Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1754: Scared me

His boss had to take revenge. Bitong's eyes were terribly small, but Liu Xiong wasn't a good product either. The two of them were yelling at each other.

The next show, Lin Tian, ​​didn't think much about it. By the end of the final show, he had already left the auditorium early. The people in the villa are basically concentrated in the auditorium. The outside is very quiet. Only the sea breeze blew coconut and palm trees, making a rustling sound.

The moon in the sky is very round, and the white moonlight falls on the road, adding a little peace. Bathed in the moonlight night, Lin Tian has a comfortable feeling, even if he doesn't use the animal skin, he can feel the moonlight wandering.

"I don't know if it will have such a rich moonlight." Lin Tian had some expectations in his heart. When he was injured by Zhang Lingyu, he just absorbed the moonlight and made the wound heal quickly.

Just as he looked up at the moon, a dark shadow suddenly flew over his head, Lin Tian raised a brow, instead of following the shadow, he turned quickly and grabbed his hand behind him.

He just grabbed the shadow in one hand, but the shadow didn't resist, he fell down and fell into Lin Tianhuai's arms. Lin Tian only felt the fragrance coming, soft and full, and a woman in a black dress was falling in his arms.

"Charlotte, are you a special guest, high society, do you want to pay attention to the image?" Lin Tian looked down at the woman's face, very helpless.

Closer, Lin Tian can feel Charlotte's gorgeous, flawless skin, beautiful face, long eyelashes, light blue eyes, tall nose, the beauty of western women almost gathered She has a face.

The figure was so good that she was wearing a black dress. When Lin Tian looked down, she just saw the unfathomable groove under the skirt.

It was Charlotte who "raided" Lin Tian just now. When did she come? Lin Tian doesn't know, anyway, she's got used to it.

Charlotte looked up at Lin Tian and whispered: "My people, my body, my heart belong to the master. What others think, I can't control it."

Lin Tian glanced fiercely at the deep ditch, and stood her upright with some reluctance, and then said, "Here are all acquaintances, don't call me master. Your current identity is the owner of Bare Bank, and I am Tianxue Jewelry Boss, we ... were more formal. "

Charlotte smiled, and said charmingly: "Well then, when we return to the room later, when only we are two, I will call again, Mr. Lin ..."

The last sentence, Mr. Lin, was so crisp that Lin Tian was rubbing his brows, distressed and helpless: "I mean, we have always been more formal, and what room do you want to go back to?"

"Of course it's Mr. Lin's room. I have nowhere to live. Would you have the patience to let me stray on the streets?" Charlotte's scum eyes, with an innocent look and pity.

If it were an ordinary man, in her tone and expression, she might have surrendered, but Lin Tian knew that she was so enchanted, and she was a little dangling in her heart, but she was basically sober.

Lin Tianyi solemnly said, "Do n’t lie to me. As a special guest, there will be no place to live? Well, do n’t run around yourself. You have met Xiaoxiaojie, and you have to fight again. "

"Are you maintaining that big xiaojie? I feel hurt." Charlotte looked aggrieved.

The ghost only believed that you would be hurt, Lin Tian muttered in his heart, and then waved his hand: "I have something, leave first, remember not to run around."

Lin Tian turned around and walked away. Charlotte didn't even catch up. He was relieved and thought, fortunately, the prince did not know where he lived. Otherwise, the group would not be able to clean up the scene. Already.

At the time, Charlotte had revealed her true appearance in front of the sisters of the Xiao family. This time, the big xiaojie should not know yet. Among the guests who came to the jewelry exhibition was Charlotte.

Lin Tian opened the mobile phone and looked at it. When he saw Xiao Manxuan sent another voice message, he probably told him to meet after the party. The meeting place was ...

"Here?" Lin Tian saw the location she sent and hesitated for a moment. The location was in the center of the villa, some distance from where he lived.

The position is higher, the sight should be better, but it is not as close to the sea as it is here. However, the centrally located building should be the most important place in the villa, most likely the place where the Europeans live.

It's almost time to see. Lin Tian simply walked directly to his destination, and soon came to a bigger villa. The first floor of the villa has floor-to-ceiling windows, similar to the one on Charlotte Island.

However, the curtains were partially closed. Except for the lights inside, the main position of the living room was invisible. People outside the villa didn't block Lin Tian when he saw it, he simply walked in.

But as soon as he entered, Lin Tian froze. Many people sat in the living room, and all of them were familiar faces, and everyone looked at him in unison.

Wang Wanxi, Yun Haoyu, and Yun Xiaotian are a family of three. Ou Qinglan and Ou Mengmeng are two. Last week, Botong was also a family of three. There were beautiful Mrs. Xiao, sisters Xiao family, Song Yanan, and Wan Gaoyuan. The main bosses behind the show are almost complete ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Lin Tian immediately looked back and smiled: "I seem to be in the wrong place, guys, goodbye."

Then he turned to leave, and then he found that no one spoke, but just looked at him with a smile.

Damn, this is so awkward. Lin Tian is very speechless. Why don't these people cooperate? However, who is Lin Tian, ​​who has not seen any scene, then turned back casually, and continued to walk in front of them.

"A big scene, you scared me, honest man." Lin Tian said innocently.

Shao Manxue, who was supposed to be the calmest and calmest, couldn't hold back first, and said, "Just pretend, and put the presidents of the world in front of you, and it won't scare you. What a scene this is."

After talking about Xiao Manxue himself, she smiled. Although she hadn't seen it for a while, Lin Tian was still familiar with Lin Tian, ​​who was bold and fearless. Lin Tian saw the unruly smile at the corner of his mouth. Consciously feel a sense of joy.

Tonight's big xiaojie didn't wear a dress, and changed after leaving the auditorium, but still does not reduce her beauty, tall figure, rugged figure, in the high cold, has the style of xìnggǎn.

Lin Tian could clearly feel the joy in Daxiaojie's eyes, and then he felt happy. Is this the beauty of a long reunion? Lin Tian couldn't figure it out.

Lin Tian quickly pressed down this shit, and there were still many people watching in the living room. He turned to look at Mrs. Xiao and said earnestly: "I have seen Mrs. Xiao, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and you will always be so young and beautiful. . "