Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2327: New home

"Are we picking up Xiaoxue?" Xiao Manxuan asked expectantly.

Lin Tian shook his head slightly and said the thoughts in his heart: "If there is a place suitable for survival, he can come whenever he wants, and he can walk if he wants to. It is not my pet in captivity."

"Thousands of miles away, it can't come if it wants to." The young lady shook her head.

"Maybe we all thought wrong. Xiaoxue may also think about the outside world, but it has never been to it. I don't know what to do. Moreover, Xueshan lacks food and may not be suitable for Xiaoxue." Xiao Manxuan blinked and proposed Gave a completely different perspective.

Lin Tian and Miss looked at each other and smiled. The chick's angle of thinking was quite unique. Was she a bird in her last life?

However, her idea is quite reasonable. Xiaoxue was born in Xueshan once she was born. There is no choice for her to live there. Who knows its true idea?

Lin Tian originally planned to tour this area of ​​the land, but it was too late to think about it. The young lady had to go back to the design. The delay was too long. The female president had to stay up all night. Think about Lin Tian's distress.

Before leaving, the young lady gave a document bag to Lin Tian. Lin Tian glanced at it. It was all about the procedures for transferring the land to his name. The young lady was done in a day and had to say fast and clean. neat.

Generally, a man receives a woman to send money to a car or a house, or even to the land. There are several reactions. Those who are weaker than women feel hurt and esteem and are unwilling to accept them. Those who are stronger than women have pride and are less willing to accept the benefits of women. Of course, there is another kind, willing to be a small white face.

Lin Tian belongs to the fourth type. Except for her heart, she doesn't have so many ideas.

After returning, the campus life in the dormitory, classrooms, and cafeteria is still bland but full, and there is rare peace. The next two days, the young lady did not contact him again.

Until the third day, Lin Tian accidentally received a text message from the young lady: Construction has started.

In addition to the text message, there was also a file package. Lin Tian opened it and took a look. It was actually the layout and rendering of the new villa, which was detailed to each path and the craftsmanship of each building.

Lin Tian was surprised to find that these buildings are completely different from modern construction techniques. As mentioned in the document, traditional ancient techniques.

He didn't know much about professional knowledge in architecture, but Ning Wenbin understood that Ning Wenbin studied architecture.

Lin Tian immediately sent a text message inviting Ning Wenbin to come and said that he had some architectural drawings to show him. For easy viewing, Lin Tian copied all drawings and documents to the laptop.

Ning Wenbin knocked on the door and came in disapproval: "Brother Lin, you said you have architectural drawings for me, and you are not a professional. Where do you find the drawings, first declare those cottage products, mediocre goods I do not watch."

Quite proud, Lin Tian smiled in his heart and asked deliberately: "What kind of goods are not mediocre in your eyes?"

"Hey, you're right, do you still remember the maze of the ancient tomb below the construction site? Don't look at it simple, in fact, the hidden bricks and stone bricks used in the tunnel are completely polished from large blue bricks. This natural stone, It is now also a high-quality building material. "

"There is also an adhesive between stone bricks and stone bricks. At first I thought it was ancient tri-soil, or glutinous rice mortar, but after a closer look, it wasn't. The glutinous rice mortar is equivalent to modern cement, but the kind used in the tunnel Adhesives are stronger than cement. "

"The glutinous rice mortar is an improved version of the Sanhe soil. This adhesive should be an improved version of the glutinous rice mortar, but there is no record in the ancient building, which means that this is a lost ancient method!"

"An ancient technique that is stronger than cement, if it is released, how much sensation should it cause!" Ning Wenbin said eloquently, and was very excited.

"Maybe it's not lost, a lot of craftsmanship is in folk, but it hasn't been discovered yet." Lin Tian had different opinions.

Ning Wenbin nodded: "Yes, you are right. The manufacturing process of glutinous rice mortar is relatively complicated. Only the buildings and tombs of nobles can be used. They can withstand the wind and rain of hundreds of years and thousands of years."

"If it is an improved version, the process will be more complicated. It is precisely because the process is too complicated that future generations will have less and less mastery, so that it will only be passed on in a small place in the folk, or even lost.

"Of course, the magic of the tomb labyrinth is not only the building materials, but its orientation and layout is also very magical. I followed the Master's study of ancient architecture in the past two years, and then found that this tomb labyrinth was inconsistent with the gossip.

"However, the gossip stresses the dynamic changes. The tomb maze lacks some agility. I guess there should be an organ here. The organs move with the direction of the gossip, but somehow, the organs here have failed."

"There is a loft in the south called Tiannan Masterpiece. The whole building is made of wood and the columns are suspended, but after more than 400 years, it has survived earthquakes, strong winds and heavy rain. It is a masterpiece of ancient architecture. Unfortunately, many craftsmanship Lost. "

Ning Wenbin was sometimes agitated, sometimes confused, sometimes serious, sometimes regretful, and Lin Tian was a little embarrassed. Is this still a funny one? This is a master of architecture! Talk and talk!

"Ahem, you're here today, let's see." Lin Tiandan said, turning his notebook to him and lighting up the screen.

Xiao Manxuan went to class today. There were only Lin Tian and Ning Wenbin in the living room. They didn't talk, and they were quiet all around. Ning Wenbin still dismissed it and glanced casually.

At this glance, his gaze could no longer be removed. Looking at it, Lin Tian could even hear that his breathing was heavy, and he could see the waves in his heart.

"God, it's god, let's say, from which master did you get it?" Ning Wenbin grabbed Lin Tian's hand ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Just like a couple who won't meet again for a long time. open.

There are actually a few more words in this package, but Lin Tian deleted it after seeing it, because these words really illustrate the source of the drawings.

The drawings and ancient craftsmanship did not simply come from the "son-in-law intelligent system", but the young lady found Wang Wanxi, explaining that she would build a villa for Lin Tian, ​​and then Wang Wanxi found Langya Pavilion.

Ling Zishan looked for a descendant of ancient architecture for the young lady, or a family. This family did not have the force of the ancient martial arts family, but was proficient in ancient architecture. Many of the ancient martial arts houses were designed and built by them.

This family inheritor provided the building craftsmanship, the son-in-law intelligent system provided the efficiency, and this drawing and craftsmanship came from here.

According to the request of the young lady, Lin Tian deleted the family name, or Ling Zishan's request.

"I can't tell you who the designer is, but you can look at the drawings. Maybe it's good for your learning." Lin Tian confessed that the young lady didn't make it clear that she couldn't show it to outsiders, she just asked to hide her family name.
