Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2277: Ungrateful guy

"What is an ice silkworm?" Xiao Manxuan asked strangely. Her eyesight was a lot worse than that of Yan Linger. From here, she could only see white dots, like snowflakes.

Yan Linger didn't answer immediately, but looked at the young lady's dress and looked for a while before she said, "Sister Man Xue's dress is made of ice silk?"

The lady nodded. "Yes."

After getting a positive answer, Yan Linger continued: "Ice silkworms were born in Kunlun. When they mature, they will cocoon. The silk thread drawn from this cocoon is ice silk. If it is artificially raised, it will not normally wait for ice silkworm adults. , Silk has been collected. "

"However, if it is a wild ice silkworm, it will stay in the cocoon until full term, and then secrete a substance that dissolves the silkworm cocoon and swallows it, and the ice silkworm will completely morph into an ice silkworm."

"Ice silkworms are inherently cold poisonous. A flying insect can kill a strong yak. ​​Ordinary people encounter it and have no resistance. Moreover, most iceworms live in groups, whether foraging or attacking. It was dispatched together and it was very dangerous. "

Yan Linger quickly explained that there was a rare solemnity on the small face.

"So, Snow Eagle is more ferocious?" Lin Tian said lightly, not seeing any thoughts.

Yaks born in the alpine region are strong and powerful, comparable to an ancient warrior. A flying insect can kill a yak. ​​Now it is a large group, and the snow eagle seems to be unable to carry it for long.

"Although the Snow Eagle has been transformed and has certain ability to resist cold poison, there are too many ice silkworm flying insects, and I am afraid it will not last long." Yan Linger truthfully said.

"It's a pity that a snow eagle has evolved to this point. There is nothing in it, so it's a pity." Liu Xiaoxiao was very sorry, perhaps because of the practice of eagle claw, she resonated more than others. .

"It's a pity to die like this," Lin Tiandan said firmly. As soon as the voice had settled, people had channeled out, and the piano case had been thrown to the young lady.

"Lin Tian ..." the young lady shouted, worried.

Lin Tian just waved his hand and made an "OK" gesture. The person was already 100 meters away, and soon came under the cliff. Then he jumped a dozen meters high.

The mountain wall was smooth and there was nowhere to fall, but Lin Tian had his hands in claws, and with a little force, he caught them in the rocks, many times more powerful than Xueying's claws.

The young lady looked dazzled, especially Liu Xiaoxiao, who was amazed, envious, and very ashamed. Her eagle claws were in front of Lin Tian, ​​playing like a child.

Lin Tian grabbed the rock and jumped continuously, easily climbing over a hundred meters, close to the Snow Eagle.

Uh ...

Xueying noticed Lin Tian's arrival, he tweeted again, his voice was faint and sad, he thought that Lin Tian had come to kill him, and he felt powerless.

Buzz ...

Ice silkworms also found Lin Tian, ​​shaking his wings violently, as if warning Lin Tian. Since Lin Tian is here, he will not be afraid of flying insects and will continue to climb towards the Snow Eagle.

It was a cave more than 100 meters high, and he rolled over and jumped into the cave. The cave is not deep, but it is very clean. It has no animal bones as imagined. It is estimated that they were eaten by the Snow Eagle with bones.

Before Lin Tian had time to look more, a bunch of flying insects buzzed and rushed towards his face.

These flying insects are really overbearing. Lao Tzu hasn't started yet. You have attacked Lao Tzu first, and Lin Tian felt guilty.

Since the flying insects were not polite, Lin Tian was not very polite. One fist blasted out, his fist was burning with Ziyan, and with a cry, Ziyan burst open, completely wrapping the insects that were thrown up.

Crackling, purple flames made the sound of fried beans, and then the worms fell one by one, and nothing happened. The other bugs and Snow Eagles were settled, seeming to be scared by the power of Ziyan.

But Lin Tian was even more surprised. The worms actually resisted Ziyan's attack. They did not burn to ash.

However, the worms have no fear, and the flying insects that were still attacking the Snow Eagle, all buzzed, all flew up, all flung towards Lin Tian, ​​I don't know there were thousands or hundreds.

When the insects didn't arrive, their bodies were covered with thin ice crystals, and the ice crystals fell on them, Lin Tian felt a kind of cold and rigid feeling.

No wonder the Snow Eagle could not fly. It turned out that the cold poison was so powerful. Lin Tian finally understood that he still has a zombie body, and the Snow Eagle is even worse.

It can hold it up, and it has been eating snow lotus for thousands of years. The average snow eagle has long died.

Everyone at the foot of the mountain saw Lin Tian surrounded by ice silkworms, and raised his heart, for fear that he might end up with Xueying.

But the next moment, they changed this idea, and saw that Lin Tian was burning with a purple flame. As soon as the flying insects approached, they crackled down.

The overbearing ice silkworm flying insects were vulnerable in front of Ziyan.

Hum ...

There was a strange humming sound from the ice silkworms, and the former and subsequent bugs clashed and all spread out. They seemed to have received the order to retreat, and all the surviving flying insects flew away.

Quiet down the cave, there was no buzzing in the ears anymore, Snow Eagle stared at Lin Tian alertly.

Lin Tian patted the bug on his body, walked towards Xueying, and stretched out his hand, trying to help it get rid of the ice. Who knew that Xueying shook his head, and the sharp hawk pecked at the back of Lin Tian's hand.

The speed of the attack scared Lin Tian a jump, much faster than Miss Sword, you know, it is a beast, and the Miss has been practicing for more than ten years.

No wonder Situ Yufeng will be injured. At this attack speed, he also has air superiority. I'm afraid Shenlin can't help it. I just do n’t know how the Snow Eagle was arrested by the Ice Silkworm, did the flying insects also sneak in?

Snow Eagle was obviously unable to answer his questions, but was more alert and a little nervous, and it also knew the power of Ziyan.

Lin Tian shook his head, and laughed at himself. There is no tenth level of beast language. I am afraid I can't communicate well ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Of course, he doesn't need to communicate.

The heat of Ziyan radiated to the snow eagle, and the ice layer melted rapidly, and the eagle's amber eyes revealed a certain enjoyment.

Seeing that the ice layer was about to melt, Snow Eagle was struggling for a while, and the remaining ice layer clicked, all shattered, and the dross flew to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian dodged subconsciously, but Snow Eagle suddenly flew up and fled.

However, Xueying's cold poison was not completely relieved. After taking off, his body shook and seemed to fall down at any time.

"Ingratitude guy, huh!" Lin Tian Leng hummed and followed, and in the exclamation of the lady, Lin Tian jumped out of the cliff.

Lin Tian's speed was much faster than Xueying, and he flew onto Xueying's back in a moment. Snow Eagle was unstable and was rushed by Lin Tian, ​​shaking his body a few times, then falling down.

However, the snow eagle is a snow eagle, and it is about to hit the ground. It fiercely instigates its wings and takes Lin Tian to fly again.