Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2258: Death Valley

In a loft at the highest position of Yaowang Mansion, there is a stargazing platform. There are three people standing on the stargazing platform. Two of them are Yan Lao and Elder Women, and the other is a young woman.

The woman was wearing a plain dress with a lilac ribbon around her waist, a slender figure, a slender waist, a slender curve, and a long hair thrown up casually, exposing a fair-skinned neck, mature and charming, and full of eyes.

The night wind blew by, and the skirt fluttered slightly, like the goddess of night came.

At this time, all three looked at the sky, where the river of stars turned, and just after a vision of heaven and earth, the woman looked for a while, then lowered her head and pointed, thinking something in her heart.

Although the two elders had a high status and high strength, they did not dare to urge the woman who had no foundation in martial arts, but waited anxiously.

The woman counted for a while, and sometimes smiled and shook her head. The two old men looked at each other together.

"How?" Yan Lao couldn't help but asked, but lowered his voice.

"The birth of Shennong Ding is just around the corner, just ..." The woman hesitated slightly, not immediately speaking.

The elder asked strangely, "Is there anything dangerous?"

The woman nodded and said calmly: "The range of Shennong Ding's birth should be in the Death Valley."

"Death Valley!" The two old men said in unison, their faces changed greatly. Rao was calm again when they heard the words "Death Valley", still shaking in their hearts.

The woman also exhaled softly and said, "Death Valley is one of the dangerous places in the Kunlun Mountains, where the geographical structure is special, the magnetic field is abnormal, and the sky was clear and clear in the last second, but there was a storm and a storm in the blink of an eye. Weird. "

"Not to mention ordinary people, even a master of ancient martial arts such as Yan Laoyou can't resist the power of nature, thunder and thunder fall, and the smoke dies." The woman's face was quite dignified.

"It's actually in Death Valley. In this way, what I did this time, didn't I let the kids die?" Yan Lao shook his head, a little unbearable, and seemed to have the idea of ​​canceling the plan.

The woman's eyes were taken back from the horizon, calmly said: "The Shennong Ding is a good weapon, and wanting to come to it will bless everyone."

"Oh, what is the Purple Girl?" The elder asked with a slight smile, curious.

"Since it is a guide of God's will, it is worth taking some risks. I counted it. Although this trip is dangerous, if he is there, he will certainly be able to change his fortune." The woman said very surely, when talking about "he", Eyes glow slightly, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously smile.

The two elders were surprised. Who was this "he"? Although they were curious, they did not dare to inquire about the opportunity.

They knew in their hearts that for the woman in front of her, the secret should not be leaked. It was not an empty word. It was unpredictable and unquestionable. Because the leaked secret, the cause and effect would change in the future.

If they go to the bad side, this is not what their two elders would like to see.

Yan Lao is not an indecisive person. He has a decision in his heart: "I will tell them clearly whether to go or not, and let them choose for themselves."

He punched the woman and turned to leave the stargazing platform.

The woman sighed slightly: "No matter what other people choose, he will definitely go. No one can change his mind about what he wants to do."

At this point, Lin Tian and his team were fighting over each other, and they were about to disperse. Lin Tian had already reached the door, but suddenly stopped.

However, he found that his huge body and weight couldn't hit Lin Tianmin at all.

He was a little embarrassed and said, "What happened to Mr. Lin?"

"Finally here." Lin Tian turned and looked away from the road. Several people behind him felt strange, because when they looked, the road was empty.

Ji Zimo was about to bypass Lin Tian and return to the guest room, but an old man appeared and came from the night.

No one except Lin Tian and Shen Lin knew the old man, but they saw it. The old man was not easy, because the old man walked along all the way, and his breath seemed to blend into the surrounding flowers and trees.

In other words, even walking is a state of unity between heaven and man.

The always proud Shenlin walked out quickly and shook a gift to the old man: "The younger Shenlin, I have seen the elders."

The others were startled, and saluted, "I've seen the elders."

But Lin Tian knew that the elder was actually the old grandma. Why did Shen Lin admit it was wrong? It shouldn't be.

Yan Lao waved his hand and said, "I have already dismissed the elder position not long ago.

Lin Tian suddenly realized that it turned out that Yan Lao was once a big elder, and he dismissed the elder position, presumably to concentrate on refining medicine.

With this in mind, Lin Tian also gave a gift: "I've seen Yan Lao." This title surprised everyone because they saw that the relationship between Lin Tian and the old man seemed very good.

"Um." Yan Lao nodded slightly, responding to Lin Tian in particular, and then said, "I have to tell you something clearly. After I have finished speaking, you are free to choose, don't force it."

Yan Lao didn't hesitate and went straight to the theme: "You just saw the vision just now, and that's ... the vision of Shennong Ding's birth."

"Wow ..." The players exclaimed, not even Shen Lin was calm.

Lin Tian and Sister Xiao's eyes looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. The news was indeed a joy to the three.

Yan Lao did not stop everyone's noise, and continued to speak, and the voice clearly heard in everyone's ears: "According to our calculations, the place where Shennong Ding was born should be in the Death Valley."

Death Valley! Shenlin's face changed first, and it became very ugly. It seemed very clear about the danger of Death Valley. Although others didn't know much about it, as soon as they heard the name, they knew it was not a good place.

"Death Valley is very dangerous. If you go in search of Shennong Ding, it is very dangerous and you may even die. Now, you can choose whether to go or not."

"Give you three minutes, choose immediately. If you don't go, we will immediately send you back to Langya Pavilion, go and stay, and continue adventure." Yan Lao said neatly.

The voice has just fallen ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Lin Tian has stood up and said lightly: "I choose to stay."

"I also choose to stay." The young lady and Xiao Manxuan almost spoke in unison. The two stood at the same time with Lin Tian at the same time, expressing their heart and advancing with Lin Tian.

The ghost didn't say anything, and stood beside Lin Tian, ​​the meaning was already obvious, still following Lin Tian.

"My fat man has no ambition. Mr. Lin will go if I go. If Mr. Lin doesn't go, I won't go." Huang Xiaofei grinned and stood behind Lin Tian.

Others looked at each other, because the news came suddenly, Death Valley, which was more dangerous than they thought. Before, they thought they were only facing snow mountains and avalanches, and now they are facing more unknowns.

"My girl hasn't been scared yet." Ling Shuiyao expressed his will.

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