Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1840: Ultimatum

"Zhang Lao, are you afraid of others seeing such a big battle?" Lin Tian pointed to the building covered by a light curtain. In fact, he was also very weird. Just now the pillar of time was soaring to the sky. , But someone should see it in the hospital.

"You still don't believe in my technology? If it can be seen by ordinary people, what am I doing so hard? Don't worry, this array is not seen by ordinary people." Zhang Heyuan was self-confident.

Just after the words were spoken, the light curtain fluctuated, and countless black gas rushed out of the hospital building, impacting Jiuxiao and Bagua Fengmao. The black gas came fiercely, shaking the light curtain constantly, as if to break at any time.

"No, the blood is going to fight back." The old man yelled, and quickly drew a piece of rune paper from his pocket.

Rune paper gold huángsè, which says scarlet rune, Zhang Heyuan lost a piece of rune paper, at the same time pinch the hand, rune paper flew up, and affixed to the highest part of the building.

The rune paper flickered, and a golden ripple spread on the light curtain, and the shaking light curtain immediately stabilized. No matter how the bloodshake collided, the light curtain stood still.

"The blood is fighting back. Whether it can last for seven days is still a problem. Still, at the last moment, I will turn on the hellfire and burn the hospital clean. There is not much time left for you." Zhang Heyuan wrinkled. Gray brow, staring at the rolling black gas in the light curtain.

"What should you do? Don't accompany me, the old man. I will be in the hospital during the time before **** ignites." Zhang Heyuan looked back and waved at Lin Tian and Ning Luoxi.

Lin Tian turned to look at Ning Luoxi, said nothing, and turned to leave.

When Lin Tian walked away, Ning Luoxi said softly, "Zhang Lao, why don't you tell Lin Tian that the ghost world has sent ghosts to send up."

Zhang Heyuan looked at the direction where Lin Tian disappeared and said quietly: "Most of the births and deaths of people are in hospitals. It is the job of ghosts to take away the souls of mortal people from the hospitals. In the process of this hospital, the vision here has actually been discovered. "

"If it weren't for me to stop, the underworld would have destroyed the souls of those patients with **** inferno. Anything destroyed by inferno would never be born."

"In order to save people, Lin Tian was in the underworld and had conflicts with the underworld. If they were to meet, I don't know what would happen."

"Moreover, if Lin Tian were to know that the underworld wanted to destroy his friend's soul, I think he would runaway. At first, the ghost sent Xiao Manxuan's soul under control, and Lin Tian had already made a havoc in the underworld. If this happened again, things would be impossible. Saved. "

"Actually, I'm curious why Lin Tian could retreat after the troubled world. Regarding this matter, I asked the Lingyu disciple, but unfortunately, she said it was confidential and could not be told."

"In the underworld, Lin Tian must have encountered something, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to retreat from the underworld." Zhang Heyuan showed a thoughtful look, but the result was obvious and he could think of nothing.

Ning Luoxi listened very attentively, and she didn't know why, Lin Tian's affairs always caught her mind.

"Lin Tianping is always a bold guy, can you talk about how he broke into the underworld?" Ning Luoxi also looked at Lin Tian's disappearing direction, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang Heyuan shook his head and said, "It ’s almost impossible to be arrogant, but I admire him. According to Lingyu, the daughter of the Xiao family was fainted, and her soul was arrested by a ghost error.

"Dare to break into the land to grab people, it is probably the first time to break the ground, and in order to save the Xiao family girl, dare to jump on the Nai River, this is so bold, it's not necessary."

"You said, Lin Tian is desperate for other women. Why did my apprentice like him? I don't understand." Zhang Heyuan grabbed his chin's beard, grabbed several, and didn't think of one. .

Ning Luoxi bowed his head slightly, as if talking to himself: "Maybe this kind of Lin Tian is fatal to women."

"I don't understand your young people, it's still good in our time. You can get married and have children once you meet, and simply live a lifetime." Zhang Heyuan shook his head.

After thinking about it, he sighed again: "There is not much time left in the underworld. I hope that the special medicine Lin Tian said can be researched."

"Seven days is the last ultimatum in the underworld?" Ning Luoxi frowned.

"Seven days? Hum ..." Zhang Heyuan hummed a few times, looking very uncomfortable: "The underworld was very strong, and it only gave me three days at the beginning. Fortunately, the Zhang family still had some face in the underworld, and won seven days."

Lin Tian naturally did not hear the conversation between the two, let alone know that the underworld has been concerned about the hospital. After leaving the hospital, he did not return to the dormitory immediately, but turned to the life science laboratory.

Because of the passport in his hand, Lin Tian was not blocked by security when he entered the experimental building. He took the special elevator and went to the underground laboratory again.

When walking through the corridor, Lin Tian saw Professor He and Hu in one of the laboratories, immersed themselves in experiments and researched materials.

Instead of alarming them, Lin Tian went forward and opened another laboratory. This is where the black beetles and ghost fire bugs were stored last time.

As soon as she came in ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Lin Tian saw Li Qingyun, she was observing the ghost fire bugs in the culture container, that is, the flying insects with purple light.

"You're here, just come from the hospital, it's hard." Li Qingyun just looked back at Lin Tian and looked down again.

Seeing everyone working hard and studying, after thinking about it, Lin Tian didn't tell Li Qingyun about the seven-day deadline. In fact, there is no deadline, they will go all out and tell them, but just increase the pressure.

"How's the situation?" Lin Tian asked casually.

"Not much progress, I lack something critical." Li Qingyun straightened up, regretfully.

"What is it?" Lin Tian asked, Li Qingyun was a caretaker. When she said that, she had found a way, but she was just missing something.

"I don't know what the same fire energy swallowed and mutated. If there are those things, maybe they can evolve again." Li Qingyun replied.

Same source, isn't that the power of son-in-law? I'm here for this, but I can't let you know, Lin Tian's thoughts turned in his mind.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian said casually, "I just passed by the laboratory over there. Professor He seems to have made any progress. Would you like to take a look?"

"Oh? Then I'll go and see. Maybe it's helpful here." Li Qingyun smiled, and then hurried out without saying hello.

When Li Qingyun went out, Lin Tian closed the door of the laboratory, and then stained the water droplets by the pool, ejected the water droplets, and hit the camera on the laboratory. It's just vague.