Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2369: Close a deal

Chapter 2277: Closing A Deal

Although it is not known whether Kamikawa has a stronger hole card, but Yanshan is there, and the old guy may not dare to pretend.

Lin Tian took the old guy out of the front hall. In fact, there were partial rooms in the lobby. However, most of the people present were masters, and the walls couldn't separate the sound. Therefore, Lin Tian simply came to the open space outside, no one was around, no one wanted to eavesdrop.

"What is God asking me for?" Lin Tian opened his door to see the mountains, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about with the people of the Protoss anyway.

"Borrow your Shennong tripod for one use." Kamikawa was even more straightforward and went straight to the subject.

Sure enough, Lin Tian smiled in his heart, but on the surface it was calm: "Shen Ning Ding has recognized the Lord and cannot be separated from me."

Kamigawa seemed to have expected Lin Tian to say this, very calmly: "You don't need to leave the villa, you can borrow it here."

"What's good for me?" Lin Tian is very straightforward. Friends can use it freely, but the protoss are not friends, and even have contradictions. Is it possible to pay no price? But he did not immediately mention the matter of Ning Luoxi.

Hearing that Lin Tian wanted remuneration, Kamikawa was relieved. In his opinion, things that can be settled by remuneration were not a problem. He was afraid that Lin Tian would put up strange conditions and even refused directly.

"We can make a deal. I borrow your Shennong Ding, and then pay you a certain amount of remuneration. What you need can be open, as long as the protoss can do it, it will never be hesitant." Kamikawa seems to say generously, but the actual It's cunning. The Protoss can only get paid. You can't ask too much.

Lin Tian stretched out three fingers and smiled, "I want three auras."

"Impossible!" Kandagawa's face changed so much that he refused almost without thinking.

"Then I don't have to talk about it." Lin Tian looked regrettable, and even a bit indifferent.

He still didn't mention Tining Luoxi. When dealing with this kind of thing, of course, he had to bargain. Once he came up, he showed his true conditions. What other business was he talking about?

Lin Tian not only has to achieve his goal, but also has to knock on the protoss fiercely in order to report the hatred of sneak attacks. Forgiveness is a matter of heaven, what Lin Tian has to do is to pay an eye for an eye.

Besides, the old guy's acting skills are very good, it's no problem to get a film emperor, who knows if he's acting.

Kamikawa frowned, with a serious face: "Presumably Yanshan has already told you the importance of Reiki. It is the key to the congenital great breakthrough of the reincarnation period. However, there is not much reiki stored in either the Medicine King's Mansion or my Divine Land. You have to go for three copies at once. "

"Do you know what this means? Three auras are enough to help the three congenious Great Ancient Wushus to break through to the transmigration period. The result is to completely break the balance of the ancient Wushu world. Do this. "Kamikawa was right.

Lin Tian sneered, and said, "Break the balance of the ancient martial arts world? Do you care? The ancient martial arts world is no different from the lower class in your eyes. You do n’t want to be aura resources is real, do n’t just tell me anything balance."

Kamikawa's face was drawn, apparently a bit embarrassed by Lin Tian. Indeed, he didn't care about the ancient martial arts at all. It was not a level at all. He just hurt the three auras. He didn't want Lin Tian to look young, but Not bad at all.

"Two copies, the Protoss can produce up to two Auras. Don't be too greedy. Two Auras is equivalent to raising two incarnation practitioners, which is enough for any ancient warrior to fight desperately, including those self-proclaimed old guys in the ancient Wushi family. "Kamikawa bargained.

The two are like buying and selling in a vegetable market. You bid, I bargain, and try to test each other's bottom line step by step.

Lin Tian pretended to be hesitant, and thought about it before saying, "Two reikis are too few. Think about it. With Shennong Ding, you can accomplish the things of the protoss. As long as they are done, no reiki is a thing."

In fact, Lin Tian didn't know what the Protoss was going to do, but it must be very important. He had intuition and was more important than Reiki, so he deliberately tried this old guy.

There was a flash of light in the depths of Kamikawa's eyes, and his voice was a bit deep: "Third reward, you can change another thing, and the aura can't work."

Although the old guy still did not give the third Aura, but still took a step back, Lin Tian smiled in his heart, and Jian Ling already scolded Lin Tian adulterer.

Lin Tian said in a dilemma: "I have little knowledge and I haven't seen any treasures. It's really hard to make an offer. So let's go straight. You give me a method. Don't worry. It's not the protoss method of the protoss. "

Kamikawa jumped in his heart, and he was really afraid that the lion Lin Tian opened his mouth to ask the township exercises of the protoss. This is absolutely impossible to give. Now he was all surprised by what Lin Tian had done.

He asked calmly, "What kind of exercises do you need? Except for the township exercises." The old guy emphasized again.

"Starfall Battle God." Lin Tianwei smiled.

"Star meteor warfare trick?" Kamikawa stunned, then said, "Elderly body art, such unpopular exercises, what are you going to do?"

Lin Tian waved his hand and said casually: "You don't care what I do, just say there is."

"No!" Kamikawa was very straightforward, but he added immediately: "Although I don't have this method, I have clues about it."

Sure enough, there were clues. Like Ning Luoxi's guess, Lin Tian was overjoyed, but he was still very dissatisfied and said, "Just the clue, that is to say, it is not necessarily found. In this case, the reward is greatly reduced."

"What compensation do you need?" Kamikawa said very bachelor, he knew that it would be necessary to be stabbed anyway, it would be better to simply.

That's right, Lin Tian continued: "The Protoss has a long history and presumably has a lot of minerals and herbs ..."

"It goes without saying that I produced ten medicinal herbs and ten ore as compensation." Before Lin Tian spoke, Kamikawa immediately took the conversation, and the old man also learned fine, let Lin Tian say it by himself, I am afraid it is endless ~ www. lightnovelpub.net ~ might as well make a direct offer.

Lin Tian finally laughed, and said very generously: "The deal!"

From the beginning to the end, Lin Tian was in an attitude of being able to kill, and did not conceal this attitude. Everyone was a smart person, a false cover, but it just made people look down.

Moreover, his purpose has been achieved, and two more reikis have been added. As for the medicinal materials and ore, it is the icing on the cake. In general, Lin Tianzai is very refreshing and full of harvest.

Hearing Lin Tian's words of closing the deal, Kamikawa finally breathed a sigh of relief. After living for so many years, he was the first time to see a young man with such a strong mouth and a young man with such a thick skin who dared to ask for anything but took you away. Eat hard.

"Looking at the entire ancient martial arts world, and even the entire ancient Yinliu, no young person can compare." Kamikawa sighed.

"Now that we have reached a deal, I will immediately let the clan people bring things over, and they will be delivered to the villa tonight. At that time, I hope you will not break your word." Kamikawa's eyes slightly fixed, it seemed to warn Lin Tian, ​​if you dare to play with me Don't blame me.

(End of this chapter)