Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2389: If I meet you first

Chapter 2319 If I Meet You First

Zhang Mingxing stepped out of Zhang Xinjue's room, returned to the yard, looked around, and walked to the other side.

When he came to a loft, the accommodation environment was obviously much better. He looked up at the top floor and flashed a red light in his eyes: "Not here? Stay for a few more days."

Zhang Mingxing turned and left. When she reached the gate of the courtyard, her eyes suddenly closed and she fell straight. Just a few children came back and saw someone lying on the ground and hurried over.

"Zhang Mingxing?" One of his disciples marveled, and then stretched his hands among the Zhang Mingxing people.

Zhang Mingxing slowly opened her eyes, and her expression on her face returned to the previous look, her eyes softened, not as cold as before.

"I ... why am I here?" Zhang Mingxing saw the gate of the courtyard, and saw the clan disciples again, confused.

The disciples who helped him were even more strange: "I should just ask you this, how could you faint on the disciples' dormitory side."

Zhang Mingxing is not a disciple. According to the Zhang family rules, no talented people like him can stay in Zhangfu to practice. He stays for other reasons and is just a mess.

"Why else? It must be Zhang Zhihuan who called him to do things." Another disciple said dissatisfied, dissatisfied with Zhang Zhihuan.

Zhang Mingxing was originally confused. When the brother mentioned Zhang Zhizheng, he was agitated, sobered up, and remembered what was just hit. However, he wondered why he had fainted here, as if there was a memory loss.

"Thank you, brother, I'm fine." Zhang Zhizhen stood up, gave a gift to several brothers, and left alone.

Looking at his distant figure, several brothers sighed: "Unfortunately, such good perseverance, but talent is not enough, staying on the mountain, but only being bullied by them, this is a place of strength."

"I hope he can look away and stay stubbornly, but it will only delay time. When he gets older, he will have nothing to do on the mountain, and the secular survival skills will not be so bad at that time." The disciple shook his head with emotion.

At this point Lin Tian had left Zhangfu, and along the familiar mountain forest, instead of going back to town, he went deep into the mountain forest. The reason is because he is not the first time here.

Although it is dark, the mountain forest is darker, but it does not affect Lin Tian's sight at all. Once the night vision ability is turned on, it travels faster than the leopard.

In a short while, he saw the familiar Linzhong Beyond. Windproof oil lamps hung in the yard. The light was not very bright, and the yard was dimly illuminated, like a fairyland.

However, thinking of Zhang Ruyan's disengagement and crazy behavior, Lin Tian felt that Lin Tianbeiyuan was not a fairyland, but a demon, because he could not understand Zhang Ruyan's words and deeds, which was normal and sometimes abnormal.

In order to avoid the situation last time, Lin Tian shouted at the gate of the other courtyard: "Uncle Ruyan, the younger Lin Tian called."

After a few seconds, no one responded. The other hospital was still quiet. Lin Tian raised an eyebrow, thinking that he would not sleep anymore, right? With Zhang Ruyan's alertness, she should wake up even if she sleeps.

Lin Tian reached in, looked around, and called again: "Uncle Ruyan ... Sister Ruyan ... Ruyan Girl ... Miss Ruyan ..."

Every few seconds, Lin Tian changed his name, and he didn't believe you could not bear to respond.

However, after a few titles, the courtyard became quiet again. Only the mountain breeze passed occasionally.

Nobody? Lin Tian felt strange. At this time, he said it was not too late, and it was said that he would not go out earlier.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian walked in. First of all, he went to the wooden house and looked at it. The oil lamp in the room was also on, but he was empty. He turned to the garden again.

Who knows if she will whim and sleep in the garden.

There is a gazebo in the garden. There is a puddle beside the gazebo. The water from the puddle is drawn from the mountains and streams. The water is of good quality and can be used for drinking.

Lin Tian walked to the water and looked subconsciously into the water. A sudden snoring sounded, the water surface exploded, and a figure flew out, hitting him with numerous water splashes.

The incident was sudden and without warning. Lin Tian didn't even anticipate the danger. I don't know whether the attacker disguised well or did not have any threat.

However, for him, whether he had the foresight or not, Lin Tianyi punched out with a fierce fist, and he believed that this punch could knock the car out.

But the shadows seemed to have no weight, such as willows in the wind, flickering with the fist wind, left and right. The white shadow turned around Lin Tian and came behind him.

At this time, Lin Tian smelled a faint fragrance and couldn't help laughing. He did not chase, but turned calmly, in front of him, a beauty Tingtingyuli.

However, when he saw the clothes of the beauties, his nosebleed almost bleed out, and the white gauze skirt was soaked with water, which was almost completely transparent. Without seeing through the eyes, he could see the skin under the white gauze and his exquisite figure.

"You little pervert, you can't blink your eyes. Last time you pretended to resist, come here, this time from your sister."

In Qingtan Town, who can say such a blast, there is no second except Zhang Ruyan. At first, when I met for the first time, in order to verify that the offspring of the exorcist and zombie combination was a magic star, she almost got Lin Tian off.

"Yu Yan's body is getting better and better." You are not afraid. Lin Tian is a man, not to be afraid. Although he is still a virgin, he will not twiddle. He responds naturally and has no eyes. Move away.

Don't look at it for nothing, anyway, it is a trap that you pretend to be, Lin Tian is thinking hooligan.

Zhang Ruyan did not evade, but changed to a more sloppy pose, Mei smiled: "Is that so? Why not come here, and study the problem of magic stars with my sister."

This is even more straightforward ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The so-called research is not like the first meeting? It seems that Zhang Ruyan can't let go of the magic star.

"The magic star is just a legend. Even if it does exist, what if my daughter or son is a magic star, who would I dare to move?" Lin Tian said coldly and arrogantly.

Zhang Ruyan froze, then lowered his head slightly, and seemed to be thinking. When he looked up again, there was a flash of confusion in his eyes: "If I first encountered you, that would be great."

"Ahem ..." Lin Tian was struck by her words, very serious: "If you meet me first, I'm still a kid, what can you do?"

"What about the little boy, don't you grow up for a few years? You see, you are now grown up too." Zhang Ruyan's eyes moved down, and he said a double pun, this look was bolder than Lin Tian.

However, before Lin Tian spoke, she suddenly laughed again: "Don't worry, you're Zhang Lingyu's man. Whoever I rob, can't rob her."

This was still normal, right. Lin Tian immediately realized: "When will I become a Zhang Lingyu man?"

(End of this chapter)