Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 232: Master, please accept us

Every time Cui Haolong attacked, it was a key point. He could not die or was disabled. Now he lost. Qi Shao also discussed the matter. It was a shameless person doing shameless things. Lin Tian grabbed Cui Haolong's ankle, circled it, and the faster and faster, Cui Haolong made a terrible cry.

"Lin Tian, ​​didn't you agree to let go of Director Cui? Why did you do it like this? It ’s not a word, you are still not a man!" Qi Shao didn't dare to rescue him, he could only use his mouth to stimulate Lin Tian, ​​hoping Lin Tian could suffer Excuse me, let go of Cui Haolong.

"What are you anxious for? I didn't say anything and let me fly." Lin Tian's last moment, Cui Haolong shouted and flew over the heads of the crowd and flew far, accompanied by the scream of Cui Haolong all the way.

There was a loud bang, and Cui Haolong hit the Taekwondo nameplate all by himself, cracked the wooden nameplate apart, and then rolled to the ground, unable to move anymore.

"Director Cui ..."

"Hao Long ..."

Qi Shao and Sister Jin first reacted and yelled for Cui Haolong. Deputy Director Jin and the coaching assistants also ran over to check Cui Haolong's injury nervously. It was the first time that the high level of the club was beaten. They used to hurt the kicker, and it was their turn this time that they panicked.

"Is Director Cui going to die with such a heavy impact just now?" A girl learned to stretch her neck and look around.

"Don't talk nonsense, that nameplate is not iron. It will die if you hit it. You think Curator Cui is made of tofu, and it hurts most." A Le Cordon Bleu retorted.

To the point where this happened, the people in the club completely did not expect it. The students all looked at Lin Tian secretly. It seemed to see where this handsome young man was so powerful. He actually frustrated the two masters of the club.

Very young, I ’m not old, I do n’t see where it ’s terrible. It seems that the world is a high person. This is the conclusion drawn by the students at this time. In the end, they concluded that this young man named Lin Tian is a young man. Foreigner.

"Lin Tian!" Zhao Rong, who had been shocked and dazed, suddenly screamed hysterically, her eyes were a little crazy, and she screamed: "I fight with you, I don't believe it, you dare hit me a defenseless woman, if you dare to fight back, I stink your reputation, hahaha ... "

She was rushing like crazy, and has completely ignored it.

"Huh!" Lin Tian Leng hummed, raised his feet and shook the ground.

People nearby felt the floor shaking, and then there was a "bang" sound. With Lin Tian as the heart, all the wooden floors within a radius of five meters broke and collapsed. A full ten-meter-diameter circular cave reveals the concrete floor below, the hardwood floors inside are broken, and there are many long cracks outside the cave.

Zhao Rong stood on the edge of the cave, staying still, eyes with deep fear, watching the cave suddenly appearing in front of him, his body suddenly softened, fell to the floor, and was speechless.

The students were not much better. They were shocked again and again. They were numb enough. At the end, such a shocking picture appeared. The numb heart was stimulated and trembled again.

Some female students have already seen stars in their eyes, looking at Lin Tian's eyes with wonder, admiration, and admiration. There is such a man by his side and what self-defense skills are he learning. He is the safest harbor.

"Well, God can't stop him from being in the limelight. God can split him up and take him away." Zhang Lingyu exaggerated Yang Tian and sighed.

"No, I think it's good." Xiao Manxuan blinked his eyes, his eyes exuding a touching wave of light.

"Oh, my God, put this girl together." Zhang Lingyu looked helplessly at Xiao Manxuan.

But the chick did not retort as delicately as usual, but said softly: "If you are like me, you will understand the feeling and security."

Zhang Lingyu and Ning Luoxi looked at each other without speaking.

"Cui Haolong, don't pretend. If you still pretend not to be awake, the entire venue will become like this." Lin Tian no longer cares about Zhao Rong, and shouts to Cui Haolong.

Some of Qi Shao were tadpoles, soothing the chest and abdomen, and after a shock just now, Cui Haolong actually woke up. But he would rather faint because he would not have to face the various eyes of so many people at the scene, but Lin Tian broke his little hope with a word.

Sure enough, when Lin Tian's words fell, Cui Haolong opened his eyes. He sat up and said, "Lin Tian, ​​you are too bullying."

"I am too bullying? Haha, is he really funny? Because of a piece of clothing, you can't be too small, but you are deliberately going to get revenge. If I don't have a few moments, it should be me lying on the ground. If you have to say I bully you, I bully, what can you do! "Lin Tian laughed, then said disdainfully.

"You ..., cough ..." Cui Haolong was speechless, and was wounded again. He was coughing for a while.

"Don't you, you, you know what you have done, don't pretend to be pitiful there." Lin Tianleng hummed, turning around and no longer treating them.

"Let's go," Lin Tian said to Xiao Manxuan's three daughters. When she first walked out of the Taekwondo Hall, no one dared to stop.

As soon as he left, the students also followed, and it was already a mess here. The next few days will certainly not be able to teach, and some students have already moved out of school.

Lin Tiangang just came out of the corridor. Several female and male students chased after him and stopped in front of Lin Tian's four.

"Hehe ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ How many would like to take the lead for curator Cui?" Lin Tian looked at a few young students and said with a smile.

"No ... no, you are a world-class man. We are pretending to be cool in Taekwondo. It is okay to bully ordinary people. How dare I do the trick with you." A man in his 20s said, looking at Lin Tian ’s His eyes were excited.

This group of people have a sense of self-knowledge. Like them, the nature of playing tickets is to test a Taekwondo level card to bluff people. If they really want to fight, they may not have played two small puppets. The puppets are actually fighting on the streets. of.

He couldn't help wondering: "What's the matter with you stopping me?"

"Master, please accept us, we want to learn martial arts from you." Several people said in unison.

This serious appearance made Zhang Lingyu laugh and almost laughed. Lin Tian looked at this group of male and female students. Most of them were young people like themselves. It is estimated that the children of rich people saw them. Awesome, my brain wanted to learn martial arts.

But Lin Tian also has a headache. He is not a master of martial arts at all. He takes them as apprentices and teaches them. Does everyone bite a mouth and turn them into zombies?