Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1887: noob

The boyfriend flinched first. Such a blow would be devastating for Zhang Ruyan. Her character has become so weird now, it is estimated that she was hit like this.

But Lin Tian frowned, wondering: "The elders said you believed it? Didn't you check it yourself?"

"Of course, I went to him after I came out of the wall, but I couldn't find any shadow. He was like disappearing from the world, and there was no trace of him. I looked for a long time, but everything was in vain. Until now, I There is still no news from him until he meets you and mistakes you for him. "Zhang Ruyan said calmly.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, this misunderstanding was so big, he was almost forced, it was crazy enough. Zhang Ruyan and Lin Tian looked at each other with flashes of red on their faces, apparently thinking of the same place.

She waved her hand, and the encirclement of the siege of Lin Tian disappeared. At the same time, the flowers and vines returned to the side of the wooden house. It still looked like harmless flowers and plants, but who would know how terrible they were.

Lin Tian seems to have expected this result for a long time, and she was not surprised that she had withdrawn her enchantment, because Zhang Ruyan was just a weird character, not a neurosis. In addition to hate, perhaps there was love in her heart.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, although you don't know his real name, there is always a name for him, what do you usually call him? You can't always call him." Lin Tian asked casually.

Zhang Ruyan was silent for a while, and said blandly: "I call him Xiaobai, because he always wears white clothes, and he has no objection. Maybe, there is a white character in his name? I don't care what his name is, Xiaobai is Our exclusive name belongs to us only. "

"White? Xiaobai?" Lin Tian frowned, frowning, thinking about something in his heart.

Zhang Ruyan thought that Lin Tian thought the name was naive and couldn't help explaining: "Xiao Bai sounds like a rabbit, but if you've seen him, you won't think so. He always likes to wear white clothes. Although he is not handsome, but his temperament It's special, it looks like it came out of ancient ink painting. "

"White clothes, the beauty of ancient style?" Lin Tian whispered.

Zhang Ruyan froze slightly, and then his eyes lightened: "Yes, it is the beauty of the ancient style. Now it seems that although your breath is similar, your temperament is different. Your handsomeness is not smooth and unrestrained, but he is like the ancient style. man."

No, there is such a coincidence in the world? Lin Tian was surprised, but he continued to prove: "I know a zombie. He also likes white clothes. He also has an ancient temperament, but he is a little indifferent at times. He doesn't seem to believe in love. "

Zhang Ruyan's eyes widened, and then grabbed Lin Tian's arm: "Who is he and where is he?"

"Don't be excited, I'll show you something first." Lin Tian motioned for her to let go, then opened her palm, and a blood rose rose from the palm of her hand.

The blood beads glowed in the sunlight, Lin Tian glanced at Zhang Ruyan's shocked expression, and was more affirmed: "I finally understand why you think I have a similar atmosphere, it's all because of it!"

"Zombie blood, that's right, the breath is exactly the same!" Zhang Ruyan was so excited that he rushed to catch the blood.

Lin Tian quickly collected it, and collected the blood beads: "This thing is useful to me, I can't give it to you."

"Who gave you the blood beads, where is he?" Zhang Ruyan said quickly, very urgent.

"You took me to Qingtan Town, and I took you to find him. As for the person you are looking for, it depends on your fate." Lin Tian made his request. Someone led the way, and it was better than walking alone. .

Moreover, he also wanted to see what expression would Xu Feibai look like when he saw Zhang Ruyan? Did that guy really drink the water of love?

Zhang Ruyan could not wait any longer, and ran with a hand holding Lin Tian. Regardless of her dress, she was very fast, no slower than the ancient martial artist.

Fortunately, speed is what Lin Tian is good at, otherwise it will be ugly. Although she was pulled by her, Lin Tian was not led, but easily followed her.

Zhang Ruyan ran along the mountain stream, and the woods on both sides also became denser and thinner, and eventually became less and less and turned into grassland. A louder sound of water came from the distance. Lin Tian ran closer and found that it was the mountains and rivers that had merged into the river. The water of the river and the river slammed, making a sound of turbulent currents.

"This is the Qingtan River, and the lower reaches is Qingtan Town." Zhang Ruyan paused and explained.

After speaking, Lin Tian was to be dragged to continue running, but Lin Tian grabbed her by force, without any effort. This woman had great strength and was indeed a master of cutting monsters and removing magic.

"Why not?" Zhang Ruyan found that he couldn't move Lin Tian, ​​and was very surprised, but at this time he didn't have time to think about it, only to urge Lin Tian.

Lin Tian pointed at her clothes and pointed at her face: "We are dyed with the red juice of those flowers and vines, and Jijichéng will be treated as a biàntài murderer."

Saying that Lin Tian wanted to jump into the river, wash it, and dry it with purple flames, Zhang Ruyan stopped him: "Washing is useless. This is a flower vine cultivated with black mandala and Taoism. Its juice must be special The trick can be eliminated. "

Without waiting for Lin Tian to ask a question ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ she bent over and took a handful of water from the mountain stream, and then sprinkled like Lin Tian. Before the water fell, she had already thrown a piece of rune paper. The rune paper burned, and the splashing water instantly vaporized and turned into a mist of water.

The water mist enveloped Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian did not resist. By letting her cast, the water mist appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. Then Lin Tian was surprised to find that the blood red on her body had disappeared.

Zhang Ruyan cast the same spell, and the red blood on his body and face disappeared, and the two continued to set off. After walking for a while, Lin Tian finally saw the building, and the grass under his feet was no longer grass, but bluestone pavement.

Qingtan Town is indeed an ancient town. Many places on the ground are bluestone pavements. Depending on the degree of wear, it also has a history of more than 100 years. As for whether there is any longer, it is unknown.

After passing a stone arch bridge, it officially entered the ancient town. There are almost no high-rise buildings in the ancient town. Whether it is shops, hotels, or private houses, the style of ancient architecture is retained. Some are new, some are quaint, and some are old.

The people in the town don't have the fast pace of big cities, and they look very laid back, as can be seen from the snacks on both sides of the street.

"We will meet in the town center square," Lin Tian reminded.

Zhang Ruyan nodded and continued to walk along the main street. Qingtan Town is a small town. The two are not slow. Soon, a square appears.

In the middle of the square, there is not a sculpture or a flower garden, but a huge stone with a huge "Tao" engraved on it.

Standing alone in front of the word "Tao", he was totally surprised.