Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1855: 7 Star Gate

After the light passed, the illusion disappeared, revealing the original appearance of the ground seam.

Lin Tian stole the sword and laughed, "Blood Moon is not just doom, at least it has weakened the power of illusion."

Xu Feibai said nothing, jumped directly into the ground crack, and disappeared.

"How do we get in?" Xiao Manxuan sew carefully to the ground, but it was still very dark inside, she couldn't see to the bottom, and her heart was a little dangling.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Tian's mouth, and before the little girl reacted, he suddenly hugged her.

The little girl exclaimed, followed by endless darkness, then weightlessness, and the sound of wind whispered in her ear, she was falling quickly. She closed her eyes subconsciously, buried her head in Lin Tian's chest, and hugged Lin Tian tightly. Smelling the familiar atmosphere, she calmed down for no reason, with a little fear in her heart.

At some point, the wind disappeared and the surroundings were quiet. Xiao Manxuan felt strange, opened her eyes and raised her head, and saw the purple flames rising from Lin Tian's palms, lighting up the underground space.

This is not the point. The point is that Lin Tian and Xu Feibai both looked at her. The little girl was surprised that she had landed on the ground, and she still hugged Lin Tian tightly.

Whoosh, it's really a shame ... Xiao Manxuan blushed and hurried to the ground. Xu Feibai looked at Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan back and forth, but shook his head helplessly. Of course, Lin Tian took his eyes as envy, jealousy and hate.

"There are stone walls all around, and there is no passage?" Xiao Manxuan forced himself not to be shy and looked at the surrounding environment calmly.

However, she was not wrong. The underground space is not large, and all sides are covered with stone walls, and Lin Tian also found that there are very small holes in the stone walls, which are smaller than chopsticks, and the holes are very smooth. Obviously, things often come in and go out.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the old nest of the ghost worm." Lin Tian looked for a while and said with certainty.

The ghost worm is as thin as a hair, and the ghost is haunted. This disaster was caused by the ghost worm. When the girl heard about it, she approached Lin Tian subconsciously.

"Rest assured, there are no more bugs here. The last blow from the King of the Tibetan Plateau has purified them all." Lin Tian comforted.

After speaking, Lin Tian looked at Xu Feibai. Xu Feibai was at the construction site at that time. He nodded and said, "At that time, when the sky was golden, I knew it was the King of the Tibetan Plateau, but I did not expect that the King of the Tibetan Plateau would appear in the hospital.

"How do we find General Chen, besides the stone wall here?" Xiao Manxuan asked again.

"No, there is a stone gate." Lin Tian and Xu Feibai both pointed at the stone wall in front.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the stone wall. Here, the stone wall looks no different from the other three places, the same flat rocks and the same small holes. Xiao Manxuan looked for a long time and saw nothing strange.

At least she didn't find the door gap that the stone door should have. Even if the stone door is worn and fit again, there should be a gap, otherwise how to open and close?

"Is it magic again?" Xiao Manxuan asked strangely.

"Not illusion. What do you think if you put glowing things into these tiny holes?" Lin Tian inspired.

The chick was a clever person, and after a little thought, she understood. She was surprised: "It is a starry sky, the black stone wall is the night sky, and the small light spots are the stars, which just form a starry sky map."

"By the way, the starry sky chart, and in this starry sky chart, there are hidden Big Dipper stars. You can see here that the arrangement and combination of holes are slightly different from the surroundings. The seven dots connected are exactly the familiar Big Dipper. Lin Tian drew on the stone wall with his hands, connecting the seven points.

Xiao Manxuan's eyes brightened and he was pleasantly surprised: "It's really the Big Dipper, but how do you know it's a door?"

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing to Xu Feibai. Xu Feibai said, "See what I do, you just say."

I didn't know how to cooperate at all. I despised you. Lin Tian gave him a blank eye and had to explain to myself: "I have read ancient books. Master Luban recorded an ancient institution, which is a combination of organ surgery and Taoist formation. In front of him is the Qixing Gate, which is driven by the Qixing array method. "

"But unfortunately, Master Luban just mentioned the Seven Star Gate, and there is no record of how to open it, because the Seven Star Gate has long been lost." Lin Tian said.

But he wasn't too disappointed, because he saw that Xu Feibai was so calm and apparently knew how to open the lost seven-star gate.

Sure enough, Xu Feibai took Lin Tian's words: "In fact, it is not difficult to open the seven-star gate. As long as the energy is poured into the seven stars at the same time, the seven-star array method will be activated and the stone gate will be opened."

"We only have three people, and I'm not an ancient warrior. I don't have energy. How can I infuse them at the same time?" Xiao Manxuan looked back and forth, not to mention seven people, three were not enough.

Xu Feibai shook his head and calmly said, "No, you have. You have different kinds of energy. As long as you put your hand to the star position, the seven-star array method can sense it, and you can rest assured that it will not cause any bad consequences."

He certainly knew about Xiao Manxuan's situation, because he had been slapped by Xiao Manxuan before, which was enough to threaten him.

Xiao Manxuan did not immediately agree to ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ but instead looked at Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian nodded: "It's okay, this guy dare not lie."

"Well, then I'm responsible for shaking the light and Kaiyang ..." Xiao Manxuan looked in front of the Big Dipper, stood on the handle of the bucket, and pressed his hands up. The last two stars of the seven-star bucket were shake and open. Yang.

Lin Tian naturally stood next to the chick and pressed up: "I am responsible for Yuheng and Tianquan."

It was Xu Feibai's turn, and when he saw his last position, he was dumbfounded. Because the remaining three positions are Tianzhu, Tianxuan and Tianshu.

In the three star positions, his two hands are naturally not enough, and one foot must be added, but because the three star positions are triangular, with both hands and feet against the wall and used, the posture is like a dog peeing against the wall, which is more embarrassing How awkward.

"I change position with you." Xu Feibai raised kàngyì to Lin Tian.

"No change, I have to look at Xuan Xuan, lest accidents happen during the opening process." Lin Tian flatly refused, then urged solemnly: "Hurry up, wait for the blood moon to pass, the strength disappears, and the enchantment is restored, don't think about it Open it again. "

Xu Fei gritted his teeth and had to press his hands and feet up, not to mention how peeing like a yellow dog. It's not easy to embarrass this old-fashioned handsome man. Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan both held back, so they didn't laugh.

"Concentrate and get ready to start!" Xu Fei glared at the two of them, saying fiercely, it seemed that the handsome old man was about to vomit blood.

Lin Tian knows the key of Blood Moon, and no longer jokes about him, concentrates, and senses the position of the stars in the palm of his hand.