Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 224: Teach you to swim

Lin Tian suddenly remembered the classic monologue of Hamlet written by Shakespeare. Whether to do it or not, this is a problem. Well, it should be translated in this way. Even celebrities have such troubled choices. Besides, I wait for hanging silk, Lin Tian Two villains appeared in their heads, arguing with each other.

It seems that this celebrity has pointed the way for me to wait for the hanging wire, because Hamlet next said a word, if the sleep can end the suffering of the soul and the body, then this end is hopeful. What a good word, but just a sleep.

In the end, the insignificant villain defeated the serious villain. Lin Tian turned back and said, "Beauty, I ..."

But before he finished, the tall beauty in the swimsuit had turned his head, leaving a sentence that would make all men burst into tears: "This won't give any reaction directly, isn't it?"

In the past, I lost my mind in Jingzhou, and now I am hesitant to lose my beauty. The most embarrassing thing in life is this. Lin Tian's hand stretched out in the air, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Cough ..." A few coughs came from behind, Lin Tian looked back again, turned around and looked, but three beautiful women changed their swimsuits, looking at themselves with a smile.

The beauty was said to be no good, and Zhang Lingyu and the three of them arrested the current one. Lin Tian suspected that he didn't go to see the yellow calendar today. All the unlucky things happened to him.

But then, Lin Tian didn't have much time to think about that, because the three women's swimwear outfits completely drew their attention away, to be precise, the Ki-ni outfits.

Xiao Manxuan and Zhang Lingyu are tall, slender, and very well-prepared. Their skin is white and tender, and their skin is as brilliant as jade. Adding their beautiful faces, Lin Tian just stared.

Suddenly remembering that Comrade Ning Luoxi was hotter, Lin Tian's eyes moved and he froze. At this time, she lifted her **** and was not affected by gravity. She was still so proud of it. It was amazing. Lin Tian felt so incredible.

Lin Tian felt that the swimming trunks were tight again. This time, the swim trunks were originally tight. After being stimulated at this time, they became super tight. Your uncle, these three chicks will not buy any inferior goods. That turned out to be terrifying.

"Hmm ..." Xiao Manxuan and Zhang Lingyu laughed at the same time. The two chicks couldn't help covering their mouths and grinning, but their cheeks were red, apparently shocked by Lin Tian's, with shame in his eyes meaning.

Only Ning Luoxi was indifferent, but Lin Tian could see from her reddish earlobe that the chick wasn't really indifferent, it was just a better cover.

"Flop ... Flop ..."

Several sounds of falling water came, accompanied by the sound of exclaiming. Lin Tian turned to look at the pool, but it was a few men who fell into the water for no reason.

"Flop" Another person fell into the water. Lin Tian could see it clearly. It was a man who only looked at it. He walked to the swimming pool and didn't know it.

"Hey, the three of you, don't hurry up with a bath towel, and go on like this, you will kill someone." Lin Tian shouted helplessly, the three women stood like this, the lethality was too great, and no more people were guaranteed. Innocent fall into the water.


As soon as the words fell, another victim, this time was an uncle. The three women underestimated their charm and did not expect it to happen.

"Yes, the three of you come with me. There are few people in the deep water area. There is no need for others to swim here. It is enough for you to see." Lin Tian waved his hands and took the three beautiful women to the deep water area.

Along the way, some social elite white-collar workers thought they were handsome and wanted to come up with a conversation, but when they saw the three women and a handsome guy, they looked at their reflection in the water, and they were far worse than the young man regardless of height and appearance. , Suddenly consciously filthy, can no longer courage to come.

Lin Tian doesn't care if he hurts the young minds of other male compatriots. It is not a mistake to be handsome, and they can't humble themselves.

The deep water area of ​​this high-altitude swimming pool is different from the deep water area of ​​ordinary swimming pools. The deepest place here is five meters. Because there is a diving platform in the deep water area, anyone who wants to find excitement can try it.

"A five-meter deep pool was built on the top of the tall building. The boss here has spent a lot of thoughts, and it is much more difficult on the ground." Lin Tian admired the clear water.

"I ’m here to swim. Why do you care about it so much?" Zhang Lingyu threw away the towel. Lin Tian hadn't had time to admire the beautiful figure. She had already dived into the water, and disappeared like a mermaid before she appeared again. It's ten meters away.

"Mr. Zhang Lingyu, you are so good at water, you don't give our boys a chance to save the heroes." Lin Tian joked.

Ning Luoxi was even more exaggerated. A vertical jump, entering the water and then leaving the water, was 20 meters away. The two women stepped on the water and looked at Lin Tian provocatively.

"Cut, don't bother you two female guys, alas, Ms. Er, why don't you launch?" Lin Tian found Xiao Manxuan standing by the pool.

The girl blushed and said in a low voice, "I've been in shallow water before. I've never been to such a deep place."

"Come, give me your hand, I'm here, what are you afraid of." Lin Tian held out his hand.

"What do you want?" Even though the girl said so, she still held Lin Tian's hand.

"Follow me, take a few deep breaths, wait for the water to stop, don't be afraid, it's no different from shallow water." Lin Tian took her soft little hand and shouted "Start" and ran to the pool.

But at the edge of the pool, the girl suddenly slowed down and wanted to stop, Lin Tian stretched her arm ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and jumped into the water.

"Ah ... Lin Tian, ​​this big bad guy!" Xiao Manxuan exclaimed, but then plunged into the water.

At the moment of entering the water, Lin Tian reached out and covered her mouth and nose to prevent shouting. After entering the water, the little girl was flustered, and she patted the water around her hands and feet. If it weren't for Lin Tian covering her, I would like to drink a few sips.

According to Xiao Manxuan, she should be able to swim, but she has a natural sense of fear in deep water. Lin Tian did this to make her clear her fear of deep water. This girl's living environment is not flat, and one more survival skill may save her life at a critical moment.

But how can a chick control your life skills? Now she knows it's not safe and the consequences are serious. Don't look at the little girl who can't work hard, but she usually rides horses and practices ancient martial arts. Her physical fitness is very good. At this time, she is in the water and bursts out of strength.

Just now she was caught behind her back. Lin Tian felt that the muscles were tight. If it weren't for the zombie's body to hold it, it is estimated that five blood marks would appear.

If you do n’t want to be fierce, you ca n’t really control your chick. Lin Tian covered her nose and nose and pulled her to plunge underwater. The girl did not have time to exclaim. .