Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1462: Auction interrupted

"Rely on, 600,000! Senior, should we shout?" Xing Shan exclaimed exaggeratedly, then turned to look at Lin Tian, ​​600,000 was already too expensive for him.

"Not in a hurry, let me see who the price is." Lin Tian walked to the window, looked through the bead curtain, and looked at the box where the voice was heard.

A white shadow loomed behind the bead curtain and could not see her face, but Lin Tian already knew who she was, Tang Ziqing of Qingshuang Pavilion, and the ice silk dress of Qingshuang Pavilion was of special material. Will forget.

"Forget it, don't shout." Lin Tian said, looking back lightly.

Xing Shan glanced at the mask on Lin Tian's face, but could not see the expression. He said with some confusion: "The senior seemed interested in Zilian Gen just now, why don't you want it now?"

Lin Tian looked at the auction floor downstairs, but did not answer his words, but thought to himself that the purple lotus root grew in the high-cold ice-cold waters, and was born with ice-cold medicine. Tang Ziqing bid at double the price. It is most likely used to treat Xiao Manxuan.

Although the energy in Xiao Manxuan's body is still unknown, it should be the fire property. Perhaps Qingshuangge thought of using the medicinal restraint.

However, Lin Tian knew that it was better to talk than nothing, because he had seen the power of the fire attribute energy after the outbreak, and where the medicine could be restrained, you must know that she had an ice soul necklace on her body to be able to suppress it.

That energy was too terrifying, Lin Tian had an intuition that it was a special energy comparable to the power of a son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian didn't go to bid, no matter whether the purple lotus root is useful or not, Tang Ziqing and Xiao Manxue had this heart, so let them try it, maybe there is a miracle.

The price of this medicinal material is not easy to estimate. Although it is rare, it is used by few people. When it is urgently needed, one million people come out, but if no one uses it, it will be worthless.

Although it can be used to please the pharmacist, but the pharmacist is also a rarity in the ancient martial arts world. He may not encounter one in his life. Therefore, when Tang Ziqing doubled the price directly, everyone stopped increasing it.

"The first six hundred thousand ..."

"The second time of six hundred thousand ..."

"The third time for 600,000, well, the purple lotus root was obtained for a hào box." Ling Xiao did not intentionally delay the time, simply knocked down the bronze bell and announced the result.

I have to say that this auctioneer named Ling Xiao will have a good grasp of the atmosphere. Some auctioneers can't figure out the situation, and no one wants to bid. They also deliberately delay the time, which will only invite people to despise and hate it.

The atmosphere of the auction house has always remained excited, and the auction items are becoming more and more precious and more and more people look forward to. Weapons, equipment, and medicinal materials are various. One of the auctions of ancient martial arts has pushed the atmosphere of the auction to the new.

However, Lin Tian always felt what the shortcomings were. After thinking about it, he understood that although the atmosphere of the auction was warm, it had not yet reached the heated bidding of bayonet.

The auctioneer Ling Xiao also seemed to be aware of it. She smiled and said: "It seems that you are still more reserved, but the next item, I think you must have long expected."

She beckoned to the court, and a black guard came up. The guard held a tray with a red cloth on it, which made people unable to see the contents inside.

But as soon as this thing came out, the atmosphere in the field was different, and even in the box on the second floor, someone opened the curtain to make himself see more clearly. A lot of treasures were auctioned just now, but no one in the family has been so active.

However, what made Lin Tian strange was that Li Wenfeng also ran out, staring closely at the tray on the auction table, and seemed to be bound to get that thing.

"Everyone, the item in this round of auction is elixir ..." Ling Xiao glanced around and said loudly, just a few seconds after the voice settled, there was a loud noise in the room.

The goal of the discussion is naturally the elixir on the stage. There are not many things that can make the ancient martial arts minds. Weapons and equipment, gōngfǎ martial arts, and finally elixir.

In terms of monotherapy, elixir is actually not as good as gōngfǎ, but elixir is too rare and its value is rare. In some ways, elixir is not comparable to gōngfǎ.

"This elixir is the primary top-quality elixir. It is called Shaoyang Dan. It can eliminate and restrain the evil spirits. It has magical effects when dealing with evil powers and evil spirits. The evil powers are difficult because of the evil spirits. Everywhere is permeated, and the trick is accidental, but it is different with Shaoyang Dan. Although it is not completely immune, it can be restrained to a certain degree. "Ling Xiao introduced in detail.

"Shaoyang Dan? Ling Xiaojie, are you mistaken? The auction manual is clearly written. The elixir of this auction is Jiuzhuan Yisui Dan." The first person to ask the question was not the Wang family, but Li Wenfeng.

"Yes, our royal family came for this elixir. You even said it was Shaoyang dan." A young son of the Wang family said dissatisfied.

Wang Wanxi, who had been sitting in the box, frowned slightly, and whispered, "How did Xiaotian Refined Shaoyang Dan appear at the auction? Is it provided by Man Xue or Xiao Tian himself?"

At first, Lin Tian remedied the disease for Master Yun Hongzhang. Only a few people knew, but Shaoyang Dan actually came to Langya Pavilion. Wang Wanxi naturally felt strange.

However, Lin Tian is even more strange. The Wang family urgently needs this elixir ~ lightnovelpub.net ~. The emotion is more understandable, but Li Wenfeng is more excited than the Wang family and is the first to stand up and question.

It can be seen from Li Wenfeng's reaction that he also needs this elixir. Lin Tian thought very badly, Grandpa Li, if you knew that Jiuzhuan Xishui Dan was intercepted by Lao Tzu, what would it look like? .

Regarding the questions of everyone, Ling Xiao had already expected that she still didn't hesitate to say, "Everyone, I can make an explanation about Jiuzhuanjisuidan becoming Shaoyangdan. Not long ago, we Langya Pavilion The cabinet host received a pharmacist who requested it to exchange Jiuyang Yisui Dan with Shaoyang Dan. "


"The owner of Langya Pavilion is here too?"

"Did the legendary pharmacist appear in Tangcheng?"


When Ling Xiao's words came out, there was a loud noise at the scene. The amount of information in her sentence was too much. The owner of Langya Pavilion, and the pharmacist, especially the latter, were enough to shock the people present. When changing the medicine, no one paid attention. They even looked at each other and wondered if the pharmacist was right there.

In the box of the Situ family, Situ Ruoling said excitedly: "Brother, does the ancient martial arts really have the profession of a pharmacist?"

Situ Yufeng nodded and said earnestly: "Although I haven't seen it, the existence of a pharmacist is undeniable. If our Situ family can become friends with the pharmacist, the benefits are no less than the marriage with Qingshuang Pavilion."

"Yu Feng is right. For a pharmacist, even if he cannot become a friend, do not become an enemy, or he will suffer endlessly." A middle-aged man at Situ's house said solemnly.