Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2263: Sky Wonders

To be precise, he is not like a zombie, Lin Tian is a zombie. This time he finally returned to the bank.

"Master, I heard that your Chinese zombies walk like this. I saw it today, and it really is so." Sword spirit laughed.

"You know the fart, that's totally discredited. Have you followed me for so long, have you ever seen a zombie walk like this?" Lin Tian countered.

Jian Ling would like to say, you are not just now, but think about the master's anger is terrible, so he suppressed the words.

Lin Tian and Huang Xiao fat jumped like this, but the fat man was slow, and Lin Tian was fast.

Soon, Lin Tian caught up with the young lady, and when she landed next to her, she took a picture of the warped buttocks of the CEO, making a snap, full of flexibility.

"Dare to tease me, this is a small punishment." Lin Tian grinned, and hurried away.

The young lady blushed, and then broke out: "You bastard, I killed you!"

The woman's potential is indeed unlimited. The speed of the young lady has soared, but Lin Tian is faster, and she has opened up a few times. No matter how the young lady catches up, she can only watch Lin Tian run farther and farther.

"This bastard, I'm so mad!" The young lady snorted and was very angry, but the numbness and hotness from her hips made her heart beat faster and a little hot.

Lin Tianyi rode into the dust. Although his posture was not so elegant, he ran domineering than the roller and blasted the snow out of many pits. After a while, he passed Shenlin and shouldered with Xiaobai again.

Others were still joking about Lin Tian, ​​but at this speed, he shut up.

In fact, Xiaobai also jumped forward and jumped forward, but for some reason, it just won't fall into the snow.

"Lin Tian, ​​you jump like this, like a leopard." Xiao Manxuan grinned, but because the speed was too fast, what he said was not very clear.

Lin Tian also asked curiously: "Linger, why doesn't Xiaobai fall into the snow, and does it also do light work?"

"No, it should be its innate ability." Yan Linger blinked, but also a little confused, obviously really not clear.

"Then I will continue to jump." Lin Tian thought that if the leopard could learn light work, he could also learn it by himself. It turned out that Xiaobai was a racial talent.

"I'll go ahead and explore the way." Lin Tian gave up the idea of ​​learning light skills, or learning the sword technique, maybe he could also fly the sword.

He speeded up, surpassed Xiaobai, and widened the distance in a while. Xiaobai looked at Lin Tian's increasingly distant figure, showing humane expression in his eyes, worshiping and helpless.

At this point, Lin Tian had pulled away from the large troops, and there was a sudden mist in the distance. There was a shadow of a mountain in the mist. This shadow ran in front of Lin Tian, ​​and he could not look at both sides.

When he approached, he found that the mountains were higher and longer than he thought, like the Great Wall of China, blocking the way, but this is a natural Great Wall, a natural barrier.

"No, how did this mountain pass?" Lin Tian found a protruding rock and stopped, looking up forty-five degrees, still can't see the peak, because some of the peaks are hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, I don't know how high .

Lin Tian remembered the high mountains he saw on a helicopter, and it might be one of them.

After a while, others came one after another, each looking for a solid rock to stop, and everyone was blocked by the natural barrier.

"Until Kunlun, I really don't know what a high mountain is." Yu Wenxing Jian looked up and sighed.

"Brother Yuwen, don't sigh, think about how to cross the mountain is the business." Situ Yufeng frowned, reminding.

Yuwen Xingjian stretched out Fang Tianhua's halberd, pointed at the mountain wall, and joked, "Otherwise I'll split it for you."

"Do you think Fang Tianhua's halberd is the opening axe of Pangu Great God, and he split it." Situ Yufeng said with a skeptical mouth.

"Someone really broke it," Yan Linger said suddenly.

Everyone froze for a moment, wondering what she meant.

"Follow me." Yan Linger didn't explain much. He directed Xiao Bai and set off to the right, and the others had to follow.

After walking two miles, Yan Linger stopped again, and then walked down the mountain road: "Look!"

On the mountain wall, a crack appeared in front of everyone. The crack went down to the bottom of the mountain and up to the peak. A ray of sky leaked in, barely illuminating the gap. From a distance, the mountain wall was split by a giant axe.

"Listen to Grandpa, the Great God of Pangu opened up the ground in Kunlun, and opened the gap with the Heavenly Axe across the mountain, leaving this crack." Yan Linger said in a slightly childish voice.

Everyone just smiled in their hearts, what kind of **** axe, listen to the story as a kid. However, everyone was quite amazed by such a magical mountain crevice.

Many mountains have "first-line sky" wonders, but at most a few hundred meters high, and the first-line sky in front of them may be more than kilometers.

"Will there be danger?" Ji Zimo looked at the crack with a frown, and asked quietly, "The fissure in the mountain has very little space. If we encounter danger, we will not be able to expand it, and there is no way to escape."

"Along the way, there is no danger of not seeing a living creature. Brother Zimo is afraid of being overly concerned." Situ Yufeng did not care.

"No danger? What is Snow Leopard Xiaobai?" Ji Zimo glanced coldly, "If a snow leopard can be produced, who promises not to have a second one, this is Kunlun's secret realm, or be careful. Otherwise death The valley is not here, but it has become our death valley. "

Situ Yufeng shrugged his lips, obviously not convinced, but did not refute.

"Linger, have you gone this way?" Lin Tian asked.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Yan Linger. She is a local. No one is more familiar with the Icefield Snow Mountain than she is.

"Well, I walked once, but there was really no danger at that time. If we go around the road, we will walk a few more days." Yan Linger was not sure.

"Shen Nong Ding is about to be born, who knows what will happen in a few days." Shen Lin had a decision and was unwilling to go a long way.

"I take the lead, young lady, Xuan Xuan, you follow, Linger, you can help me, Shui Yao girl, ghost, fat man, stay close, don't leave behind, and pass quickly." Lin Tian didn't want to wait more ~ ​​www. lightnovelpub.net ~ Arrange it immediately.

As for how others decide, Lin Tian couldn't control it. After speaking, he walked towards the rift, and the young lady followed. Ji Zimo looked at each other for a moment, and decided to keep up, Shenlin naturally would not fall.

When I walked into the crack, I realized that the crack was smaller than what I saw. With Lin Tian's arm long, his arms spread out from side to side, and the rock wall can be felt on both sides.

What's even more strange is that the mountain walls on both sides are very flat, really like being split by a great god. Others also noticed this, and could not help but have a chill in their hearts.

Everyone thinks that it is the result of geological movement. The force generated by the crust movement can easily tear the mountain, but if it is formed by geological movement, the rock wall should be uneven.

"Well ..." A sharp tweet interrupted everyone's thoughts.

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