Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1569: trust

Lin Tian understood this time and couldn't help saying: "That is, you can view the surveillance video of that Internet cafe through the network and directly see who is using that computer?"

"That's right, it's not difficult for me." The son-in-law said with a personified ease, seriously, if it wasn't for the advanced intelligence that she knew and spoke, Lin Tian would almost treat her as real People.

But even knowing that Lin Tian sometimes has the illusion that he is talking to others.

"According to the transmission time of the audio file, I intercepted the video about half an hour before and after this time node, and now I can show it to you." The son-in-law said again, and then another screen lit up and a surveillance video appeared.

"One of them was the most suspicious. He used the target computer to get off the plane in just eight minutes." The son-in-law's voice sounded, and a screenshot appeared next to the video.

The screenshot is of a medium-sized person, but you can't see any other features, because the person is wearing a large black dress with a hood on his head, and still walks down.

"Put out his video." Lin Tian said. In this screenshot, even the gender cannot be seen, let alone the identity.

The son-in-law showed the surveillance video when the man in black went out, but the man in black still walked with his head down, and his appearance was not visible at all. When walking to a certain position, the man in black stopped suddenly and raised his head.

This action shows that he stopped to look at the surveillance camera on his head, but Lin Tian was disappointed that the man in black was wearing a large mask, and the mask and hood covered almost all the appearance, leaving a pair of eyes. The man in black only stayed for a few seconds and then left immediately.

Seeing these eyes, Lin Tian frowned, not because he recognized anything, but with a raging smile in his eyes.

"It's him, you look at it, he seems to know that someone will check the video." Liu Wenxing said with certainty.

"So the clue is interrupted, who will send such a message to Lin Tian, ​​and is still working on high school." Xiao Manxuan looked like a little detective, and analyzed carefully.

Xiao Manxue didn't speak, but just looked at Lin Tian, ​​and after hearing those apparently hostile audio, the first thing he thought of was the revenge of the Situ family, even the Ji family.

But then I thought that Situ's family and Ji's family were ancient martial arts families. If they wanted revenge, they should not hide their heads and circles, unless they had another purpose.

"Tian, ​​what should I do?" Liu Wenxing was a little worried. He was good at computer, but when he talked about these conspiracies, he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Wen Xing, so far, don't get involved anymore. You are in a foreign country and there is no one around you. It will be troublesome to be targeted. It is not bad now, at least the other person just rushed at me alone." Lin Tian solemnly said.

"Okay, I listen to Brother Tian." Liu Wenxing knows what he is good at, and those dangerous things he can do for Lin Tian are not to add chaos.

After closing the video call with Liu Wenxing, the atmosphere in the control room was a little dignified, but Lin Tian smiled lightly: "I wouldn't tell you if I knew it already.

"You still laugh!" Sister Xiao stared at Lin Tian at the same time, very angry.

"You're being watched now, shouldn't you be more dignified." Xiao Manxuan was helpless and looked defeated by you.

Lin Tian spread his hands, and was helpless: "Well, I am dignified, um, very dignified." The sisters gave him a white look, which was too fake.

"I know you care about me, rest assured, I promise you that nothing will happen." Lin Tian said seriously.

"Lin Tian, ​​could it be revenge by Situ's family?" Xiao Manxuan asked, apparently thinking of it with his sister.

"I don't know. I count a lot of enemies. Anyone is possible." Lin Tian didn't know. Situ's family, Ji's family, Sunshine Club, Rizhao Group, and even those business families are all possible.

"It's never wrong to be careful anyway, there are no invincible people in the world, and if they find a way to restrain you, you will be in danger." Xiao Manxue said seriously, there was a messy concern in his eyes.

"Especially if you are preparing for freshmen to enter school, you must pay attention when you are in an unfamiliar environment." Xiao Manxue also reminded her that she usually didn't talk much, but as long as it was about Lin Tian's safety, she couldn't help it much. Tell a few words, and the president of Gao Leng is very different from peacetime.

"When it comes to school, when will Xiaoxiao live in a student dormitory, or where will she live? If she lives in a student dormitory, I can't be close to her ... keke, close protection, after all, I still have the salary of a bodyguard." Lin Tianyi was serious. .

"You can rest assured, I have arranged it. You and Xuan Xuan live in the student apartment." Xiao Manxue seemed to have not heard Lin Tian's careful thought, said lightly.

"Sister, Lin Tian and I live in the same apartment?" Xiao Manxuan asked, looking slightly red, and staring.

"Xuan Xuan, you can rest assured that although Lin Tian is messing with flowers everywhere, he will not bully you." Xiao Manxue glanced at Lin Tian, ​​this sentence was more like he told him.

Lin Tian immediately kàngyì: "Two měinǚ, I need to correct two problems. First, I am currently single, without a girlfriend, and no" Zingren ". How can you say that? I'm afraid you have to experience it for yourself. "

"Dare you!" The two sisters stared at Lin Tian, ​​speaking in unison, Xiao Manxue said threateningly: "If you dare to bully Xuan Xuan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I can't spare you."

"Rest assured, not only will I not bully, but I will be very gentle." Lin Tian said deliberately.

Unexpectedly, the sisters snorted, turned around, and completely ignored Lin Tian's "threat."

Lin Tian felt hurt by 10,000 points of crit. Looking at the son-in-law in front of the holographic image, Lin Tian reluctantly said, "Nu son-in-law, you are also a woman. You say, am I so safe?"

The son-in-law was unsmiling and straightforward: "First of all, to correct a mistake, my essence is only a program, and there is no gender distinction. The reason why I designed my appearance as a woman is because President Xiao and President Xiao are both women. As for you, Question, I think there is only one reason, they absolutely trust you. "

"Absolute trust?" Lin Tian frowned, smiling. "There is nothing absolute in the world. At least so far, I haven't seen the Xiao family's Dan Fang."

Lin Tian thought that after Xiaoxiaojie knew she was a pharmacist, she would take Dan Fang out, but it was not.

"Daxiaojie didn't show you Dan Fang, it was out of the Xiao family's legacy, and it had nothing to do with trust." The son-in-law had a much more serious tone.

Lin Tian nodded, just to understand that when he turned to prepare to go out, he paused: "son-in-law, ask you a question, if you make you chéngrén, do you want to be a woman or a man?"

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