Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 1989: Ancient tomb?

The four quickly entered the underwater cave. After swimming for some distance, the water became shallower and shallower, finally exposed to the water and landed on the shore.

With a wave of Zhang Lingyu's hand, the enchantment disappeared, the clothes of the two women were still dry, and the dripping water did not stick, still elegant, Lin Tian and Xu Feibai were different, and the water dripped.

However, Lin Tian also had a trick. As soon as he raised his hand, a purple flame appeared, and the purple flame circled, and his pants were as dry as ever.

"Would you like to ..." Lin Tian stretched Ziyan toward Xu Feibai, trying to help him dry his clothes together.

Xu Fei frowned, his eyes flashed with fear, stepped back, and explicitly rejected Lin Tian's kindness: "No."

"Lingyu, then Xu Feibai seems to be afraid of Lin Tian's fire." Zhang Lingyu asked quietly.

Although whispered, Xu Feibai obviously heard it. He raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Manxuan. The look seemed to be saying, I'm more afraid of your fire.

Zhang Lingyu smiled and said softly, "Everyone is afraid of his fire."

The girl blinked big watery eyes and didn't quite understand Zhang Lingyu's words, but Zhang Lingyu didn't continue to explain, she had to give up.

Lin Tian ignored the dialogue between the two women, stretched the flame forward to illuminate the road ahead, took a closer look, walked in, and said, "Although this cave is naturally formed, it is obviously artificially trimmed I do n’t know what my predecessors used to repair this passage? "

"Is it a grave?" Xiao Manxuan guessed softly.

The three of Lin Tian turned their heads to look at her, and the girl smiled embarrassedly: "Oh, I watched a movie about grave robbers recently.

"This reminds us that this is really an ancient tomb, and Yao Xiaoke's jade is washed away from the ancient tomb by the current." Lin Tian was slightly excited.

Xiao Manxuan also agreed: "Yes, this tomb was built under water, it is really hidden."

"Isn't it really an ancient tomb?" Xiao Manxuan was surprised and excited again. He usually only heard about it, and experienced it for himself this time.

Lin Tian didn't stop anymore and accelerated forward, but only walked for dozens of meters. Suddenly there was no road in front of him. It was a dead end.

"This is a broken dragon stone." Lin Tianqian touched it, and then banged it a few times before reaching a conclusion.

"The Broken Dragon Stone was laid down to seal the gravestone. There is no open organ. How can I go in?" Xiao Manxuan looked at Lin Tian. When he encountered difficulties, it seemed that as long as Lin Tian was there, it could be resolved smoothly.

"You back." Lin Tian waved his hand and let Xiao Manxuan back, while extinguishing the purple flame of his hand.

Lin Tian suddenly fell into a darkness in the passage, Lin Tian's hands became claws, grabbed the broken dragon stone at once, and clicked directly into the gate of the stone. Lin Tian's fingers were invincible swords.

He pulled it hard, click, click, the harsh sound of friction sounded, and the heavy broken dragon stone was pulled up by him, exposing the back passage.

Zhang Lingyu struck his fingers, a burning rune paper appeared in his hand, the burning flame was bright, illuminated the passage inside, and also illuminated Lin Tianli's magnificent heroic posture.

Xu Feibai is nothing, Zhang Lingyu knows it, but Xiao Manxuan's eyes widen. He usually only sees Lin Tian can fight, but he didn't expect the strength to be able to pull the broken dragon stone, but the broken dragon stone weighed more than a kilogram.

"What are you doing, go in." Lin Tian saw the four of them watching, and was very speechless. He had known that he had broken the broken dragon stone with the sword of Tian Jiejian, and wasted his energy here.

The three passed quickly, and Lin Tian raised one hand again, walked in, and then let go. The broken dragon and stone slammed down, the graveway shook violently, and the dust was rising.

Zhang Lingyu flicked his fingers, the burning rune paper flew out, and became a flame bird in the mid-cavity, and the flaming bird flew inward, completely illuminating the passage. Xiao Manxuan was so envious of this kind of lighting Taoism that it was really cool.

The four followed the Firebirds, and didn't go far. A huge underground space appeared in front of them, and there were two basketball courts.

The space is circular. In the middle, there is an elevated platform, the elevated platform is square, but the floors are circular. It seems to have some roundness.

In the middle of the high platform, there is a dark red stone pillar. The surface of the stone pillar is uneven, and it seems to sculpt something. In front of the stone pillar, there is also a stone desk, which seems to have something on it.

"It doesn't look like an ancient tomb. It looks like an altar." Lin Tian looked around a few times without seeing any coffins. Instead, he felt that the high platform in front of him was familiar, because the Zhang family also had a similar altar.

However, the altar of the Zhang family is guarded by the spirit of the Quartet, and the altar in front of it is only a stone pillar.

"It's not like, it's an ancient altar. It really broke the iron shoes and found nowhere. It took no effort. Qiong Gouyu didn't find it. Instead, he found the ancient altar and saved a lot of effort." Zhang Lingyu was surprised and very surprised. happy.

She said before that the ceremony to open the underworld passage required the use of an ancient altar, but there was no one here.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are those round things on the altar?" Xiao Manxuan said suddenly.

Lin Tian changed his position and found that there were round things on his face, which seemed a bit like ...

Thinking of this ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ he ran to the altar, and the other three also followed. As soon as he was about to step on the steps, a crunching sound came from his feet, and it seemed to step on something.

Lin Tian looked down and saw that it was a bone. The original bone was covered with dust. After stepping on it, it was exposed.

"Bone ... bone ..." Xiao Manxuan's voice was a little trembling, because she found she was stepping on one of her feet.

Zhang Lingyu frowned, squeezed his hands with his hands, and whispered: "Fengshen borrows the law, disperse!"

A strange wind blew through the air, all the dust on the ground was blown away, revealing the hidden things, scattered bones scattered around, I do not know whether it is animal or human.

The bone at the foot of Lin Tian, ​​when stepped on, was completely pulverized, apparently for a long time.

Suddenly seeing so many bones, Xiao Manxuan Rao was bold and uneasy, and approached Lin Tian involuntarily. Only by Lin Tian could he feel secure.

"Is this ... human or animal bone?" Xiao Manxuan whispered.

"Humans and animals, they are most likely ... sacrifices!" Lin Tian pointed at the altar, frowning.

On the altar, those round things were not covered by dust, and finally revealed their true colors. One by one, skulls were scattered throughout the altar. Some people, some animals, and empty eye sockets seemed to be staring at everyone who came in, as if Before telling the pain before dying.

"It's cruel, even using humans to sacrifice." Xiao Manxuan clenched her fists with both hands, at this time she forgot to be afraid. As a modern person, she was kind and could not accept human sacrifices!
