Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2168: You can brag more than I do

Lin Tian put down the tea cup, a little embarrassed: "Uh, senior Ling was learning the technique of refining, something unexpected."

"Refining technique? That's not refining medicine ..." Ling Zishan was a little surprised, then looked at Lin Tian.

The old man Ling answered first: "Cough, I am just for food, not for refining medicine. You don't know, Lin Tian applies refining techniques to cooking ..."

The old man talked about things before and after, his eyes fluttered, but Ling Zishan could not help crying and laughing. He could only learn to refine in order to improve cooking skills, and only his father could do it.

"Lin Tian, ​​don't be surprised, my father acted more freely and made you laugh." Ling Zishan said a little embarrassed.

She said this, and the old man was dissatisfied, refuting: "What's so funny, the people take food as the sky, what's wrong with me in order to eat, bright and upright."

Lin Tian also laughed: "Senior Ling's researching spirit is worth learning from our juniors. Besides, we just studied and studied with each other. The seniors also taught me the sword technique."

"He taught you Royal Swordsmanship?" Ling Zishan was surprised again, and then said, "I see, how are you doing?"

"Uh, I still have some problems in controlling the heat. Just a moment ago, the whole pot burst ..." The old man confessed generously, regardless of his present image.

"Senior Ling, you have plenty of internal strength and higher quality than most ancient warriors. When you use real energy to fuel the fire, the energy concentration will be higher. Once you don't pay attention, the energy will get out of control. Like before, the bang will explode. "Lin Tian explained with a smile.

Ling Xuesong suddenly realized: "That's the case. Next time, I will study more. By the way, the sun is also out. You try to practice the sword technique with your own flame energy."

The old man looked at the rising sun in the sky and reminded Lin Tian to cultivate.

"Okay, I'll try ..." Lin Tian agreed, but this time he didn't sit down immediately, but practiced a Sunday according to the second part of the animal skin exercises.

The three Ling Zishan looked at Lin Tian's strange and mysterious movements, and were amazed.

"Lin Tian's practice of the ancient body is really weird. The ancient martial arts have never heard of it, and have never seen it before." Ling Zishan was the first time Lin Lin practiced, and he couldn't help saying.

"It seems to contain the mysteries of heaven and earth ..." Zhuge Caizhe is not an ancient warrior, but seems to see something.

Lin Tian ignored the reaction of the three and practiced intently. Until the last action was completed, he sat down.

The essence of the sun in the sky fell like snowflakes, fell on Lin Tian, ​​and then melted like snowflakes, and merged into his body.

Lin Tian opened super perspective. In the perspective of perspective, the essence of the sun is like a burning photon, full of hot, masculine atmosphere.

As the sun rises, the essence of the sun becomes more and more intense. Lin Tian sees wherever he goes, sees countless photons, keeps falling and wraps himself.

"Well, master, look at the newly opened meridian in the right arm ..." Jian Ling suddenly made a sound of surprise.

Lin Tian's heart moved, her gaze shifted, her own arm was seen through, her eyes penetrated the skin muscles, fascia bones, and she saw the meridian in the bone marrow.

Yesterday I was interrupted by Situ Ruoling. I didn't have time to take a closer look. Now I can see the difference in the new meridian. It does not circulate the qi and blood of the body, and because of the new birth, it is much smaller.

However, the nascent meridian is greedily absorbing the essence of the sun, and it seems to be faintly expanding. At the same time, a faint moonlight is released into the body's cell particles and merges into the nascent meridian.

The Sun Essence and Yuehua actually entangled and merged in the new meridian, and gradually extended a new energy. This energy flows in the new meridian, and wherever it passes, it nourishes the bones and muscles.

Lin Tian can feel that the arms nourished by new energy are slowly strengthening! This enhanced feeling was not available before when absorbing Yuehua or Sun Essence alone.

"Master, this new-born energy has higher quality and is more suitable for the absorption of fire power. You have made a lot of money. The third exercise method was originally used this way." Jian Ling shouted excitedly.

"Fuck, I had known that the meridians of the other arm had also been opened. Now if I strengthen the right arm alone, I will become a unicorn arm." Lin Tian said depressed.

"What is a unicorn arm? It sounds great." Jian Ling looks like a curious baby.

Lin Tian's face was black, but he was serious: "When you have a human body, and then you are single for decades, you know what a unicorn arm is."

"Human body?" Jian Ling was surprised, it seemed that he had never thought about it, and then fell into contemplation.

Lin Tian didn't care about it, and continued his cultivation. He stretched out his right hand and was ready to release Ziyan. This action was familiar to him.

Next, a purple flame should appear on the palm of the hand, but suddenly, a huge flame was blowing up in the palm of the hand, lingering to a height of more than one meter.

This frightened the three big men in the yard. This group of purple flames with a sense of destruction and intense pressure, even Ling Xuesong also made a defensive gesture.

However, while he was defending, he blocked Zhuge Caizhe behind him, because although the old man of Zhuge spiritually spied on the state of congenital perfection, his body was still an ordinary person after all, and he was healthier than ordinary people at most.

Ling Yew did the same, but did not back down.

Lin Tian was also frightened. This time, Ziyan was different from the previous ones, and was obviously affected by the new meridian.

Slowly withdraw, a large group of purple flames, turned back into a small cluster, burning quietly in the palm of the hand, Lin Tian felt the energy around him, a hot breath, projected into his mind.

Lin Tian knows that this is the essence of the sun, which is also the energy of the fire attribute. These energies fill every corner of the surroundings, even above nine days.

In a very distant sky ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Lin Tian seems to sense a fire. The fire is fierce and masculine, and the energy contained in it is endless. It seems to be able to give birth to everything and seems to destroy everything.

This is the sun, Lin Tian has a new feeling for this big "fireball".

Lin Tian suddenly thought that when the son-in-law released "Thousands of Red Lands", did he use the power of this "big fireball"? This is a bold and outrageous guess, because the ancestor of the zombie is not so powerful, he does not know.

"I feel it ..." Lin Tian said lightly.

Ling Xuesong asked, "What did you feel?"

"It!" Lin Tian raised his hand and pointed at the sun far away.

As soon as this sentence came out, the three big brothers all had black faces. Ling Xuesong even despised: "Little brother, you can brag more than me. I let you feel the energy of the fire around you. You actually said that you sense the sun. Young people can brag, but don't brag too much, you are scared away. "

Lin Tian blinked and looked innocent: "Uh, it may be my illusion."