Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2163: teaching

"Well, little brother, we are relatively simple here, there is only one ordinary bronze tripod, no medicine tripod." The old man in Zhuge was a little embarrassed.

Lin Tian flipped the bronze tripod and looked up and down. It was really ordinary, three-legged, tripod body, plus a tripod cover. At first glance, it seemed almost the same as the tripod, but the actual difference was far away.

There are no fire chambers, no air ducts, and no air holes. These are the keys to controlling the fire. The brilliant medicine tripod, the air ducts and air holes are very mysterious, or the seven-star Beidou, or the nine-star series.

This tripod is a pot at best, used for cooking in ancient times.

Seeing Lin Tian shaking his head, the two old men blushed, and even more embarrassed, the old man lingered and asked, "Little brother, this tripod won't work?"

Lin Tian knocked, the bronze tripod made a strong sound, and the material was good. He picked it up with one hand and said, "It's okay, it's just refining."

Simple refining is barely possible, anyway, the old man is used for cooking, not for refining medicine.

In fact, Lin Tian didn't say anything. If it was used by other pharmacists for refining medicine, it might not be used, because there is no air duct and no air holes, and the fire cannot be controlled.

But Lin Tian is different. His conditions are very thick, and he has a purple flame. Even if he doesn't rely on medicine, he can control the flame well.

"Just use it, just use it ..." The old man rubbed his hands, and then he felt relieved.

Lin Tian directly mentioned Yao Ding to the courtyard, found a bluestone floor, and laid it down. The old man Ling and the old man Zhuge are like two good students, each carrying a dustpan to follow.

In the dustpan, one was filled with red fungi, Yin Hong was like blood, and the other was named Root, crystalized like jade, all fresh herbs.

"I will demonstrate the extraction of red bacteria first. Both of my predecessors realized that the congenital great consummation was the most sensitive to the induction of energy. When I will refine, you carefully sense the fire, and then practice your skills, master the fire, the basics. It was more than half successful. "Lin Tian probably said something without making a long story.

Because both old men are masters, although Zhuge Caizhe is not an ancient martial artist, he is also a person who has realized the congenital great consummation realm. He is practicing Qiankun Tao, which is similar to some monks. Although he has no fighting power, he has a high spiritual realm.

"Okay, what do we need to do?" The old man nodded modestly, exactly like a Miyoshi student.

"Uh, I need some clear water," Lin Tian reluctantly said. It was still very awkward to say to the old men.

"I'm coming." The old man Zhuge volunteered.

But the old man had moved, a gust of wind passed, and soon, a bucket of water appeared in front of him. The old man despised the old man of Zhuge and said, "Just at your speed, the water and the sky are bright."

The old man Zhuge was righteous. "The old man gave his younger brother a face, and he didn't know anything about you."

Lin Tian is very funny. I wonder if teaching two people at the same time is a bad idea. It's a joy when the two of them are upset.

However, Lin Tian couldn't bear it anymore. Who told them to be seniors? First clean the bronze tripod, then slam the fingers, a cluster of purple flames appeared on the hand.

Lin Tian brought Zi Yan close to the bronze tripod, roasting the tripod, this process must be carefully, because Zi Yan is not an ordinary flame, a bad control, the bronze tripod was burned.

Fortunately, the power of fire has been promoted, Lin Tian's ability to control the fire has become stronger, before you can be promoted, the roast just now may be out of control, and the consequence is to burn the bronze tripod.

Under the flame of the Ziyan, the water in the bronze tripod evaporates quickly and quickly becomes hot and dry.

Lin Tian's fire-controlling hand didn't move, and the other held out "a red mushroom."

Ling Xuesong quickly handed a red fungus, Lin Tian took it, and immediately threw it into the tripod, with a snoring sound, a water vapor rose, mixed with a faint fungus fragrance.

This fungus scent is different from other shiitake mushrooms and other aromas. It is very fresh. This scent alone is better than those of sandalwood or whatever.

"Burst with simmering heat first, steam out some of the water, but carefully adjust the heat, can not be burnt, if it is burnt, start over." Lin Tian explained the fire while controlling the fire.

The two old men carefully sensed, observed carefully, sensed the change in flame energy, and observed the condition of the red bacteria. Although the two were old and serious, they learned things very seriously.

"When Qicheng is dry, add cold water. There are two main points here. Qicheng is dry. If it is more than 10%, it is burnt. If it is less, it is lacking. The second point, cold water, must be cold water. "Lin Tian reminded the details and points.

"Why add cold water, isn't it hot water?" The old man Ling asked and didn't understand himself.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "This is a good question. I will show you why you should add cold water."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian took half a spoonful of well water, quickly poured into the tripod, and met hot and cold. The tripod made a loud noise, and a lot of steam rose.

Because the cold water suddenly met the hot tripod, the water was tumbling, and the red bacteria kept rolling. Lin Tian stretched out his hand and bounced his body gently, with a humming tremor, the tremor and the water's tumbling shock were almost in sync, like resonance.

A magical scene appeared, the red bacteria shattered instantly in the water, and the clear and transparent well water became red.

Although these two steps are simple, the two old men have bright eyes. They are both masters, knowing what is hidden in this simple step.

The control of the fire, the grasp of the timing, the use of strength, each step is not controlled just right, but also must be linked and cooperate with each other.

One also talks about cooperation, the cooperation of eyes and hands, the cooperation of hearts and hands, and the cooperation of forces and hearts.

Lin Tian's general operations like clouds and flowing water are countless simulations in my mind ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and accumulated experience in refining medicine.

Extinguish the purple flame, and rely on the residual heat of the tripod to slowly evaporate the water. When the temperature of the bronze tripod drops, the medicinal solution inside has become viscous, such as agar slurry and jade solution.

"The entire refining process is over," Lin Tian announced.

"It's so mysterious, it's so difficult to just refine it. Isn't it difficult to make it into elixir? No wonder there are fewer and fewer pharmacists." Ling Xuesong deeply sighed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just to boil the red bacteria into a paste, but in the eyes of Ling Xuesong and Zhuge Caizhe, it contains a lot of mysteries. In their realm, they can't master them in a short time.

"There is too much information, I have to think about it, try to figure it out, I'll be here tonight, and then I can't digest it." Ling Xuesong looked seriously and walked to his room while thinking about things.

Zhuge Caizhe brushed his beard and smiled slightly, "brother, you have given old Ling a problem. I haven't seen him take it so seriously for a long time. In the past, only when he was thinking about major martial arts problems, he It ’s so solemn. "
