Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2030: Voice of Heaven

Bang ...

The deafening sound suddenly sounded. The support points of the city gate were under the corrosion of the evil spirit, and they could not be supported first, and they collapsed. The city gate had been broken!


The shouting of the sky, the heavy pace, rumbling, the infantry square inside the fortress, crowded, blocked the gate, the fierce assassination began.

Although the infantry's mobility is not as strong as the cavalry, their combat effectiveness is not weak. The shield and pikemen form a defensive line, and the archers keep firing.

The gate was narrow and the number of evil spirits attacked was limited. The ghost soldiers temporarily stopped the evil spirit's progress and stared at the city gate.

The infantry shield formation is the last line of defense. Once defeated, the evil spirits will drive straight in, and the field behind will be open, and there is no danger to prevent.

The ghost soldiers are not afraid of life and death, and the evil spirits do not know the fear. Such a battle is fierce. The gates of the city soon piled up tall corpses, some of them were ghosts and some of them were evil spirits.

"Lin Tian, ​​I am the underworld of the underworld. I can't stand idly by in this matter. If the fort is broken, it will be a protracted war. Your plan to go to the Blood Sea can only be done by yourself. I am afraid there is nothing I can do. His face was heavy.

Lin Tian couldn't stop it, and couldn't stop it. Changing to herself would make the same choices as her.

With three points of apology, and seven points of resolution, Mu Yun drew out his sword and ran towards the city gate. As soon as she landed, the evil corpse inside the city gate flashed red light, and then quickly melted into blood.

So many corpses turned into blood, like a wave, pounced on the shield soldiers, with a burst of white smoke, the shield melted, and blood water poured out from the gap and flowed to the feet of the invaders.


The screams sounded again and again, one after another, a large number of shield soldiers were melted and melted by blood and water, and the last line of defense suddenly collapsed, and the shadow soldiers behind retreated.

Seeing the evil spirit rushing into the fortress, Mu Yun roared loudly, showing Yasha's true body, surrounded by dark air. She had no reservation this time, her sword was swayed, countless swords flashed, and the evil spirit was immediately divided. Become a piece of land.

A deep trench appeared on the ground, temporarily blocking the spread of blood and water.

Suddenly Mu Yun appeared, the Yin soldiers took a moment, but quickly reacted, and the remaining shield soldiers peaked again. But Mu Yun knew that this was just a drop in the bucket.

She took out the token of the Lord of the City, and shouted, "Chariots and horses are coming, set up an arc battle in front of the gate, and the fighters carry the boulder ..."

This is the Lord of the Lord of the Lord of the City. Although he was not dead, Mu Yun used the authority of the Lord of the Lord in advance. With the command, the Yin soldiers acted again and soon built a line of defense inside the gate.

But under the rot of evil spirits, the line of defense will collapse at any time.

In two battlefields, the cavalry regiment and the city gate defensive battle, there were constantly falling Yin soldiers, especially the cavalry regiment, more fell. The Lord of the City of Jia and He Shan could have magical powers. They could walk away, but they did not leave.

In the whole fortress, only three Lin Tians did not participate in the battle. Lin Tian's mind quickly turned his thoughts. Suddenly, a scene emerged in his mind. In the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, four of them were besieged by banshees. At that time, Qin Yin attracted a lot of banshees. If it weren't for Hongling, it would be a big battle.

Qin Yin! Lin Tian's eyes flashed, and he quickly took off his backpack, took out the guqin, and put it in front of Xiao Manxuan: "Xuan Xuan, play the piano quickly."

"Playing the harp?" Both women were stunned, Xiao Manxuan said, "Secondly, because of playing the harp, more banshees have been attracted. What if the evil spirits come to attack us?"

"Evil spirits siege the city and destroy them. What they want is to attract them and gather them together." Lin Tian coldly said.

"So what am I playing?" Although Xiao Manxuan still didn't quite understand, she believed Lin Tian unconditionally, so she would do as Lin Tian said.

"You can play whatever you want," Lin Tianshen said, looking only at the battlefield of the cavalry regiment in the distance.

Xiao Manxuan closed her eyes slightly, then slowly opened, and her fingers flew across the strings, and the sound suddenly poured out, sometimes heated, sometimes low, sometimes slow, and sometimes fast.

"The king of Lanling entered the battle ..." Zhang Lingyu groaned softly while listening to the sound of the piano.

"The king of Lanling entered the tune? Oh, it really is the situation." Lin Tian said a faint whisper. He couldn't hear the tune, but when Zhang Lingyu mentioned the name, he knew the origin of the tune.

According to legend, King Lanling looks handsome. In order to deter the enemy in battle, he wears a vicious mask to kill the enemy. In a war, the King Lanling led a 500 elite cavalry to face the 100,000 army, successfully siege the friendly army, and then defeated the enemy. .

Five hundred to one hundred thousand, it is unbelievable to think about it, and how similar it is today, except that the fortress has not yet been released.

What Lin Tian didn't notice was that when Xiao Manxuan played the piano, a red flame appeared deep in his eyes.

Qin Yin floated out of the high walls and spread in all directions.

At this moment, He Shan and Lord Jiacheng are struggling to kill. They don't know how much they have killed, and the soldiers around them have fallen.

"He Shan, you quickly leave the battlefield and support the city gate." Jia Chengzhu shouted.

"Most of the killing pressure is on both of us. As soon as I leave, there is only one adult, and the cavalry regiment will not be able to stand for long." He Shan was very embarrassed. He was really afraid that the city owner would have three strengths and two weaknesses.

"What are you talking about? Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ When the fort is broken, do you still have a face to live alone?" The Lord of the City taught him politely.

He Shan gritted his teeth and waved a knife. He was about to leave the evil spirit in front of him and left, but he waved a knife. He settled down, but the evil spirit stopped attacking, all standing different.

At this time, he faintly heard the sound of the harp coming from the sky, and the Lord of the City stopped his hand Fangtian Huaji, and the cavalry also stopped one by one. Eventually they stopped fighting.

The same is true in the city gate. The defense line has been stormy and about to defeat, but Mu Yun and the Yin soldiers feel the pressure decrease, and then they find that the evil spirits have stopped.

All the fighting stopped, all the evil spirits stood still, and the ghost soldiers looked at each other, wondering what happened.

The fierce battlefield has become very quiet, even a little weird. Sky and piano sounds are faintly heard. These piano sounds pierce the soul with magic. Even the insane spirits cannot resist.

All the ghost soldiers, all the evil spirits, turned instinctively and looked at a certain position of the city wall together. There, a girl like a fairy, stroking the strings intently.

"How could this be?" Lord Jiacheng looked puzzled, completely forgetting that he was still surrounded by evil spirits, with only the sound of a piano in his ear.

"That's ... the friend brought by Mu Yun messenger!" He Shan said in surprise.

Just as the Lord of the City of Jia and He Shan were in doubt, the evil spirit suddenly moved. This situation scared all the Yin soldiers, but soon they found that the evil spirit did not launch an attack, but went in the direction of Guqin, such as a pilgrimage. It's like losing your soul.
