sword of King Arthur and the sword of the king, I don't think it would be impossible to become the first young Chinese martial arts warrior. "

Lin Tian ’s evaluation is very objective, and he did not deliberately degrade, but it is also true. If Li Wenfeng got the sword of the king, under the guidance of the sword spirit, his strength would definitely leap forward. In addition to the power of the sword of the king, he The strength is even higher.

"Boy, you also know the power of the King's Sword. If there is a diàojiào of the King, that kid will surely be one of the best." The sword spirit's voice sounded again, very proud.

Lin Tian sneered at it in his head, and said rudely: "Oh, what about diàojiào, one of the best characters, can you return to the top? Even if he can make you return to the top, but Can he make you break through the pinnacle? I can, I can make you an unparalleled artifact, follow me, you have unlimited potential! "

"Well, my king won't accept your xǐnǎo, who wouldn't speak big words?" Jian Ling was very unconvinced.

But when it came to the back, the voice went down, because it knew clearly that Lin Tian was completely right. In the end, he seemed to be in deep thought and stopped talking.

Lin Tian ignored it, all he had to do was to beat this guy for a long time, until the end, he completely tamed it, just like taming a fierce horse, sometimes it was fun and thoughtful to think about. .

The ghost and Yun Xiaotian looked at each other, still digesting the huge amount of information in Lin Tianhua.

Lin Tian patted the ghost and laughed: "You don't have to be surprised. In fact, you are also good. Ancient yoga is very good, but ancient yoga is not a fighting gōngfǎ, and your fighting skills do not match gōngfǎ. If you can xiūliàn's Secret of Taiji from the Royal Family, it is perfect, the achievement is not lower than the genius of those ancient Wu families, but it is a pity. "

"What a pity?" Yun Xiaotian asked subconsciously.

"It's a pity that the secretive Taiji script of the Wang family does not pass on surnames." Lin Tian regrets that ancient yoga and the secretive Taiji scripture have something in common, which is very suitable for the ghost xiūliàn. After thinking about it, Lin Tian said: "Actually There is another way. You may try to get closer to that old phantom. Maybe you will gain something. "

"Which king is that?" The ghost wondered.

"I have always protected my Wang Lao, you met at Yun's last time." Yun Xiaotian replied on behalf of him.

Lin Tian nodded and said: "Xiao Tian is right. I dare say that Wang Lao is absolutely amazing and talented. He has unparalleled understanding. He has a broad mind and the talented children in the ancient martial art world are worse than Wang Lao. Too far, even his elder brother, Mr. Wang Yuanzhou, cannot compare with him. "

"It was just that he was not understood by his family and close relatives when he was young, and it was delayed for a lifetime. However, I think that Wang Lao created a new gōngfǎ, and he will not be willing to lose it. Maybe he also wants to find a personal inheritance. It's just that the chance hasn't arrived, maybe the chance is on you. "Lin Tianwei smiled.

After listening to Lin Tian ’s words, the ghost was thoughtful. In fact, Lin Tian had some words that he did n’t say, but it was about his life experience. If the ghost is really the blood of the Yun family, let him often approach the Yun family ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Paved the way for the ancestors to return to the ancestors later.

"Well, these things take time to come. Everyone has their own chance, but some people have already got it, some people haven't come yet." Lin Tian finally ended the topic and walked into a clothing store. .

"Welcome." A young female clerk greeted the shop immediately and asked politely, "Three gentlemen, what type of clothes do you want to buy?"

The ghost and Yun Xiaotian didn't speak, and looked at Lin Tian at the same time. They were still wondering why Lin Tian came out to buy clothes.

Lin Tian turned her head and glanced around the clothes in the store, but finally set her gaze on Yun Xiaotian, and this look made Yun Xiaotian uncomfortable.

"Lin ... Brother Lin, what are you looking at me for?" Yun Xiaotian shouted.

Lin Tian did not answer him, but said to the shopgirl: "měinǚ, is there such a thing on my friend that I can hide my figure and slightly loose clothes, yes, the collar must have a hood."

Měinǚ The shop assistant stunned for a moment, apparently confused by Lin Tian's weird request, but she quickly looked back and turned to Yun Xiaotian, and looked up and down, Yun Xiaotian was slightly reddened, somewhat uncomfortable comfortable.

Lin Tian took a strange look at Yun Xiaotian. This young master of the Yun family has been seen as a person in the world. Měinǚ has seen a lot. Why can't a měinǚ's eyes be held up? The Yun family is not so inferior.

The female clerk quickly spoke out, interrupting Lin Tian's thoughts: "Sir, wait a minute, we just have a dress that should meet your requirements."