Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2420: Chosen One

FTLN 2361 I am a lord.

At the end of the mountain road, there is an old man sitting on a rock protruding from the canyon. The old man's eyes are closed and his hair flutters with the mountain peak. The whole person seems to be integrated into the mountain.

The appearance of the three Lin Tian seems to be throwing a stone into the calm lake surface, and the ripples suddenly ripple, the lake surface is no longer calm.

The old man opened his eyes slightly, looked at the three, and said lightly, "How do you do this time?"

"Zhang Heyuan, don't pretend to be me, I'm not your junior." Zhang Ruyan was polite.

This old man is naturally Zhang Heyuan. The old man's facial muscles were pumped and he was quite helpless: "Lingyu is retreating. What's your problem?"

"It's still closed, and then closed, Qingtan Town is gone." Zhang Ruyan said coldly.

"What ... how do you say?" Zhang Heyuan frowned, a little puzzled, and a little serious, because he knew Zhang Ruyan, and she wouldn't return to Zhangfu at leisure, and even Lin Tian came, in his impression Lin Tian appeared Nothing trivial in the place.

Zhang Ruyan did not answer immediately, but looked around: "What about Lingyu?"

Zhang Heyuan pointed to the top and said, "The highest cave, Lingyu retreat is at a critical juncture. If it is not a major event, don't disturb her."

Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan looked up. The path they were on was on a cliff, with a canyon at their feet, and a cliff on top. The steep cliffs have multiple caves, the highest one being at least tens of meters high.

Click ...

While several people were looking up, the sound of thunder cracked in the air, the sky was thundering, and then the purple light was condensed over the canyon at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is no purple electric light in nature, obviously these electric lights come out unusually. When more and more electricity and light converge, a thunder suddenly splits, and the direction of the split is exactly the highest hole.

The cave seemed to have infinite suction, and Thunder was sucked into the cave as soon as it reached the entrance. One after the other thunder, the caves swallowed one after another, as if Foshan Cave was an ancient beast.

In other words, there is a strange beast devouring thunder in the cave!

I don't know how many thunders fell. When the sky returned to clear again, the valley finally quieted down. At this moment, a beautiful shadow appeared at the entrance of the cave, purple clothes fluttered, blue silk was flying, and a white tiger jade was hanging on the head.

The jade seal slowly rotates, shining with purple awns, at the same time, the slightest lightning flashes in the purple awns, as if a world of thunder.

"Lingyu is out!" Xiao Manxuan shouted happily.

"Successful." Zhang Heyuan was relieved.

"Finally, the white tiger seal is integrated ..." Zhang Ruyan said softly.

Lin Tian didn't say anything, but I could very clearly feel that Zhang Lingyu's strength had increased by more than one step, especially her and Bai Huyin's response. The energy blended into one, as if with a flick of a hand, a thunder strike could be issued.

It was really a thunder blow. In the past, she needed to expend her energy to urge Bai Huyin. Now, she seems to have got through.

Zhang Lingyu also saw the crowd. Finally, her eyes fell on Lin Tian's face, and her eyes flashed with joy in a subtle way. The beauty Tianshi jumped vertically, along the rock wall, and fell lightly in front of Lin Tian. At the same time, Bai Huyin also recovered his body.

"Lingyu, you're so much better!" Xiao Manxuan was envious and excited again.

"It just broke through some barriers." Zhang Lingyu was not surprised, but she quickly noticed the difference between Xiao Manxuan, and the more she looked, the more surprised she was: "Xuan Xuan, you ...?"

"What's wrong, does my face have acne?" Xiao Manxuan touched his face, but the words spoken made Lin Tian speechless. Women's attention to their looks really surpassed life.

The girl is young and beautiful, but she has no acne. The acne is the result of endocrine disorders. She has a special constitution. With the recent practice of burning Tianjue, her skin is better than before, and she is naturally worried about excessiveness.

Zhang Lingyu did not smile, but stretched out her fingers, catching Xiao Manxuan's pulse.

"There is a flow of fire energy in the meridians, and you can practice it!" Zhang Lingyu reached the first conclusion, and then she came to a larger conclusion: "So, your alien energy is solved?"

Xiao Manxuan didn't answer, but looked at Lin Tian, ​​with infinite tenderness in his eyes.

"I found Shennong Ding, and together with the people of Yaowang Mansion, we became a blood spirit ..." Lin Tian probably talked about Yao Wang Mansion and Kunlun Snow Mountain, and he heard the others' fascination.

"Wonderful, wonderful, Shennong Ding was born, and still recognizes you as the master, you are the chosen person!" Zhang Heyuan did not conceal the surprise on his face.

"I'm not a natural candidate, and I don't believe this. Shennong Ding was bought by my life. Tian hasn't helped me." Lin Tian said lightly.

Zhang Ruyan smiled and said, "Zhang Heyuan, if they don't believe in yours, don't take the fateful person again."

What this said was not polite at all, Lin Tian laughed to himself secretly, Zhang Heyuan reluctantly shook his head: "Not to mention."

"Regardless of the day or the day, Xuan Xuan is safe from the worst and has survived the biggest calamity. This is the most important thing." Zhang Lingyu said seriously.

In order to resist Xiao Manxuan's calamity, she and Lin Tian both broke into the underworld, and the treatment method was also proposed by her. Now that she can have this result, she is no less happy than Lin Tian.

"Ahem, by the way, what are you doing to me?" Zhang Heyuan remembered the business, shifted the topic, and resolved the embarrassment.

"There was an underworld in Qingtan Town, occupying the body of a living person, almost killing people. When we interrogated it, it was burned and destroyed by **** fire. Some people in the Underworld would point to Qingtan Town, but the specific purpose is unknown. Zhang Ruyan said quickly.

Zhang Heyuan's face changed, and it became difficult to look: "Qingtan Town dares to come, the plan is not small, this matter must not be taken lightly, you must have a Presbyterian Church."

Originally, the apprentice's promotion was a happy thing, but he couldn't be happy when he heard this unknown news ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Ru Yan, you and I will go to the Presbyterian Church together. Zhang Heyuan asked.

Zhang Ruyan sneered on his face and refused without hesitation: "No, I don't want to see those stubborn old men. I wouldn't have come to see you if you didn't look good."

Zhang Heyuan smiled bitterly, quite helpless: "Well, let's talk down the mountain first."

When they went down the mountain, they didn't leave Zhangfu, but left the canyon. Just after leaving the canyon, several people were taken aback by the sight in front of them, because many people gathered at the entrance.

Men and women, young and old, disciples, and elders gathered. Lin Tian even saw a lot of familiar faces, such as Zhang Zhiyi, and elders.

A group of people are discussing whether to enter the canyon, but the elders are not allowed. How can it be possible to put so many people into the confined place at the back.

When they were arguing, they saw Lin Tian coming out, and they stopped together, and the scene became quiet from the bustling moments.

(End of this chapter)