Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2408: Ominous bird

Chapter 2343 Ominous Bird

"What experiment? Will it hurt Xiaoxue?" Xiao Manxuan was a little curious, not sure.

"Be assured, with Xiaoxue's ability, which is so vulnerable." Zhang Ruyan calmly said.

Xiao Manxuan looked at Lin Tian and asked Lin Tian to pay attention. Lin Tian nodded slightly and agreed to Zhang Ruyan's proposal. Since Zhang Ruyan was willing to feed Xiaoxue the vermilion fruit, it means she still likes Xiaoxue and won't hurt it easily.

Zhang Ruyan didn't say anything about the experiment. She got up and went outside the gazebo. Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan also followed.

Uh ...

Xiaoxue tilted her head and looked at the Lin Tian people. I wondered what they were going to do.

"Xiao Xue, when Ruyan will help you check your life, you don't have to be afraid." Lin Tian calmed two words, Xiao Xue nodded, understood Lin Tian's words, and believed Lin Tian infinitely.

Zhang Ruyan put his hands on his hands and placed them in front of him. His eyes closed slightly. When he opened them again, a strange light flashed. The handprints changed at the same time.

The ground shook slightly, and two black vines broke through the ground. Lin Tian's expression was not natural when he saw these vines. I thought about Zhang Ruyan for the first time, and she was **** with a flower vine, almost what happened.

Zhang Ruyan's handprints changed, and the vine tangled around Xiaoxue's feet. Xiaoxue was also startled by the vine that suddenly appeared, and instinctively shaved his claws.

The sharp claw did not cut the vine for the first time. On the contrary, the claw made a sharp noise on the vine.

"Don't let it mess!" Zhang Ruyan whispered.

Lin Tian immediately soothed: "Don't be afraid of Xiaoxue, Ruyan won't hurt you."

Xiaoxue resisted only instinctively, and then he calmed down and let the vines wrap his paws. Although Ruyan doesn't hurt Xiaoxue, the vines are dazzling, because these vines are more like underworld creatures.

Zhang Ruyan's fingerprints changed again, and a black mist suddenly filled the vine. The mist lingered along the claws of the eagle, and finally hidden in the snow's feathers.

Xiaoxue's body trembled, and suddenly she raised her head loudly, snoring, piercing the tranquility of the mountain forest, and the amber-colored hawk-eye appeared a red and black flame.

Xiao Manxuan was startled and reached out and grabbed Lin Tian's arm. She wasn't scared. The evil spirits had all experienced it. This change was not big. She was mainly worried about Xiao Xue's injury.

Lin Tian didn't know what was happening, but felt that pure white snow, at this moment the black gas was dazzling, his eyes were flaming, and the spirit was full. If the original Xiaoxue looks like a **** bird from the sky, it will look like a eagle from hell.

Zhang Ruyan was surprised when he saw this situation. He quickly removed the fingerprints, and the vines quickly retreated, and soon they got into the ground and disappeared.

The flame in Xiaoxue's eyes disappeared, and everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Huh? Xiaoxue tweeted in doubt, apparently without knowing what happened.

Zhang Ruyan didn't have the calmness just now. He didn't talk for a while, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"What happened?" Lin Tian asked frowning.

Zhang Ruyan breathed a little breath and looked dignified: "Although I have guessed some, it is still not enough. Xiaoxue is not only a creature from the underworld, it is also a xenogene!"

"Underworld aliens? But it looks normal, and lives well in the human world." Lin Tian puzzled.

"Sister Yan, a creature in the underworld, isn't it impossible to survive in the human world?" Xiao Manxuan also expressed doubt.

"Who says it can't survive? Can't survive, how does Yin Yin perform the task? Don't you know that Mu Yun? She can come to work in the human world, of course, but only in places without the sun, such as night." Zhang Ruyan countered.

Immediately, without waiting for Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan to speak, she continued: "Also, I didn't say that Xiaoxue came from the underworld. To be precise, it has blood from the underworld."

"Maybe a long time ago, its ancestors accidentally strayed from the gate of **** into Death Valley and combined with some powerful bird in Kunlun to give birth to the mixed blood of Xiaoxue."

"You may not know that in ancient times, when the aura was not exhausted, there were many powerful animals, such as the Black Water King Snake. The Black Water King Snake is also a mixed blood. When it grows into adulthood, its physical power alone surpasses a lot. Innately strong, "Zhang Ruyan explained.

"That is to say, Xiaoxue is strong, not only for the millennium snow lotus, but also because of the bloodline's extraordinary origin?" Lin Tian was surprised.

"Then what blood is it?" Xiao Manxuan asked.

Zhang Ruyan glanced at Xiaoxue and said quietly, "If I read correctly, it carries the blood of the Underworld."

"What is Dasao?" Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan asked at the same time.

"The Great Cormorant is a species of underworld bird, also known as the Mo Luo bird. It is fierce and abnormal, and the underworld blood sea birds do not cross, but the Great Cormorant can fly in the blood sea and capture the alien beasts in the sea for food." Zhang Ruyan replied.

Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan were shocked. Where is the sea of ​​blood? That is one of the forbidden places in the underworld, the environment is extremely harsh, and all the beasts that can survive in the sea of ​​blood are all powerful beings.

The two had encountered the Underworld Beasts before, and the capsized regiment in the gutter almost died.

"I can't see it. It's snowy white feathers. The blood ancestors were so ox-forked." Lin Tian exclaimed, but also fortunate that Xiao Xue was conquered by an unintentional move.

Seeing Lin Tian's expression, Zhang Ruyan smiled, smiling gloatingly: "If you know the legend of Dasao, you wouldn't think so."

"What legend?" Xiao Manxuan frowned and looked pretty, because listening to Zhang Ruyan's tone didn't seem like a good thing.

"It is said that there is a soldier in Daxu's existence." Zhang Ruyan simply spit out a few words.

Military affairs? Lin Tian froze, isn't that war, war? Think of Xiaoxue's origin and the events of the Underworld at this time. Isn't this legend accurate?

Xiao Manxuan's expression was also unbelievable, obviously thinking of Lin Tian.

"Now you know, Xiaoxue is an ominous bird." Zhang Ruyan said quietly.

Hearing Zhang Ruyan's conclusion ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan frowned.

"Ru Yan, I don't agree with you." Lin Tian said very surely.

"Well, I don't agree with it," Xiao Manxuan said with a head in his head.

Zhang Ruyan spread his hands, indifferently saying, "What's your fallacy?"

"I do n’t know why there is such a legend. What I want to say is that, to go to his uncle, the underworld war was not caused by Xiaoxue. Even if there is no Xiaoxue, the war will happen. Blame it on the person who initiated the war. Why did you dump Xiao Xue? "

Lin Tian is very upset.

"Xiao Xue is innocent, he can't speak, and can only let others impose unknown titles on it." Xiao Manxuan was also unconvinced.

Zhang Ruyan bowed his head slightly and whispered: "The magic star is also innocent. Just because of his specialness makes some people afraid, he should be strangled in the cradle."

(End of this chapter)