Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2037: Death of the Soul Hunter

Lin Tian has read the classics and has some knowledge of cold weapons. In ancient China, weapons such as two-handed giant swords rarely appeared. Of course, few did not mean that they did not.

If the giant sword is a giant sword, this two-handed giant sword places high demands on the user's strength. In ancient times, there were no shortage of powerful warriors, but they rarely used two-handed giant swords, but used other heavy weapons, such as big axes and double hammers.

Therefore, Lin Tian was shocked to see the woman with a huge sword with both hands, but her tone was unpleasant. The woman obviously did not believe in the heroic deeds of Lin Tian.

It is no wonder that Xiao Manxuan and Zhang Lingyu are so cute and white, báinèn tender, they don't look like strong men who can defeat evil spirits.

With a bang, the woman lowered her great sword heavily, and immediately fell to the ground. The stone slabs on the ground cracked suddenly, and the surrounding male soul hunter looked sideways.

He Shan is a big old man. When he saw someone saying something bad to Lin Tian, ​​his eyes glared to refute, but Lin Tian patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly, "Forget it, what they think is their thing, don't cause others. Attention so as not to affect the actions that follow me. "

"Well, you have the final say, it's still your business that matters." He Shan didn't bother, he understood that the sea of ​​blood would have been dangerous, and it would be too bad to be remembered by the soul hunter again.

He Shan raised her eyebrow at the woman and said loudly, "Guan Aoyue, my old He doesn't have general knowledge with you. I'm here today for something, don't make trouble."

"Trouble?" Guan Aoyue also raised her eyebrows, and said cheerfully, "I did n’t do anything, how can I be trouble? Okay, since you said trouble, who and me, the friend behind you? I do n’t bully He slaps his wrists. "

When it comes to stabbing the wrist, the look of the soul hunter around is very strange, especially the male soul hunter, the eyes are not very natural, Lin Tian understands at first, there are probably a lot of male soul hunter stabbing her wrist to lose.

掰 Wrist lost to a woman, of course they lose face.

"This woman is so arrogant." Xiao Manxuan whispered, but the girl smiled a little and didn't care much.

"Seeing that there is no soul hunter behind her, I am very respectful to her. It is estimated that it is a team. It would be simple to lead a team of soul hunters." Zhang Lingyu analyzed it carefully, but his tone was also relaxed.

The two women were irrelevant, and the old man could not help but he shouted, "Guan Aoyue, what are you arrogant, don't think I'm afraid of you."

"Okay, your friends are afraid, you can do it." Guan Aoyue didn't seem to be afraid of He Shan's identity.

The two were about to fight, and a scream came from behind the soul hunter.

"Ah ... kill me ..."

The screams smashed the tense atmosphere, and the soul hunters who had been densely surrounded spread out. Lin Tiancai saw that on the back, a stretcher was placed on the ground, and a soul hunter was lying on the stretcher. Off, next to his companion.

Lin Tian recognized these soul hunters at a glance, it was the soul hunter squad that they had encountered in front of the city gate. The broken leg hunter struggled fiercely, with a pained expression.

"What's the matter?" He Shan asked with a frown. He only knew that a soul hunter team had returned, but he did not expect that a soul hunter would be so injured.

Guan Aoyue sneered and said, "It's clear that an unfortunate person."

He Shan glanced at her, walked over, and solemnly asked, "Why is it injured in the backyard, not in the house? Also, why not ask the doctor to see?"

"After reading it, I said that there was no way to heal, and that I kept crying in the room. There was no way but to move here temporarily." The wounded companion said anxiously.

He Shan frowned. "I look at the wound."

The companion nodded, opened the covered cloth, and the fracture of the legs was immediately exposed to the crowd. Seeing the breach, many soul hunters stepped back, including the injured companion, and some soul hunters even flashed the face of fear. color.

Where the soul hunter broke his leg, there was no muscle eversion and no decay, but a lot of granulations grew. These granulations kept on wriggling, like an independent life, to escape the soul hunter's body.

This scene was weird and scary. Xiao Manxuan's face was a little pale, and she clung to Lin Tian's sleeves. Lin Tian took a step forward and blocked her vision slightly.

At the scene, in addition to Lin Tian, ​​He Shan, Mu Yun and Zhang Lingyu, there were some soul hunters who were not afraid. Guan Aoyue was one of them. She even stared at the wound.

"How can this happen?" The wounded companion said very nervously.

"You are his teammate, how is he, do you not know?" He Shan asked in a deep voice.

The companion hurriedly answered, "This is not the case when I first came back, this ... this wound has never been seen."

"Ah ..." A more tragic cry came from the wounded man's face, and his face was deformed. At this moment, without a teammate pressing, he struggled violently, turned over the stretcher, and broke the restraint a few times.

The broken-legged soul hunter leaned on his hands, crawled up on the ground, and dragged a half of his body. The more he crawled, the more severe the granulation at the fracture, and a black mark was left behind, like blood.

No soul hunter dares to approach, or is unwilling to approach, He Shan has not moved ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The injured soul hunter does not know if it is instinct, or there is still a sense of sobriety, climbing to the foot of He Shan, begging: "Kill ... …kill me……"

He Shan looked at his companions. Several companions hesitated for a while, but finally nodded. He Shan suddenly pulled out the knife on his waist and cut it off with one stroke.

Clean and clear, without hesitation, the knife flashed across the neck, and a head rolled out. In addition to the painful expression in the skull, there seemed to be a little relief and gratitude.

But the scene of blood splatter did not appear, the neck just leaked out some black blood, as if the injured had shed blood early. What's even more weird is that the soul hunter is dead, the granulation at the broken leg is still wriggling, and it is even more crazy, and the people feel cold.

"Fear of infection, it's better to burn it." Some soul hunters suggested.

Although the other soul hunters didn't say a word, the expressions were obviously the same, or they were ruthless, or they were commonplace. Compared to those who did not return, the loss of a soul hunter seemed nothing.

Several companions put the wounded head back to the neck, and then sprinkled some unknown powder on the body, a little, the fire was burning.

There was a squeaky sound from the flame, which was very abnormal. All soul hunters thought of the granulations, as if the granulations were struggling in the fire.

The fire light reflected their faces, and their expressions were different, but Lin Tian knew that one thing was the same. Today's strange things must have left a shadow in their hearts.

The squeak gradually faded, then disappeared, and the flames also weakened from strong to weak, and finally extinguished, leaving only a small pile of ashes on the ground.
