Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1485: Surprise or fright

"Boy, don't be stupid, the energy of the King's Purple Flame." Jian Ling reminded again, as if afraid of Lin Tianlai's account.

"Fuck, you think I'm as stingy as you, I'll give it to you, and be careful to die." Lin Tian said very uncomfortably, then gathered a trace of flame energy, and threw it to the sword spirit.

The sword spirit **** catches it, swallows it in, and then comes out a contented sound. After the golden energy group swallows the purple flame energy, the purple light faints out, and after a few minutes of silence, the sword spirit is motionless.

Lin Tian knew that it could not die, but he fell silent and digested the energy of Ziyan.

Withdrawing his mind from his mind, Lin Tian turned his head and looked at the two behind him. Now Tang Ziqing and Ling Zishan are just waiting. There is no abnormality. He is slightly relieved.

Regarding the existence of the sword of the King's Sword, Lin Tian did not want to let too many people know, especially Tang Ziqing, who seemed to be in contact with the female sword priest of Holy Spirit, but the news was easily passed to Holy Spirit.

"Lin Tian, ​​how is Wanxi?" When Ling Tian stopped talking, Ling Zishan could not help asking.

"Not awake yet ..." Lin Tian turned to look at Wang Wanxi's empty eyes, frowning, but before he finished speaking, a strange wind suddenly blew from the top of the tower.

Originally there was no wind in the quiet night, and there was no wind in the tower. Even the green smoke of the aromatherapy furnace was straight up. At this time, the strange wind blew, and the green smoke drifted away.

The strange wind came too strange, and the three of them were alert. The sense of consciousness fully sensed the changes around the pagoda. Lin Tian opened the level perspective for the first time, and the vision enveloped the entire nine-story pagoda.

But he didn't see any situation, there was no one outside the pagoda, and there were no animals. He looked back puzzledly. Now Tang Ziqing and Ling Zishan are staring at Wang Wanxi.

"You are ..." Lin Tian was very surprised, looking at the eyes of the two people, as if the strange wind just caused by Wang Wanxi.

The two did not answer his question, but looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. From their eyes, Lin Tian saw doubts, surprises, and some unknown emotions.

Because Wang Wanxi was sitting still, Lin Tian didn't notice her just now, instead she turned her attention to the pagoda. She seemed to have missed something, or something that he hadn't seen before, and they knew?

When Lin Tianzheng was struggling with these problems, the strange wind reappeared, and this time, they did not stop. No, it's not the wind, it's the airflow. Lin Tian felt it carefully. The airflow in the tower is flowing slowly and faster.

These airflows seemed to fall into a vortex and converged to one place. When he felt the center of the airflow, he paused, and the center of the vortex was Wang Wanxi!

"Who told me, what's going on?" Lin Tian raised his voice and shouted at the two. He wanted to know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. If it was a bad thing, there must be a solution.

Tang Ziqing always talked coldly and didn't like to talk to him. He only looked at Ling Zishan, Ling Zishan looked slightly, solemnly: "I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, Wan Xi is going to be promoted! This is a precursor of promotion. "

"Promotion? Aunt Wang originally had great success the day after tomorrow. If you were promoted, wouldn't you want to be promoted to the early days of congenital?" Lin Tian took a moment's glance, and was surprised. This was indeed an unexpected delight. I thought it was just to repair the realm. Promoted.

But he looked at Ling Zishan's expressions a bit wrong, Lin Tian asked again: "Aunt Wang waited for this day for a long time. Although she was damaged before, she never gave up xiūliàn, this time it must be she broke through the demon The **** of the soul, the baptism of the soul, plus the savings of twenty years, today's accumulation is rich, promotion is taken for granted, do you think it should not be? "

"All of what you said is right, and the accumulation of wealth and the baptism of the soul can really make her promotion, but the promotion came too suddenly and there was no preparation at all." Ling Zishan said solemnly.

Before he was promoted, Lin Tian really did n’t understand, because he wasn't an ancient warrior at all. He heard Ling Zishan say that he was a little overwhelmed in his heart: "What do I need to prepare?"

Ling Zishan thought for a while and said, "When the ancient warriors were promoted to the innate, they needed to absorb a large amount of heaven and earth aura, accumulate enough energy of energy, and impact the realm. But the modern earth, the heaven and earth aura is thin, which is why it is difficult for the ancient warriors to be promoted one of the reasons."

"If anyone in the family wants to attack the innate realm, they will be prepared in advance. If possible, they will prepare the elixir to replenish the energy of Qi. Know why the elixir is so precious. The ancient warriors need it many times, especially in this reiki. Thin times. "

"Of course, elixir is scarce, even the ancient martial arts family may not necessarily have it, especially the elixir that supplements Qi energy can meet the innate promotion for promotion, at least intermediate or higher, even advanced, advanced elixir, except for a long time ago The legacy, who can still make it now? "

Ling Zishan looked at Lin Tian, ​​meaning to ask, can you pharmacist make high-quality elixir? Lin Tian touched his nose ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said: "I can't even make intermediate elixir, let alone the legendary high-level elixir. However, as you said just now, those who have the conditions can Possibly prepare elixir, how do they prepare those without conditions? "

"In addition to the elixir, some Tiancai Dibao can also replace the elixir to supplement the energy of the ascendant, such as some special medicinal materials, but these Tiancai Dibao are also unavailable. Therefore, in addition to the elixir, It also allows the ancient martial arts to make the transition to the ascension. "

Is the transition really good? Lin Tian's heart stunned, he could not help looking at the two, both of them were congenital masters, not the best candidates for the transition.

"You can rest assured that we can completely transition to Qi for Qi Wan. With the skill of the two of us, this can still be done. But just transitioning Qi is not enough. Wan Xi's meridians and heart veins are even new to Dan Tian. Repair, in principle, should be cultivated for a period of time, so that the heart and meridians are stronger and able to withstand the impact of innate qi, then it is a good time for promotion. "

"The signs of promotion are now available, and we can't wait for that time, so I need your nine stitches to protect Wan Xi's heart. The three of us work together and be careful, we should be able to ensure Wan Xi's smooth promotion." Ling Zishan explained a lot, and finally came to this result.

Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, he had learned nine acupuncture techniques. Some things seemed to be the case.

When several people talked, the airflow in the tower became more obvious, and the scope became larger and larger, and even this effect spread beyond the pagoda. At this time, the top of the tower seemed to be a bottomless pit, and the air flow of several miles inside collapsed together.