Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1763: Goddess of War

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Charlotte snorted and waved bǐshǒu, and when the two goddesses' arms hit each other, a dazzling spark broke out.

Fortunately, the two were more restrained and did not use too much power. They were just moves. Otherwise, the aftermath of the battle was enough to overthrow the Qi people around them.

Dangdang ...

The soul-stealing blade and the painting sword continued to strike in rapid succession. Although they did not use much power, the speed was still there, and others looked at the sword sword and sparks. Qi Shao and Zhou Botong were so frightened that they didn't know how to run away.

"Lin ... Brother Lin Tian, ​​shouldn't you separate the two goddesses first?" Zhou Botong finally went back a little, and stuttered.

In his opinion, only Lin Tian had the ability to stop the war between the goddesses at the scene, although he did not know why this "war" broke out.

Lin Tian frowned and said, "Let them fight first."

"What?" Zhou Botong was aggressive and couldn't understand.

"Both of them have anger in their hearts, so they have to vent their breaths. Otherwise, they cannot solve the problem by forcing them apart. When the qi vents are almost exhausted, they can sit down and talk." Lin Tian spread his hands and explained.

"Well, you can just say it." Zhou Botong was not sure.

The clanging sound continued to ring in the living room, and several people in Zhou Botong retreated outside the door. Only Lin Tiangan stood in the living room.

"I said, it's almost time to stop playing." After playing for a while, Lin Tian finally stopped.

However, the two women fought, seemingly out of Lin Tian's control. After he spoke out to stop them, the two women not only did not stop, but fought even harder.

With a bang, the two finally upgraded their strength. When the weapon crashed, they shattered the chair next to it and scattered the wood debris. Several people outside Zhou Botong were shocked. They wanted to sit still. Will I be shaken up there?

"I'll let you stop!" Lin Tian raised his voice and roared.

The two women froze for a moment, stopped, and turned to look at him. Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the two goddesses could be done.

But this breath was not finished, when the two women's weapons fought again, and it was even more fierce. Obviously, Lin Tian's stop failed again.

At this time Lin Tiancai paid careful attention to the fact that both women's eyes contained anger, and there was a tendency to upgrade.

"Your uncle, I still look down on women's minds too much to make people guess." Lin Tian sighed inwardly.

I ca n’t move, I have to do it. Lin Tian moved at his feet, his body flickered, and she flew to the two women. Both hands came out, and they caught the hands of the two women. The two women twitched hard and did not break free from Lin Tian's restraint.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to kill the other party?" Lin Tian deliberately froze, and stared at him.

"She bǎngjià had my mother, and now dare to appear in front of me!" Xiao Manxue was full of anger, apparently not listening to Lin Tian's words.

Lin Tian had a headache, and Charlotte's original bǎngjià Xiao incident could not be bypassed, but it was obviously impossible for Charlotte to apologize. Besides, an apology would not necessarily calm the anger of Xiaojie.

He just wanted to say something, and Charlotte has said, "Xiao xiaojie, you are wrong. I don't have Chairman Bǎngjià Xiao. I just asked her to be a guest. Then I did some business transactions, but everyone didn't talk about it in the end."

I rely, do you call this explanation? Obviously it is shirk the responsibility, might as well not say, Lin Tian is very speechless.

Sure enough, Xiao Manxue snorted coldly: "Hum, I arrested you, and said that it would be okay to invite you. If you dare to do it, you dare to do it. Why quibble."

"Well, you said so." Charlotte said indifferently.

This perfunctory attitude made Xiao Manxue even more angry, and the hand holding the sword was controlled by Lin Tian, ​​which did not mean that he could not attack. Suddenly she loosened her right hand, and the shadow sword fell, and her foot shot, and the sword flew to the other side. She grabbed the hilt with her left hand.

This technique of changing swords saw Lin Tian's amazing, worthy of repairing swords.

But the next moment Lin Tian couldn't appreciate it, and it was inconspicuous. I saw Xiao Manxue splitting out a sword to Charlotte on the opposite side. Charlotte also had bǐshǒu in the other hand and cut it with a knife.

When Dang Dang blew a spark in front of Lin Tian, ​​when Dang Dang drew several swords, Xiao Manxue's shadow sword drew across Lin Tian's crotch, almost hitting him, scared Lin The sky is cold sweat.

"Daxiaojie, isn't your trick too hooligant, and it almost killed me." Lin Tian kàngyì loudly.

Xiao Manxue was also unintentional, his face turned red, but when he saw Charlotte on the opposite side, he became angry again.

"Lin Tian, ​​you haven't helped me stop her! Pull me to do it." Xiao Manxue remembered looking for a helper and asked Lin Tian to come to Charlotte.

"Lin Tian is my master. You should hold you back, do you mean it? Master." Charlotte glanced at Xiao Manxue and said coquettishly.

Lin Tiangan said that the prince yelled so intentionally, and the word "master" came out, and everyone on the scene was aggressive.

"I'm not mistaken, Charlotte actually called Master Lin Tian?" Xiao Manxuan opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe what he heard.

"I can't think wrong." Ou Mengmeng said aggressively.

Da Xiaojie turned to look at Lin Tian ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ frowned: "Lin Tian, ​​she called your master?"

Lin Tiantou got big again. There was a wave of unrest, and another wave started again, and they all came together.

"If you don't answer, it's the default ..." Da Xiaojie's voice was low, which seemed to be jealous.

"This ... It's a long story, you put down your arms first, and then listen to me slowly." Lin Tian took the opportunity to persuade.

"I don't listen ... don't listen! You are her master, you are with her, haha, I'm so stupid." Daxiaojie shook his head sharply, not wanting to listen to Lin Tian. When she looked at her like this, Lin Tian screamed No, this female CEO has lost her temper again.

"I killed you!" Da Xiaojie raised the painting sword and swiped it hard to include Lin Tian.

"Sister, don't ..." Xiao Manxuan wanted to say something to stop, but where did she have this ability, Da Xiaojie, who was in a chaotic mood at this time, couldn't hear anything.

Charlotte sneered, dismissing: "I want to hurt my master, first asked me!" He also cut it off with a single stroke.

Seeing that it was going to be played again, and it was a battle to upgrade firepower. In this battle, the villa had to be demolished. Lin Tian frowned, throwing her hands at the same time, pushing the two women away.

"Enough!" Lin Tian roared loudly, and a huge humming tremble shook everyone's eardrums.

The two women were also slightly awake, seeing Lin Tian's complexion and cold eyes, seeing his look, Charlotte's heart slightly trembled, and she slowly put down her bǐshǒu.

"End of this chapter"