Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2437: Surprise

Chapter 2380: Surprise

"Brother, there is no problem outside, is it because the elders are too nervous, the last thing was just an accident." The apprentice whispered.

"We just started. Is it that we can't reach a conclusion by accident and work hard? Don't complain so much. If you don't want to, change to another master." The leading brother told him honestly.

"Hey, my brother talked a lot, and I must do my job, but I heard that Zhang Zhihuan has also come down. I'm afraid they are less polite than us, they are in conflict with the people, and the task is broken." The foodie disciple explained.

The leading brother was silent for a moment, and then said, "What wrong he made is naturally Zhang Ling's rain tube. We don't have to worry about it, just do our best."

"Also, the last time Zhang Lingyu led the team to go through the training, Zhang Zhiyu broke his task, and when Zhang Lingyu came back, he sued him. The guy was locked up and confined, and it was cool to think about it." Another disciple laughed.

Last time? Lin Tian's heart moved, remembering the last arrest of Yasuo, but they don't have to do it anymore, because Yasuo was already sacrificed to the general.

"Brother, brother, good news ..." A disciple ran over the street, looking excited.

"Little six son, what are you excited about? We just took a break and you said the good news. If you dare to lie, see how your brother punished you." The apprentice was very dissatisfied.

"Zhang Xiaoliu, keep quiet." The leading brother looked around and lowered his voice.

A disciple named Xiaoliu swallowed his mouth, and then whispered, "Brother Yu, I just met Zhang Zhizheng. Their group is rushing to the old city and said that they found any clues. Let's follow them quickly to avoid them. Zhang Zhizheng took the credit alone. "

Brother Yu raised his eyebrows and calmly said, "As long as it is to cut monsters and remove demons, whose credit does not matter, but ... I don't like Zhang Zhihuan as an outsider. He would rather give this credit to Zhang Lingyu. Let's go.

"I don't like Zhang Zhizheng either ..." A few disciples followed the lead brother and quickly moved to the old town.

Lin Tian knew that this place in the old city was under renovation, the shops were not open, and the tour was not open for the time being. Because it was a little far from the city, after walking out of the alley, a few disciples took a taxi.

It's awkward to think of several exorcists taxiing, but in the broad daylight, they are not good at showing amazing skills.

Lin Tian didn't follow immediately, but went into the store and bought a loose suit with a hood. By the way, he bought a mask, which led to a car rushing to the old city.

Before reaching his destination, Lin Tian asked the driver to stop because he had seen from a distance that the disciples of Zhangfu were walking into the old city area.

After getting out of the car, he turned into a nobody's alley, put on his clothes, put on a hood, and Lin Tian just followed.

The more you walked inside, the more dilapidated the surroundings, and even many houses were demolished with roofs ready for reconstruction. Although Qingtan Town is an ancient town, some old houses have become dilapidated and must be rebuilt.

Of course, it is still no problem to restore these ancient dwellings with the current repairing process of ancient buildings.

"Zhang Yu, I knew you would follow." Zhang Zhizheng's voice sounded in the distance.

Lin Tian jumped into a half- demolished attic and found a commanding height. He saw that two people in the distance had merged. Another group of exorcists was Zhang Zhizheng and his attendants. Of course, Zhang Xinjue was missing.

"It's the duty of every disciple in Zhangfu to cut monsters and demons. I can't come." Zhang Yu said indifferently.

Zhang Zhizheng sneered, disdain: "Don't be so hypocritical, I know you want to grab credit, but it depends on whether you have this ability."

"What's a cow, don't you just rely on the elder Fu Yu?" The food-discipline murmured softly.

Although whispering, they can still hear the exorcist's hearing. Zhang Zhiyi glanced at him and proudly said: "The comprehensive strength of a person depends not only on his own ability, but also on what he holds. Resources, you always talk about this, but you are jealous that I have such good resources ... "

"Well, you don't need to comfort yourself!" Zhang Yu, the leading brother, interrupted Zhang Zhihuan, with a cold face: "I can tell you that this time I won't grab your credit, just do whatever you want, ignore us. "

"Not grabbing?" Zhang Zhizhen frowned, not convinced: "Remember your own words."

"Of course we don't take your credit for it, because the brother on the way has notified Zhang Lingyu." The foodie said with a smile, the expression of glee was not concealed at all.

Zhang Yu didn't speak, apparently acquiesced to the words of the disciples.

"You ..." Zhang Zhizheng stagnated, his face suddenly cooled down.

The apprentice took out a bun and ate it, and said easily: "Let ’s be back to the audience. The melon seed drink is ready, oh, by the way, Master Lingyu is fast. You do n’t do it anymore, wait Nothing will happen to you. "

Lin Tian stood in the attic to watch a good show. When he heard Zhang Zhihuan was speechless, he immediately became more impressed with the food-discipline apprentice.

"Do it!" Zhang Zhihuan whispered, no longer talking nonsense.

With an order, several companions quickly ran and surrounded the house in front of them, each occupying an orientation in all directions. All the disciples printed at the same time, and a light curtain covered the house.

"Come out, I know you're in there, grab it, and I can make you die happily." Zhang Zhihuan faced the house, making a loud voice.

Is it in stock? Lin Tian moved in his heart, just watching the play just now, not investigating nearby.

Turning her thoughts, she was going to turn on the super perspective to see what was hidden in the house, and whether it would be a ghost from the underworld again.

A loud noise interrupted his thoughts, and the sound came out of the room. Then, countless bats flew out of the window, black and pressed against the light curtain.

bat? A string deep in Lin Tian's heart moved ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and I immediately understood everything.

"Master, Rossi!" Sword Spirit exclaimed in his mind.

Lin Tian frowned: "It is indeed Rossi."

"Isn't he in English? How can I go to Qingtan? Since he's here, is Charlotte also here?" Jian Ling guessed wildly.

Lin Tian didn't answer, but a vague thought swept deep into the heart, two blood deeds emerged, one distant breath, one near.

He has established a blood relationship with Rossi and Charlotte, and can control them to do anything. But Lin Tian has never used this kind of blood suppression, and he will not specifically detect the whereabouts of the two sisters.

I did not expect that now, Rossi was close at hand.

For a while, the bat had already hit the light curtain, and a black gas permeated it. The light curtain was immediately corroded into a large hole, and the bat swarmed, all of them flew out and swept away towards Zhang Zhizhen.

(End of this chapter)