Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1877: Jumped

Seeing Lin Tian not talking, the young captain thought that Lin Tian was still nervous, and said kindly: "The key to skydiving is to maintain physical balance and control the direction of gliding. The parachute descends very quickly, so it is necessary to open the umbrella in time ..."

"Oh, by the way, the information board behind you has the content of skydiving training. You can review it first to make sure you know it." The young captain is also serious and responsible, and reminded Lin Tian cautiously.

Lin Tian didn't want to jump stupidly, didn't refuse the captain's kindness, found out the information board behind him, and looked after himself. Skydiving is really not easy. The amount of information recorded on a tablet alone is enough to make a book.

This is only the graphic part, if you include the teaching video, it is enough to fill a 20G hard drive. If someone else learns skydiving temporarily, it is still difficult, but Lin Tian has the ability to never forget.

Moreover, he can replay the teaching movements in his mind over and over again. Previously, he practiced refining medicine like this, and the effect was very good.

Lin Tian only watched it once, then wrote down everything, then closed his eyes and meditated, and began "training" skydiving in his mind. His appearance surprised other team members, thinking that the young man's psychological quality was so good that he adapted quickly.

Where did they know that Lin Tian just closed his eyes and focused on "xiūliàn" parachuting. Xu Feibai glanced at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes flickered a few times, because he couldn't see what Lin Tian was doing.

The cabin quieted down, leaving only the sound of the propeller turning faintly from the outside. Lin Tian didn't know how many times he practiced, and the voice of the young captain suddenly sounded in his ear.

"From now on, one person will be dropped every eighty kilometers. You must return to the team according to the prescribed time. Otherwise, the assessment will be unqualified and you will hear clearly." The young captain Shen sang.

Lin Tian opened his eyes and saw that the team members were wearing equipment, and the atmosphere was serious and relaxed. Serious because the training must meet the standards, easy because the team members are confident, not the first time to participate in survival training.

"Xiao Gao, you are the first, check the equipment and umbrella bag." The young captain ordered.

"Yes." The player named Xiaogao began to check his body. The cabin door slowly opened. Immediately, the roar mixed with the sound of the wind and poured into the cabin. As if to be blown out at any time.

At this time, the helicopter was at a height of several kilometers, and most people stood in front of the hatch, and their legs were weak, but Xiao Gao only turned back and made an "oK" gesture, and then jumped down.

It can be seen from the porthole that after Xiao Gao fell a distance, a white umbrella flower opened and began to slow down. However, everyone could not see him landing because the helicopter did not stop and continued to roar away.

This is their wild survival training, randomly thrown into a strange place, let you return to the team by your own skills.

"Captain, how far have we flew?" Lin Tian looked at the scenery outside the porthole, except for the blue sky or the blue sky.

"Five hundred kilometers, it's still far from your destination. You take a break first, and I will remind you where I am." The captain smiled politely.

Lin Tian didn't know where the Zhang family was. Since Ningluoxi was arranged in Qingtan Town, that means the Zhang family was there.

Helicopters fly all the time, and after a period of time, one team member parachutes, and fewer and fewer people. In the end, only Lin Tian, ​​Xu Feibai, and the young captain remain on the helicopter, and of course, the pilot.

"It's almost time to get to Qingtan Town. Are the two ready?" The captain reminded.

Lin Tian got up from his seat, started to wear an umbrella bag, and took out a breathing mask. This ultra-high skydiving, the air is thin, you must wear a breathing mask. In fact, Lin Tian does n’t need it, but he has to do something in front of the young captain. .

While wearing the equipment, Lin Tian looked down through the porthole, everything on the ground was so small, mountains, lakes, rivers, you can see the whole picture.

In the distance is a green mountain forest. There is a river passing through the mountain forest. Between the river and the mountain forest, there seems to be houses for human habitation.

The young captain came over, followed Lin Tian's gaze, and then smiled: "You read that right, there is Qingtan Town. It is said that it is still an ancient town and has the opportunity to visit some of our great rivers and mountains."

"Oh, does the captain know very well about Qingtan Town?" Lin Tian asked casually.

The captain waved his hand and said, "Understanding is not a thing, but I know a little bit about it. It is said that Qingtan Town is a thousand-year-old town. The architectural style of the town still retains a strong ancient style. Moreover, many people there believe that the folk customs are simple.

channel? Lin Tian froze for a moment, and then came to understand, it seems that the Zhang family's influence is not small, inherited for thousands of years, the exorcist family, it is not too much to say that it is the holy land of the exorcist.

This situation is quite different from that of the ancient martial arts. For example, the territory of Qingshuangge is in Tangcheng, but no one in Tangcheng knows the existence of Qingshuangge. They only think it is a legend.

The helicopter's hatch finally opened slowly, and the cold sky brought in the air, which made people feel asphyxiated, not only because of the strong wind, but also because of the thin oxygen at high altitude.

Of course, this is the case for the young captain, Lin Tian and Xu Fei are indifferent to each other ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ has not changed their faces. The young captain looked at the two calmly and fearlessly, and his face did not change, and he could not help but thumbs up.

Lin Tianchong's young captain smiled indifferently, and then made a "oK" gesture, then jumped down and jumped out of the door.

The jump was simple, but the following zìyóu fell, leaving Lin Tian's heart hanging. It's one thing to practice in your mind, and it's another thing to really feel that zìyóu is falling. There is no sense of solidity in the earth, as if you will fall into the flesh at the next moment.

At this moment, Lin Tian once again envied the girl zombies, crossed the emptiness, flew wings, and conquered for nine days. It was such a cool and heroic thing.

Why are the differences so big as zombies? Lin Tian was very depressed.

Due to the acceleration of gravity, Lin Tian's falling speed had increased before he opened the umbrella. He was so deliberate for a while, he was already falling fast.

Fortunately, his usual speed is very fast. Naturally Lin Tian was not intimidated. He adjusted the balance of the body according to the essentials in the teaching video.

The body balance and posture before opening the umbrella is very important. Otherwise, the neck is likely to be entangled by the umbrella rope at the moment of opening the umbrella. If it is entangled, it is hanging at high altitude, and ordinary people will definitely die.

Such a parachuting accident has not happened before, even if it is not wrapped around the neck, it is very dangerous to get involved in hands and feet.

Lin Tian is also a master, with physical strength and coordination ability, and the skydiving champion cannot compare with him. Even at high altitude, even without any experience, Lin Tian easily adjusted his posture, thinking that when the time was almost the same, he pulled the umbrella opener for a moment.